11 Post – 1391 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This woman is a piece of shit. Probably brainwashed, but still a piece of shit for using a baby like that.

You're obviously upset because you're a guy and you don't want to be excluded. Excluding Muslims doesn't affect you, because you're not Muslim.

You don't care about "violent crime". Your only real concern is not being in the out-group, because you really only care about hierarchy.

You can admit that you were destroyed by facts and logic. It's ok.

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How does that address my point? The Y chromosome is the largest determining factor in violent crime, way more than any "ideology".

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Per capita, men commit more violent crime than women. It's not even close. Do you support restrictions on men just based on their gender?

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You're talking about Trump right? Here's the transcript:

There's a reason why most of Trump's cabinet from his one term don't endorse him for a second term. He's nuts.

Nope. This just tries to put the US back before the New Deal. Nothing is inevitable.

You know what I ask doomers like this? I ask "what have you done to make your town better to live in?" All politics is local, so if you really care you'll be already doing something to improve your area. Inevitably doomers think someone else should "do something". It's never them that needs to step up.

Fucking vote if you won't do anything else.

This is exactly how you do experiments in social sciences. You need one off events like a debate or Supreme Court decision. Gathering people in a room like this ensures they all watch the debate and don't change the channel or something.

"Cope" is listening to talking heads and ignoring actual experiments like this one. Donald Trump loses among Latinos when people listen to him. That's what this tells me.

Biden's big problem in the debate was that, for a few moments, he mumbled a confused answer that sounded like Donald Trump.

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Exactly. Biden sounded a little confused and disjointed on a few answers, but always made his point. Trump sounds confused and disjointed literally 90% of the time.

They are both old af but Biden has done a good job as president and sounds like a normal dude most of the time. Trump sounded worse every year and ended his time in office by killing millions of Americans through inaction.

Why does your comment assume people are going to downvote you? You don't even state an opinion. I downvoted it because it doesn't contribute anything to the conversation.

But I was told that all Biden's answers were completely incoherent? You're telling me that the media is making a big deal out of a few moments in the debate?! That's never happened before!

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Texas resident

Well there's your problem.

Why do people just go on the internet and tell lies like this? California elected her attorney general for 8 years and senator once.

No? The coup was stopped through non-violent resistance and diplomatic pressure. That's the opposite of what you're saying.

Why are you focusing on Biden? At least he's answering the questions. Trump can't answer the correct question.

He's usually on the previous one. For one response Trump didn't answer it at all and ended early. The moderator was like "uhh you have 80 seconds left". That's dementia. Biden's hoarse throat is not.

Edit: another one "uhh sir, the question was about addiction. You have 67 seconds left."

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This was done on purpose so the crisis didn't escalate. There's no world police to prevent Russia from nuking everyone. It's better for outside actors to focus on de-escalation anyway.

Also, Putin is not doing this because of Ukraine. I mean that's part of it, but he is doing it for domestic appeal. He wants to appear tough to Russian citizens. Two situations allow that: beating Ukraine easily, and losing to NATO forces. He knows NATO will not risk invading Russia, so he's in no real danger from the second one.

NATO is intentionally not intervening because it makes Putin look weak domestically. Russia has created their own problem and the war will not end until the people of Russia demand it.

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This isn't going to do anything. First of all, North Korea is probably not going to send battle ready soldiers to a foreign country. There's really no reason for it. They might send ditch diggers for trenches.

Second of all, this isn't going to move the needle on the battlefield. Russia already has more troops than Ukraine. They need more and better arms and ammunition, plus better support, training, airplanes, missiles, drones, commanders, etc. Basically Russia needs a completely different military.

Some people want to feel bad.

No, it's time to vote. Fucking vote.

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That's why I think trump will go down in the polls as we get closer to the election. The American public genuinely did want trump to shut up when Biden said that. I hope Biden tells him to shut up again at this debate with the muted mics. It would make him go nuts.

Literally just say "I whooped your ass and I'll do it again." Trump would lose his mind. He never encounters people who say that to him. Everyone around him is a sycophant.

He did. He was also known as a gaffe machine. Just because you didn't notice doesn't mean everyone else didn't.

So vote

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This is probably mostly laziness. Organizing a march is hard and requires people organizing skills. Spray painting some books takes only one or two people.

If anything, this just emphasizes how small this group is and how bad they are at organization. It's simple: get a lot of people who agree with you and march to the capitol. That's all you need to do but it's hard.

They don't love America. They love hierarchy.

This representative probably thinks he deserves the combat badge because of his imagined status.

Yes, they still have it. It's just not in cash.

Fractional reserve banking works because most people don't need all their money as soon as they get paid. Most businesses keep some money in the bank too. Banks have a required percent of deposits that they must keep on hand to allow these withdrawals. And if they run low on cash, they just borrow money for a day from other banks (literally just one day). The US government can adjust the percent of required reserves or the overnight lending rate to keep banks from lending too much money out.

Banks use this money to loan to businesses or people buying houses. It works well because whenever the money is loaned out it is used for a purchase and just redeposited in another bank. A percentage of that money is retained by the bank and the rest is loaned out again. And again and again. This way money is "created" when people buy things in the economy.

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Yeah, this is what convinced me. He already was president and lost as the incumbent. It's the biggest advantage you can have. He's not winning.

The average moderate voter is lazy and doesn't think about politics until a month before the election. Trump will be a way worse candidate in Oct 2024 than Oct 2020 or Oct 2016: older, fatter, smellier, more boring.

He has lost his novelty factor and now only has shock value to get attention. It will fade once people remember that he does crazy shit all the time.

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These are all small and petty things to worry about. Your orchard maintenance is your biggest problem? Talking about CARB indicates that you're in CA. You want more people to have wood burning boilers, even though your state has massive annual wildfires? Are you even listening to yourself?

All of your complaints revolve around burning things. I know people who work for CAL FIRE. You are wrong about forest fires. Small trees planted for lumber burn more easily than mature trees with thick bark.

And I'm sure if you ever need to use the terrible big government services you dislike (possibly because of a fire), you won't hesitate to ask for a handout.

Your brain isn't what "collapses the wave function", it's the measuring device that you use. You can do a double slit experiment and watch it with your eyes the whole time. Light will still act as a wave until you interact with it experimentally.

You are reading too much Deepak Chopra. Your brain is just a computer made out of meat. It's not magic.

Attendance at his rallies is already down. He is already fading.

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It's not a "failed model". Japan has issues because banks committed fraud and disguised non-performing loans. There are strict rules in the US about when assets must be "marked to market". Plus the US has a growing population because we let in immigrants, which supports a growing economy. We are not close to having problems like Japan.

There are also many levers the Federal Reserve can pull to keep banks in check. As I said, they can raise and lower the reserve requirement and raise and lower the overnight lending rate. This can prevent banks from going nuts with lending, but obviously can't prevent all asset bubbles. Sometimes people are just irrational.

Frankly you seem to be using a bunch of big words and implying that they make a point. Using "ex nihilo" instead of "from nowhere" clinched it for me. Also, you spelled "keiretsu" wrong.

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You think that high interest rates keep real estate prices high? That's the opposite of what happens with high interest rates. People can't afford to pay as much when interest rates are high (like they are now).

I'm judging solely based on your comments. You are using big words incorrectly. You clearly don't understand what you're talking about if you think high interest rates keep real estate prices high. Also, your description of Japan's economic problems are disjointed and confused, not correct.

Yeah, multivitamins work but $0.25 is way too much. You can get it down to $0.06 per pill if you look around. $0.09 is normal.

That's it for me. I'm not voting for anyone who sounds confused for 10 seconds. Unless maybe they ran against someone who sounds confused for 10 years, but only in that circumstance.

You might be wondering why this information isn't public already. Republicans passed a law to keep this information private. Yes, they're protecting the identity of criminals selling guns to cartels.

Fucking vote

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Jordan's loss is also a historic first

Jordan’s 199 votes mark the first time since 1923 that the majority nominee got less than 200 votes.

  • Ha ha
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The Germans were utterly fucked when it came to gathering intelligence because threatening captives doesn't work. Allies put captured generals in a luxury prison and bugged them.

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This is good. Increasing corporate taxes means they contribute more to society. They are taxed before they distribute money to shareholders in the form of dividends or buybacks. It encourages them to hire more employees or invest in new technologies.

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Netanyahu's response: "Why are 86% of Israelis anti-Semitic?"

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What's Reddit?

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