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Joined 1 years ago

Just a bunch of dudes looking to hang with other dudes. Nothing sexual. Fitness encouraged. Again nothing sexual.

hackmud $19.99 $14.99 (25% off)

If you're into scripting or hacking you should check this game out. It's an interesting twist on the Multi-User Dungeon genre. The game presents mostly as a command-line interface where your goal is to seek out targets to pwn for money/points. NPC targets will have vulnerabilities you need to find and exploit in order to expose a hackable part. Once found you engage hackermode where you'll have a timelimit to break the target's security (mostly through bruteforce cracking). The game allows you to write short scripts in JavaScript to automate searching for vulnerabilities and cracking security.

Being Multi-User, there are other users online doing what you're doing and you're free to chat with them and exchange scripts. You're also free to write malicious scripts that will steal money/points from others who don't check scripts before running them!

The part I found cool was that the game mirrors IRL hacking much closer than other hacking games. You'll often need to submit incorrect data to NPC targets to get an error message that will contain hints about where to go next. Ex. A webpage has "News" and "About Us" sections. You can request a section that doesn't exist to get an error message that shows all acceptable sections: "News", "About Us", or "Employees". You've found a hidden section! Using scripts to send a bunch of mal-formed data at a target and then analyzing which ones generate an exploitable error is part of real-life security testing.

Resetti doesn't know I'm playing in an emulator with save states.

The producer said he was speaking only for himself personally and not for the company, so my guess is that he personally liked Kojima and wasn't involved in kicking him out. The Konami CEO and executives probably don't share the same dream as this producer.

It's called xenophobia, the fear and dislike of anything foreign. Some people believe that if your group isn't dominant it will be dominated, and peaceful coexistence isn't possible between different groups.

These people are afraid that, if the English language isn't forced onto other people, one day other people will force a foreign language onto them.

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You hear about that gay Irish couple? Gerald Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzgerald.

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Chess player Andrea Botez started an onlyfans page where she posted videos of herself being mated.

Either that, or every company has woefully underpaid/incompetent IT people

It's this one. Cox Communications, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the US with $11 billion in revenue, recently patched a bug on their self-serve portal that allowed anyone to access any customer's profile. The bug was that server requests weren't being authenticated. If you entered the right info into the URL bar you'd be given a page with anyone's customer info. No login needed.

Do you have your languages set to both "Undetermined" and "English" in your settings? I had a problem seeing some posts with only one language selected.

do you seriously think this is and will always be about actual misinformation, and not pro-palestine speech and similar things?

No. That's why the Supreme Court exists. If it wasn't about actual misinformation and just removing speech the administration didn't like then the Supreme Court could reverse the action. This is literally how the government is supposed to work.

Kowai yo...

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Yes, also a running gag in Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

I applied for a warehouse job and the interviewer loved me and my resume and said I was hired, I just had to fill out a basic literacy test. I was studying at university so it was a silly thing to ask but he said it's just a formality; they have to do it.

One question said "describe yourself in three sentences". I wrote something like "I am very punctual. I enjoy stacking boxes. I'm a self starter. I always do more than asked." Get it? It's four sentences but they asked for three. The fourth one being about doing more than asked. Funny right?? Yeah the interviewer called me back saying head office didn't find it funny and I was disqualified for failing the literacy test.

I figured I dodged a bullet because it must suck to work for a bunch of people without a sense of humour!

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I used to be a funeral director. The majority of outsiders were unaware of pretty much everything we did. Often on purpose because thinking of death is uncomfortable.

The biggest "secret" is probably that the modern funeral was invented by companies the same way diamond engagement rings were. For thousands of years the only people who had public funerals were rich and famous. It was the death of Abraham Lincoln that sparked the funeral industry to sell "famous people funerals at a reasonable price". You too could give your loved one a presidential send off! The funeral industry still plays into this hard, and I've found many people are simply guilt tripped by society to have a public funeral.

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There are dozens of us. DOZENS!

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I like how these are always new hip trends.

Gen Z is super into living with lots of roommates!
Gen Z absolutely loves not having children!
Gen Z new craze is having sleep for dinner!

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A literal sexual demon, a monstrum incarnate, a narcotic parody of sex

Found my new Tinder bio

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It being 90% parking lot is the cherry on top

Largest prison population both in absolute size AND per capita. Also, random fact, their constitution allows prisoners to be forced into slave labour. Also, another random fact, their prisons are run for profit. None of these facts are related of course!

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Musk has burnt through $44 Billion. I'm sure even the government could have spent it better than he has

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I've been a vegetarian for 15 years. People IRL often do get offended if you tell them you don't eat meat. I try my best to avoid saying it because it often leads to being lectured about proteins. Everyone suddenly becomes a nutritionist when you explain why you don't eat meat.

21 more... is a tankie instance that loves China and hates western countries. Unfortunately, it's also one of the biggest Lemmy instances because it's run by the main devs of Lemmy (who created Lemmy because they were frequently banned on other sites for bootlicking for China). Thankfully, Lemmy is open source and the nature of how it runs allows everyone to ignore the weird ideologies of the devs.

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Does the patient look like a bitch?

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It's really difficult to want everyone to be able to access food, shelter, education, and healthcare and also be hateful.

The more you read the article the worse it gets.

  • A 16 year old died while cleaning a machine.
  • local laws prevent anyone under 18 from working with machinery
  • This is the third person to die at this factory in 3 years.
  • there have also been 3 amputations and a hospitalization from a severe fall in the same time period
  • all of these violations have amounted to $212,000 in proposed fines from OSHA

I cannot comprehend how a company can have multiple deaths, amputations, and severe safety infractions in a few years and only face a small amount of proposed fines.

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As the message says, the PS5 doesn't support any Bluetooth audio. It doesn't matter if it's made by Sony, you cannot connect audio devices to a PS5 via Bluetooth.

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These are a dead giveaway that someone speaks English as a second language. You can tell right away because they never mix them up. Native speakers use whatever they're hearts desire.

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My reaction to this post

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Trump's bible also includes the US Constitution for an added layer of irony.

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Victoria's Secret was started by a businessman who felt like there should be a store for men to buy lingerie for women. It didn't go so well. The stores were on the verge of bankruptcy and the company was bought out. The new owner marketed the store towards women and it became the largest lingerie retailer in the US.

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They're rich. Dave Chapelle said it best. He's rich first, black second.

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Married couple looks for third person to spice up their...gaming life.

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Um acthually, that's a toilet pipe since the smoke doesn't bubble through the water.

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Most of the planets are dull on purpose because my graphics card catches fire if there's too much excitement on screen. Thanks for looking out for me, Todd!

Remind me again which country is known for running scams? The country that has made it so that nobody answers their phone unless they recognize the number?

Oh and the country that needs to have a warning to women that rape is common and rapists are rarely punished.

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I've met way too many people who think schools have litter boxes for furries, so nobody would question a dog playing basketball.

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Is this loss?

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I can see the devs having no clue about the alternative meaning, but a game about gassing rodents called "Infestation 88" is a terrible look. I'm glad the devs changed the name right away.

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Duolingo regularly changes their app icon to weird things. It's not done to get users to buy things. It's so you post the icon on social media as a form a free advertising. The company really loves that their mascot has become a meme and play into it.

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