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Joined 1 years ago

Isn't it about time to fire up your space laser?

Back when I was in online dating (I got married in 2010, so it has been a very long time), this is how it seemed to work in the hetero arena:

  • Women (by which I mean, legitimate accounts from women who were actually looking for dates): Get 1,000,000 messages, approximately 999,900 of which are dick pics.

  • Men: See 1,000,000 ads, of which about 3 are legitimate people looking for dates.

So, both could be true in relation to the image.

I remember a guy once telling me that basically you have to respond to EVERY AD and hope something sticks. I never did that, and I felt bad for what the women must have had to deal with when I heard that. I had very limited success - dates with, at most, two or three women, and none of those really went anywhere. I ended up marrying someone from work instead.

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I have no idea why I remember mine, 520009. Haven't used ICQ in many years; I didn't know it was still up.

Yeah, this isn't an ADHD meme, this is a "normal human behavior" meme.

Most cars I've used with it won't lock until you put it in drive or start moving at a certain speed; I assume that's because of incidents like this one.

Welcome to the Dull Side.

Some kind of miracle, I know. Actually I got more messages, but many of them were either spam or never even made it to a date.

I have an old S9 right here on my desk. I cracked the screen, and took it to one of those screen replacement places, and he asked if I had insurance. I told him I didn't, and he said, wellllllll it's going to be a lot more expensive than you think to replace this screen.

That wraparound screen they had was basically also the frame of the phone - you're not so much replacing the screen as you are moving the rest of the components to a new phone body. I wasn't sold on value of that wraparound screen in the first place; this didn't improve my opinion of it.

We put a plastic screen protector on it and a new case, and I used it for a few months until we were ready to upgrade phones.

Communist means whatever they want it to mean.

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He should ask for @twitter.

"I'm a pretty tolerant individual..."

Bullshit. Bull. Shit.

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And the way Trump was controlling the vote by endorsing candidates? The whole party is shackled to him, whether they admit it or not, and I hope the Democrats go HARD on that in the next election.

The speaker at my college graduation was convicted of fraud a few years later. I can't decide which is worse, that guy telling us what a great businessman he was, or an AI speaker.

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I can't find the exact quote right now, but I saw in another article he said something like, "If they don't pay for advertisements, X will be gone. How sad!"

It seems Musk thinks he's tending another Mona Lisa or some other world cultural artifact that society would hate to lose. Not some website that's fairly easily recreated by, say, a bunch of hobbyists.

"It seems to me Donald Trump's strategy here is essentially damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead,"

That has ALWAYS been Trump's strategy for everything.

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Wh.... Why wouldn't they encourage this?

I mean, I know, but how dumb can they be?

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We haven't rewritten the firewall code lately, right? checks Oh, it looks like we have. Now it's nftables.

I learned ipfirewall, then ipchains, then iptables came along, and I was like, oh hell no, not again. At that point I found software to set up the firewall for me.

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So....Trump did nothing wrong, but he's telling a witness not to testify to his not-wrongdoing. Got it.

I'm a little sad about this - the planned Honda looked nice, the range would have been fine for us (we usually take our pickup on longer road trips anyway), and I was hoping to replace our Mazda 3 with one if it drove nicely and all that. I admit that I had some concerns about the GM underpinnings, though - my experience with American brands is rough, and our experience with GM is the roughest.

We plan to hit the auto shows next year to get an idea of what we want to look at more closely.

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Don't forget the Wall and no man's land between two countries where guards are authorized to shoot to kill!

I think we're overlooking the 173 other people that voted against this bill, too.

I mean, yeah, this guy is exceptionally bad, but a lot of other people also voted against it...

It's not just fast food. They're getting the attention because they're supposed to be cheap, but the price of eating out in general has jumped over the last 4 years or so.

For example: We often eat at a local barbecue place, usually getting the same order each time. (During the pandemic, we would get take out.) I don't have the numbers in front of me, but when I looked it up a while back, I think we were paying ~$15 more now for the essentially the same order. Adding $15 on to a ~$30 order is a huge increase, as a percentage.

In general, our dining out expenses have gone way up since the start of the pandemic, but we aren't eating out more often or ordering more extravagant foods. The prices have just gone up. (When we go out for meals, we go to a mix of fast food and casual dining places, some with counter service.)

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Right? It's not, say, cheating on his pregnant wife with a prostitute? I would have thought THAT would be the thing that destroys his support among Christians, but nah, they don't care.

But selling overpriced Bibles does upset them? Why? It's probably the least insane thing he has done yet.

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Personally I'm tired of having to bite my tongue in the name of peace and harmony while the right wing can say whatever the hell they want.

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Found Dr. Tanenbaum's account!

I'd add that if one of the basic libraries is compromised, you can't trust the anti-virus or really any other program on that system.

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It is incredibly frustrating that Christians see this man as a good person, basically the antithesis of everything they supposedly believe. Three wives? Cheating on your pregnant wife with a prostitute? Doesn't go to church.

I hope the Lincoln Project or whatever it was saved some good stuff for this election.

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You're browsing /r/stopgambling? Here are some gambling ads for you!

This sort of thing happened several times over there. I'm making up this example (I think), but there were a few posts on the mod subs begging reddit not to do things like that.

The only part of that I disagree with is the part that implies that is the only problem with him. Otherwise, yes.

I have a cousin that disappeared off Facebook that was a huge Trump fan (he literally commented "Don't worry, we still love you, President Trump" after the election loss). It's possible he unfriended me, which means I wouldn't see his profile or anything, but the timing is odd - you'd think he would have done that when we were arguing about, say, Covid in 2020. It makes me wonder where he was on January 6 and where he is now.

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Well said. I originally compiled my own kernels because I thought it was something you just did to use Linux. I also compiled hundreds of them, probably. Now it's stock kernel all the way. Not worth the effort and time and headache.

I own one of those trucks. There's several feet in front of me that I literally cannot see. Some models had an optional front facing camera to address the issue.

There's no reason for the height, other than "We can't be shorter than other brand". It's less fuel efficient, less convenient for hauling things (you have to lift stuff that much further into the bed), makes it handle worse, and makes it less good for towing. Unfortunately there are no heavy duty short trucks being made. Nor can you really lower the current truck due to the design of the rear axle. You might get a few inches, but that's about it.

I really like the Ridgeline, but it cannot handle the work we do with our 3/4 ton pickup (towing a heavy trailer).

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If you leave it alone, it's practically always fine. But the urge to tinker is strong!

Why did they even announce it? Just start doing it and wait to see if people care when they notice. You should be able to figure out people aren't going to like it.

No one puts out a giant advertisement that their prices are going up. Trial balloon maybe, to gauge reaction?

Being able to accelerate to highway speeds quickly is useful when merge lanes are short. We have a car that kind of struggles with that, and it's pretty scary sometimes merging into 70 mph traffic. Normally it's not a major issue, but one ramp we sometimes use is designed poorly - it's curvy, so you can't accelerate to highway speed until after the final curve, then it's up a hill, and of course there's a short merge area into traffic that's usually doing about 70 mph. So, there, I REALLY miss the power our previous car had. It's a frustrating experience.

I wonder how Slashdot is doing...

Looks like it's still going strong, but each article has like 15 comments. And the poll has a CowboyNeal option...

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And the tunnels (I-895 and I-95) forbid things like propane, so if you have some of that, you're off to the west side of the Baltimore Beltway, which is already extremely busy. Good luck with that!

(Relatively local person here who travels around Baltimore frequently. I've used the bridge that collapsed on several occasions to avoid the tunnels while carrying propane.)

I follow a sub that's all reposts from reddit. Occasionally I think about replying to something, but then I just go, "What's the point? OP isn't here." I don't recall ever seeing anyone else respond to any of the crossposts, either. The community is c/ if anyone is curious, which is a pretty niche topic to start with.

I'm not convinced it's adding anything to the Lemmy experience, but at least those are clearly marked as crossposts and are all posted by one account, so it's easy enough to ignore if I wanted.

On the "all" thing - remember that reddit has a mode, which is the default, that's between Lemmy's "truly, everything all" and "subscribed". In this mode, you'd get popular posts on subs that had opted in to allowing them to hit that page (or didn't opt out, I don't remember).

/r/hockey is a good example - their posts usually generally stayed in the sub, but their Super Bowl post (and occasionally others) would usually hit reddit's front page and bring in a ton of people who weren't subbed to /r/hockey.

This was a good feature of reddit, I hope Lemmy eventually gains something similar.

It's possible I misunderstood your last goal, but if you're planning to have Lemmy comments posted back to reddit, I suspect that wouldn't go over well with reddit's admins after they figure it out.

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Lots of houses in the US have heat pumps already.

This is about one state in the far north pushing to get them into more houses. Older heat pumps would not have been very effective there for most of the winter. Newer models can still produce heat in much colder temperatures, so they are adopting them.

When this was posted yesterday, I brought up issues with the sample selection (not random) and universe the "study" looked at (people using one of those sites to shop for insurance), and while I think most understood my point, some people got upset at me "defending Tesla drivers"...