Students Show Up to Graduation, Find Commencement Speaker Is an AI Robot to Not The – 446 points –
Students Show Up to Graduation, Find Commencement Speaker Is an AI Robot

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The speaker at my college graduation was convicted of fraud a few years later. I can't decide which is worse, that guy telling us what a great businessman he was, or an AI speaker.

Yeah well I had a Starfleet Captain, so I feel like I'm winning.

You have to give at least which one!

Hint, she straight up killed a guy.

Kidding, but holy shit Kate giving a commencement would be amazing.

Our pacifist, agnostic campus had a southern Baptist commencement speaker desperately invoking the parallels of graduation to a higher power and lauding our nation's military invasion of Iraq. How in the actual fuck did the admin greenlight that one. Strangest ending to 4 years ever.

As long as the alumni fund gets its share, it's all good.