
1 Post – 1352 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Trump is a liar, moron, idiot who can only appoint corrupt corporate stooges? His "NAFTA renegotiation" was a boondogle. He's stupid enough to think a 100 billion dollar wall will keep people with 30 dollar ladders from crossing one of the largest borders in the world. But hey at least contractors will get paid.

Not enough? The current out of control housing prices are almost certainly the result of the trump tax cuts for the rich leading to investment firms like vanguard becoming bloated extra money and buying up housing.

His completely corrupt supreme court picks are dismantling laws that prevent these same oil companies and their clients from poisoning the public by dumping chemicals in rivers.

Trump was an unmitigated disaster of a president. He is responsible for something like 3 trillion in debt increases that went almost solely to corporations. A vote for trump is simply a vote install a moron actor who played a business man for president so he can let international corporations strip this country for spare parts.

The advertising ouroboros continues to devour itself

Wrong, this is the elon musk complaint forum. Always has been

Yu zunk my buttlezhip!

that would 100% lose the election for democrats if party insiders handpick the candidate instead of voters. A better strategy would be to pickup a half decent VP that can do a debate and then resign after election

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Boeing says those capsules are just fine, its just a little leak, bro.

corrupt supreme court making it legal to bribe them? stinks

pretty sure 3 out 10 americans believe they've met a demon or space alien

Him getting JFK'd isn't an impossibility. Sad thing to wish for, though. I feel like Biden actually has good intentions here, I'd like him to just retire in peace. Democrats in congress could oust him as unfit under the 25th amendment and it would probably work whether the republicans join or not.

god the maga people are morons.

whispering more trains

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Once they start allowing exceptions to separation of church and state it also tears down the door of free speech and allows people to be prosecuted for blasphemy or whatever nonsense actual witch hunting

Everything I've read about "troubled teen" camps has suggested they are torture camps.

the supreme court literally rewrote an existing law to overturn the original ruling. Like it explicitly says "the debt can be forgiven in a crisis" and was used by the trump admin to halt interest payments the supreme court ruling was literally going "not like this!". Read the dissent on that case it points out how insane the ruling is.

the eye color change is suggesting women wear eyeball makeup?

dookie donald

there's mentally ill people in every country but only in america do they have easy access to firearms with hardly any red tape.

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"reaching out" is how the IDF describes shooting people

catering to the racing demo

This announcement likely resulted in aid workers being raised on the list of priority targets

"I'd rather kill the hostages and as many children as possible" - Netanyahu, essentially

whoopsie poopsie!

Also: I'd love to run Donald Trump through this

The new RV he's going to get also converts into a houseboat

I mean if you have to ask, the answer is obvious.

They're here doing everyone a service. Why are there resources to prosecute this but not like elon musk's insider trading?

The US will do anything except tax rich people

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Help them save each other, watch the donkey suck her off.

who the fuck are these psychopaths in the IDF?

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thats not a sustainable amount of horsepower for a horse, but it is for an engine. Notably engines are better at moving heavy loads for longer and uphill. The name is misleading though. It should be like "sustained horsepower"

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I think they are saying the cybertrucks are dumpsters

I think its that +the realization healthcare is fucked

seems like mental illness

if you found a corpse it would cause a lot of problems for the religion.

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The SCOTUS ruling on college loan forgiveness they simply said "we know the law explicitly says that you can do this but we don't like it so, no and we're not actually justifying this decision with any kind of criteria"

Should call it death insurance not health insurance.

Do you have an example of this?

he's created the ultimate mad max vehicle, unfortunately in Mad Max all the billionaires were eaten first

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"glide" is the most common brand to avoid

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but its okay to covet shit if they're not a neighbor, right?

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