
1 Post – 1719 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Donald Trump shielded from child molestation charges by supreme court under presidential acts doctrine"

"Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas notes that presidential child molestation is a time honored american tradition starting with Thomas Jefferson"

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imagine sanctioning the ICC but not Netanyahu. Evil

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Shit newspaper with shit ideas.

"christianity is about hating people and Dolly doesn't hate people enough" -the federalist, basically

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CEO does not understand who is doing work

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He's on point. Christians have attached themselves and their religion to one of the most depraved celebrities alived

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The crowd: "We love rape and incest"

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nazis and pinkertons, probably

woman bystander shot... They can't fucking just shoot each other and leave everyone else out of it.

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They're here doing everyone a service. Why are there resources to prosecute this but not like elon musk's insider trading?

If I ever find these hackers I'm going to treat them to lunch.

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Make the AI folks use public domain training data or nothing and maybe we'll see the "life of the author + 75 years" bullshit get scaled back to something reasonable.

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its clear in hindsight that there needs to be more regulation to prevent buyouts of competitors and more protections for workers under buyouts/mergers such as paying workers for at least 3 years after the sale of a company.

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there's literally a constitutional amendment saying congress can issue taxes however they want. The supreme court is so full of its own shit they think they can rewrite every law they don't like.

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Martha Stewart this motherfucker.

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Education should be free. This is at least a better situation.

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The US will do anything except tax rich people

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I can't wait until we find out AI trained on military secrets is leaking military secrets.

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Computer, translate

Unusual relationships with women

from WSJ into english

Computer: beep boop boop beep

Computer: "Sexual Harassment"

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weird that the constitution says nothing about "immunity" but the courts keep creating various forms of it. Its almost like we explicitly need an amendment that says courts are not allowed to declare things "immune" from the law.

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"How does this dying old man keep outsmarting us?"

-Republicans, constantly

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The descriptions suggest the counter protesters are not students but people whipped up from outside the school by media.

We know why students wouldn't have jobs but who the fuck are these people attacking the kids?

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some 300 people live in some of those counties, which is like a city block in portland. If they want to be idaho so much why not just move there?

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reason #838 not to work on a US government secret project, right next to "trump will leak all that shit to a foreign government and you will be killed"

lol please do it.

#1 Rent and housing - costs of housing are unsustainable

#2 Affordable transit - prices and sizes of cars are unsustainable

#3 All other cost of living - people buying groceries on emergency funds

Nearly all of this can be pointed at a number of big business cartel-like behavior: Air BNB, Price Fixing, Layoffs, Inexplicably high corporate profits, fraud and abusive behavior by individuals and businesses.

Fund the welfare state for god's sake.

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Imo if you pass a clearly unconstitutional law you should maybe be liable for some of the court costs.

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"I have no choice but to change my policy in light of this new bribery"

violating the constitution by establishment of a religion

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Its all to get around passing a real privacy law with teeth.

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republicans now replacing their nonlead pipes with lead pipes

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this is just slavery with extra steps. pay rent to the Meatball's real estate speculators or be sent to prison to work for free.

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While I don't oppose sex work it is funny that the people trying to legislate these idealized catholic values are all weirdo sex perverts who are willing to spend a lot of money for sex as entertainment.

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"no clear answers" 🤦

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Again like the tiktok ban: Rather than passing real privacy laws we're passing racism laws and pretending this helps privacy and security.

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You know you're dealing with sane people when their first response is that genital inspections would solve the problem. /s

god, ever since I heard Hulk Hogan was a snitch I hated the guy. This just confirms he's a shit pile.

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primary use for AI is self destructing your website.

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his election came out of treasonous interference overseas, his policy was to bailout people who made too many bets oil prices would never rise, his tax policy was to shift the burdens to the middle class and away from the rich, the current real estate laws that favor investors were created then, he illegally funded south american genocides, he oversaw a domestic crackdown on unions that is ongoing, his administration was run by the ghouls who later invaded iraq under false pretenses, and the guy was was also a huge piece of shit.

I'm sure I left out a lot.

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oh he's trying to buy a pardon, lmao

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tesla is fucked lol.

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