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Joined 12 months ago

May 6th, 1933, Date of the first Nazi book burnings. The location, Berlin Institute of Sex Research.

Wait no!

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Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

All I say is every time I see tech Jesus these days it’s over some drama, affair and exposé.

Do you know what algorithms are?

It especially pisses me off that they aren't even using them correctly.

They are not direct fire, you're supposed to bounce them off the ground.

Did you read it?

Double the emissions for 4 times the people? Damn that's pretty efficient in comparison.

I was once searching Native-American in quotes and was getting Indian Ocean as a result.

Edit: I was searching for statistics on electrification of the reservations during the 1960's. It may have been "Indian" with


I'm not convinced this is "Fuck Mozilla" territory.

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What? Clearly a tiny ding is enough to ruin your experience.

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Nobody wants to be slaves!

Yep. It took quite a few for the reality of the war to kick in for most people.

The Vietnam War by Ken Burns. Among other things, it's got an amazing soundtrack

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Metro: Exodus. I remember it being extremely pretty, but I never beat it like I did the previous two games

The Death of Stalin.

Right, what's a war hero got to do to get some lubrication around here?

As an American, I would argue that the United States didn't win the Cold War, the Soviet Union just lost it.

That's not entirely true. Work that's fulfilling is something I want to do, and I would be willing to bet most people feel the same way.

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Maybe. Or if you're engrossed in videogames, you don't care your neighbor is drafted.

Yes it is, it is the absolute floor that someone can be paid.

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You have to give at least which one!

Why would it be suspicious? Thats just like writing a user manual based off of what you see users do.

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And there is a bird, that urinates on its legs to keep them from getting sunburned

That's one of the links I followed, to realize that I already had it.

Rather I want an 1/8 pounder

Throughout history? Damn.

Imagine being me and paying for premium and using ublock + revanced.

At the end of the day, I think I get 10 dollars in value a month, and I know hosting data isn't free.

Edit: Right after I submitted I read the comment before me. Sorry about saying the exact same thing again 😅

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London is a city. Got you good.

My favorite solution was translating the website in Google translate

Not anymore, thats for damn sure.

Even if true, and was a planned attack, that does not remove how objective the criticisms were.

You do know microwave is short for [](Microwave Oven?)

I will probably put my money where my mouth is, and get a nebula subscription

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Edit: what I said was incorrect.

Are you sure he doesn't have a genocide dial like the gas prices one?

Long live the Terran Empire!

Who knew 1984 was right about Airstrip One

On top of the fact it was (more or less) turnkey. It worked. For months. Why would you look at the page when it works? If it was like that from the start, it would be different.