
6 Post – 367 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

A little less prosecution a little corruption please

All this misdirection is satisfactionin' me

A little less bite and a lot more dark

A lot less right just to serve the sharks

Close your mouth, evil off the chart baby pacify me

pacify me, baby


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If someone is completing what you ask of them, the ONLY reason anyone would ever care about what they do with their time is ego. But muh underlings! But muh meeting attendees! But muh sense of power!

Dinosaur companies will continue to suffer as they should.

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Reagan was massively anti-labor and oversaw the air traffic controller strike and fired employees who were striking for better wages and conditions. It was a harbinger of things to come for labor unions, many of which were then so gutted by outsourcing and neoliberal Clinton passing NAFTA, the single most anti-union, anti-middle class piece of law ever. Reagan set the table against labor, Clinton and the Dems delivered the death blow. Organized labor now only accounts for less than 10% of jobs in the US, and only with Coronavirus-driven alignment and efforts is labor finally starting to regain its legs. 40 years Reagan helped kill the American middle class.

Anything to get their IPO in the news. Ignore

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I trust the tough on crime Republicans will be appalled and change their vote since they're so against felons being involved in the democratic process--or are those just the darker-skinned ones it applies to?

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Plumber or electrician.

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There is a shortage of people willing to work for the wage you're offering at the terms you're offering. There are millions of people choosing not to work for many, many employers right now. It will only get larger.

Depending on how old you are, understand, for the rest of your life, there will always be more jobs than employees, act like it and be brutal with your employers about it. The boomers were accelerating into retirement and then COVID exploded lots of employment norms, for good reasons.

Employers have been used to, for decades, lobbying to hire, fire and treat you disposable on a whim. Demand a lot, there are far fewer of you than there are of their boring companies to burn your life hours.

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Let's not talk about Discovery channel either, it went from a history/national geographic channel to 24/7 reality TV.

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Embryo camps. Spotlights, very small dogs. We'll get every last one.


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As the article points out, US has been below replacement birthrate(2.1 children per woman) since 1971. Immigration is the only reason the US has continued to have a growing population since that time.

1.6 is bad but many industrial countries have the same issue--only they don't have strong immigration draw(or don't allow it) to fall back on. East Asia (Japan, South Korea and now China), as well as southern European countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy) have had crushingly low birth rates for years.

Social programs, entitlements and politics are incredibly affected.

At the end of the day, people are being worked so much and are so stressed they can't enjoy or don't want to entertain bringing a new life into what for many countries is a vicious cycle of exploitation.

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So I heard lots of frustration in comments around the concept but little commentary on the legality of it. Not a lawyer but do have extensive experience in HR and employment law:

Companies can put anything they want in a policy. That policy may or may not be legal. A policy that is not legal may open up lawsuit opportunities against the employer, but because most violated employees simply complain on message boards on the Internet instead of learning their rights, the policies and violations continue.

In this case, it has been well established that companies cannot limit your employment opportunities outside of work, unless you have a contract that specifically includes it AND you are provided consideration (payment or something of value in a legal contract) for this concession. You can be legally and simply terminated if you are doing non-company work on a company device, if your performance is not meeting standards, or if there are any conflicts between your employer and your other jobs, hobbies, etc.

There have been a lot of cases and laws in the last 5 years massively limiting the scope (because employers will always push any advantage as far as they can until they are regulated, legislated or outlawed) of "non-compete" clauses in job offers and policies. 10 years ago every employer was throwing these into employment contracts, some employees called them on their bullshit and now you don't see them as often--but there are definitely still companies (especially small or new) who don't have anyone who knows what is legal in this area and just make shit up. The only real holding power a non-compete has is if you have mission-critical information or trade secrets and again they must then receive consideration/payment for this concession of their ability to earn income elsewhere --and 99.9% of employees outside of C-suite don't.

If you're interested in learning more about employment law, trends, or have questions, check out my new community I created last week "Ask HR":


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Countries with non-renewable resources being scalped by profiteers ...who runs out first?!? Stay tuned ...

My God, how could they ever have it reactivated? Such a dearth of companies selling media these days, they would be absolutely stranded.

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He sold 2,000 fucking options at $1.43 a piece today. The largest trade he's ever made was selling 1,899,317 units of Unity Software stock on 4 June 2020 worth over $87,615,493. On average, Mr trades about 193,001 units every 155 days since 2012.

Stop clicking on yahoo finance shit articles. List of his unity sales history: https://wallmine.com/people/85761/john-s-riccitiello

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It doesn't answer your specific question and isn't meant to be preachy, just want to say that I'm shocked more people don't use public libraries for books they don't want to keep forever. Check it out as often as you want, no need to keep it on a shelf, if you really love it, then buy it.

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And the fine...the fine...? Money is the only language they speak.

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Voice, Chat, and Talk?

Awesome. As a recent convert after Google's acceleration of bullshit this year, I was surprised at the gap between mobile app and browser and frankly had difficulty understanding it. Glad to hear there will be an alignment coming.

Or Amazon, if you don't like your employees having labor rights, just sue to have the NLRB declared unconstitutional with such awesome groups as Elon Musk's SpaceX.

I think it's shorter to name the things Intel did strike gold on than the boats they missed despite all kinda of advantages.

They missed the entire mobile market processor explosion, inevitable as it was since 2009 with Android launch(or 2007 if you want to say they should have seen what Apple was doing and thought they could compete, which if you're an exec at Intel you should have).

They missed cloud computing.

Classic "big company hires/keeps overpaid check drawers instead of those with finger on the pulse". Intel deserves the very little innovation, success and relevancy theyve had post 86.

Bought my first AMD computer this year, an and 6800 Ryzen 7 with an on proc 680m gpu that is equivalent of ~ Nvidia 2050 discrete card. Game over for Intel.

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Fantastic answer.

Also, Citizen Kane was one of my worst watches ever, even in film class.

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You have "a massively large vocabulary" and couldn't think of anything other than "massively large"? 🤔

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Take out Russia and it's the CUNT club

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As is tradition. So Lumberg's stock will go up a quarter of a point.

Sir, we have the top of the line ChatGPT7 online. What should we ask it?

Ask it what our board should direct the company to do.

Sir its answer is to immediately raise salaries as there is no logical or sustainable reason for excess wealth at the levels of concentration we are at currently with everyone but a few suffering and living our their working years in stress, anxiety and misery for no gain.

What are our other AI options?

Fantastic article detailing the mountain an average person must climb and in the end appeal to not justice but whims of mercy to godlike industry CEOs thanks to lobbying and centuries of wealth and influence disparities that have been normalized.


Didn't know that was a thing. Built in or need a. Extension? What kind of editing is enabled(fill, sign, full edit...?) and how would you compare it to other solutions and online editors?

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You need to quit the NFL. They're super regressive, don't care about their athletes, try to hide science about injuries rather than improve their sport, pay super low for their athletes relative to other sports despite massive revenues.

Same but don't know replacement vehicle will be, hoping to just not need the car with remote work. Received 3 recall notices for our SUV last year: anti theft Kia boyz, trailer-hitch-wiring-spontaneous-combustion-so-park-outside-until-we-issue-a-fix-that-is-still-pending, and a catastrophic engine failure replacement class action lawsuit that we had to use the recall for as the engine suddenly seized up and they fully replaced the engine.

I loved how they say "park away from structures" as if most people in cities have the luxury of doing that or may not even have the option to park somewhere other than an assigned or owned parking spot?

Spent last fall wondering whether our car would be stolen or spontaneously combust first. It was measurable constant anxiety for most of the year.

Full retard capitalism.

Admired AMD since the first Athlon, but never made the jump for various reasons--mostly availability. Just bought my first laptop(or any computer) with an AMD chip in it last year, a ryzen7 680m. There is no discrete graphics card and the onboard GPU has comparable performance to a discrete Nvidia 1050gpu. In a 13" laptop. The AMD chip far surpassed Intel's onboard GPU performance, and Intel laptop was ~30% more from any company. Fuck right off.

Why doesn't this matter to Intel? Part of why they always held mind space and a near monopoly is their OEM computer maker deals. HP, DELL, etc. it was almost impossible to find an AMD premade desktop, laptops were out of the question.

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It's well played by the right. Make sure there is a direct visible tie between the completely unconnected areas of policing and diversity. Buy some Jan 6th friendly
anti democracy cops while defunding your opposition, it's perfect. Sets the stage for your coup attempt state military

Block subs that spew poisonous vitriol...but also block subs that mindlessly preach to the choir or are just repeating things you already know or agree with like political memes you already agree with. It's a cheap laugh or endorphin or rage hit but updooting accomplishes fuckall. Once you generally figure out how the news is presented to business interests/the public/labor there isn't a ton to be gained in any particular story other than...where do I file this latest entry of epistemology?

There is an easily avoided line when once you understand how the board is set, to enjoy the comprehension of position rather than to further develop.

Cannot be sold as chocolate in the EU for two reasons;

1.it doesn't contain the menial amount(10%!) of chocolate required to be labeled as such.

  1. No one wants to buy that awful tasting shit
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Do printers next

Neither of these is dead wrong but were rules of thumb that oversimplify changing and complex issues in the US:

"stay away from credit cards" - often prevents people from actually learning about how underlying mechanisms of loans, interest, credit ratings, and budgeting work. There are definitely people incapable of having access to credit and not spending it, so the saying may be true for a subset but if you always pay your bill in full on time and just use autopay so you don't forget, you're leaving 1-5% annual rebate for almost all your spend on the table. If you play credit card churning games, much more.

"The only things worth going into debt for are a home and education." - while accurate in the US for decades, the applicability or even accuracy of this statement is now dubious depending on many factors: career field and interests for education; interest rates, geography and housing prices for homes.

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Same site, completely opposite message 4 weeks ago. They just want clicks and have no idea what the fuck theyte writing about. https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/26/tech-layoffs-are-all-but-a-thing-of-the-past/

An article this week was pointing out big layoff announcements in Jan like googles 12000 had already hired back 7500 since then.

Because entrenched, and exceptionally wealthy interests. Reading about how about in CA there are tons of Colorado River fed foreign owned farms growing alfalfa to export to the middle east is the definition of capitalist success...the profit of a commodity has been made the most efficient; acquired cheaply for something otherwise impossible with international arbitrage as the medium.

Every time someone asks people in the southwest to take shorter showers show them this: https://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/2022/02/24/california-water/