Man gets boat painted on fence meant to hide boat. to Malicious – 503 points –
Man gets realistic picture of his boat painted on fence intended to hide it

For Christ sake, I'd go nuts if I had to see a discreetly parked boat everyday when I drive by on my way to work.
Good thing the homeowner association town had some common sense here. /S

all boats are discretely parked otherwise.

Interestingly this one was actually a town ordinance, not an HOA rule!

Corrected, and that makes it even more crazy IMO.

When HOA Karens actually move up in the world only to fuck it up for a larger area.

... if I had to see a discretely parked boat...

fyi: discreetly parked.

all boats are discretely parked otherwise.

I dunno, you "park" with enough velocity and you could definitely describe the location of the boat as a distribution.

EDIT: When I wrote this comment I tried to imagine how one would do this. Perhaps against a rocky shore, or falling off a trailer on the highway? But then these guys came into my recommendation feed and said, "nah, like this":

Etienne Constable, from Seaside, California, was told in July last year by local government officials that he had to build a 6-foot fence to hide the boat from view of his neighbors.

Good thing the homeowner association local government had some common sense here. /S


Yes I did actually read that, but it's so crazy I thought it was a typo, anyways I corrected it.

1 more...

I would have liked to find out why this ordinance exists. It makes no sense to me.

Retired neighbors with nothing better to do.

The neighbors complained because they have nothing better to do, but why was the ordinance created in the first place?

Because the neighbours with nothing better to do vote in every single election and are therefore more important to not piss off. Fuck NIMBYs.

So the neighborhood doesn't look like a getto full of people too poor to keep their boats in the marina like decent fokes.

Theres a newish neighbourhood near me with a high percentage of reasonably cashed up retired people... nice houses with 2 car garages on small blocks. Every other house has a caravan or a boat and they almost all park them on the street.

Some of the streets have been effectively reduced to one lane in both directions, sure its legal but its a giant pain in the balls to get around.

"To keep crime down" or something

Damn boat thieves!

I mean, if you can afford a boat you can also probably afford a lot of other nice things.

Unless you spent all your money on the boat, and thus can't afford things like storage for said boat...