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Joined 1 years ago

Problems? 'old'? I seem to need a little clarification.

I learned 'cable macrame' from my networking mentor. I can wrap a cable so fast, and it's not gonna tangle.

No, comrade.

Second this. When I sit at my desk, the phone's on the Qi pad. I don't need it all the time, and it's fine to stay there 30 min. When I sleep, same thing. I actually use a smaller charger brick so it charges more slowly overnight. I don't know what it's a better charge for the battery if it stays lower temp but it feels right.

iPhone 4, nexus5, samsung7, samsung10, and all I can say is the Samsungs aren't like the nexus5 but at least they're not apple, whose keyboard and features I just hate. Good earbuds though.

3055 was good.

1012 and ilk were also good, from the same era. I still have one of those running.

My LJ4+ lasted 21 years, the first part in an office setting and the latter a retirement in my home (and about 12 house moves). For its 19th I got its RAM filled. Woo! But we decided "as a household" that we didn't need a reliable energy pig printer for a few pages a month. It made the lights flicker and the UPSes report a brownout. But it was a good printer.

Now we have an m404n and it's everything today it needs to be.

All true. All good points.

I'm running out of places to buy a phone that offers a jack, though.

But my home rig is a USB sound dongle to wired earbuds usually. Occasionally a set of ANC buds for the bad days.

I love that you've set that boundary there and stick with it. Admirable. ?

Wow. Okay, I misread it before, but still tell me more. What's your story ?

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I always wanted to be the cool hipster with cabled headphones and getting mad about phones without audio jack.

I'm triggered for I think I'm in this comment. But I'm less 'cool hipster' and more 'cantankerous nerd'. But allllll the rest is true.

Ink stinks, but I'll condone the toner. Inkjets are so unreliable compared to lasers. Good luck, but I worry you're stacking the deck against yourself a bit with the ink and would hate to see you lose here.

My wife got the air pods pro 2 I think. Can't tell one from the other. She preferred the Samsungs so she got those and gave these to me because I liked them

And I do. It's the only piece of apple tech I have.

For me they for REALLY well. And I want people to be happy like me so I'm thinking all of the usual things you've been asked or recommended before. Because I want you to like yours like I like mine.

You know: try different tips, go watch a YouTube to confirm it's fitted right, etc. All ye things you've done or thought of doing, try it again with an open mind. And then sell them off, but yeah.

I hope, since this is probably a ways ago, that your current earbuds are working well. Phones seem to be incapable of a headphone jack, despite my startac-7800 fitting one in, so it's got to be fucking radio earbuds all the way, so you gotta find some that fit and make you happy.

A few more squares and we have the bingo board ready to go

Running npm install would give me a mini heart attack

It should; but more because it installs things right off the net with no validation. Consistency of code product is not the only thing you're tossing.

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Immediately thought the skeptics would say something like "any journo not paid by the IDF cannot be counted on to deliver the news the IDF wants and is therefore a threat to IDF morale", or something like that, to justify shooting these negative elements.

I'm sure the real cognitive dissonance will sound something like that.

Doesn't your work cover it?

  1. Probably not
  2. Definitely not with no job

Your restraint shows a great deal of character. I don't know I'd have the same fortitude in the same situation.

I built and maintained Open-source software.

I worked for SCO during the time when the rabid halfwits were weaponized by IBM to vilify everything SCO did or didn't do via Pamela-the-ex-IBM-employee's 'totally impartial' website. SCO was, and remains, the best job and work environment ever.

My software was surely used by nefarious types. But by that time, I was done with it: I code it, I build it, I distribute it, and then it belongs to the world. You can't have it any other way, really.

And, one day, find out what really happened with SCO/IBM.

Vent as required, dude. You're still a net-positive here by a long shot.

75% of American drinking water needs treatment to reduce particulate and parasites, and the treatment additive used to render the water safe is produced at a single chemical plant located in an area of severe flood risk -- which means that a flood could take it offline for a day or two, or damage it for weeks.

(Efforts to build a second site recently fell through due to ever-changing regulations. Of course they're stockpiling it in some mountain bunker, I'm sure)

The next Katrina could give us a brain-worms infestation via tap-water.

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I fear too many universities are businesses designed to fund seminars; and students graduating are whether an afterthought or an actual negative for them.

It was related to me that, because they want to keep their customers, one can solve any problem at uni - grades, minor victimless crimes, etc - simply by offering to take more courses. The only problem money can't solve is the one where the student has no more money, and it's over quickly after that (saw that one happen).

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Did they actually use the phrase "hide the evidence or we could get caught", or was that just how I picture the conversation?

Why can't news say "wanted to hide evidence to avoid punishment"?

It's not the product, it's the cavalier consumption of unsigned add-ons despite knowing better.

Months before. By the time it comes around, the only thing we're doing is calling the cab to the posh airport hotel (because fuck yeah) and bugging out.

As we learned during COVID, 'enthusiast' is not the same as 'expert'. This guy failed by-the-numbers and the only thing that saved him from being big-cat food was dumb luck. Good luck with the Lyme disease.

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You want the Council of Nicea where a pagan edited the Bible by decapitating people expressing ideas he didn't want in it.

Systemd was built by a guy who wanted to work at Microsoft with the help of someone berated more than once for an inability to work with others and generate decent kernel code. These are your gods

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law suits

But without the suits for law people, how will tailors stay in business?

But nntpd is still out there. Rebuilding Usenet will suck. But it's not impossible. Start from the net2 sites again.

Old mail RFCs included an instant message channel. I'm sure I saw code in either sendmail or uw-imap for it too.

I like the fediverse, but the old ways are still valid for their particular payload.

You're retro-justifying your mistake, dude; when 'sorry' is just faster.

It's like when you've lost the argument and you're still piping up with "and another thing".

Exactly like that, actually.

At my house we agreed I'd never play factorio. Not even once.


That's a dead city in Iraq.

Quick reminder: only for 4 months of the last 44 years have the Dems held the admin, house and Senate, that triumvirate that lets them do anything positive without selling everyone out for the smallest of handouts.

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Wow. It's like the asshole quadrifecta.


But the lack of verification and validation is a huge risk to flatpaks. As someone formerly involved with securing OSes, this kind of thing was scary back then and doubly scary since it entered its "don't confirm; just get in, loser" phase.

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This would be a handy way to get rid of half your staff, but the people you chase away are usually the ones you want to keep. As per the Dead-Sea Effect, the ones who will leave are the ones who generally are more able to, who will be your most employable people, and thus your most talented. Usually.

Making work suck, and letting the best half of the staff bail, seems like stupid and a game show.

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Share it wider: "it takes a village to raise a vigilante" or at least to look the other way.

You may have to wait 'til Tuesday* for the next TV-publicized mass shooting, but it wasn't twelve hours before the next actual mass-shooting event occured:

  • 1 death and 7 surviving victims of a shooter on 2523 W Broadway, Louisville KY USA 40211, with no arrest shown

Note that the mass shooting in Arkansas is almost a Mass Killing, as a 3rd victim has now died.

In general, there are on average more than one mass shooting every day in America, and often a high number in a day. On the 15th of June, barely a week ago, there were SIX mass shootings - Cincinatti, Southfield MI, Rochester MI, Detroit, RoundRock, Tuskegee - and 4 of the 51 total victims died. SIX MASS SHOOTINGS reported by newsmedia IN A DAY, but the record I think is 8.

Anyway, I just came to say you may not need to wait four days for the next one, that 4 hours is usually plenty. 'Murica.

*Voices carry.

the thick scratchy stuff is the only kind that doesn't get too slippery to hold onto.

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Do you have any idea how long it took to make any kind of healthcare reform happen when we finally got the ACA?

Considering the Dems have had control of the house and senate only 4 of the last 44 years, I'd say it's been 40 of the last 44 years we've gotten nowhere.