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Joined 10 months ago

Look into your municipality's recycling process, see how it's done, what the inputs are, what the total energy use is, etc, etc.

I'd bet a year's salary it's far less effective (if at all) than most people think.

"Recycle" was/is a marketing grift developed by the oil industry in the 70's. It largely isn't effective.

As someone else mentioned, aluminum (and steel) are very recyclable, and are already extensively recycled in manufacturing (don't forget that reusing scrap within a factory is considered recycling).

Everything else largely isn't, yet. Glass is very recyclable, but the transport costs are exorbitant, so I suspect it's a negative for things like drink bottles, while the energy costs on most plastic recycling makes it not yet viable, from what I've read.

Someday, just not today.

If the 3 R's, Reduce is the one that truly makes a difference.

You'd be surprised how many phone calls took place at that time.

Mayne talking about a show, or chatting someone up, etc. You were bored, so a phone was great.

Readers Digest contained multiple books in one volume

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There were handheld electronic card game players in the 80's.

Run it in a VM, then get the NoCD from gamecopyworld?

(Not sure if that's an option for securom)

So, what's the utility of labeling yourself a "bad person"?

Everyone, everyone is imperfect, it's the nature of being human. And we're all imperfect in our own way, though we may share categories or degree of imperfection with others.

What's more useful is to acknowledge when a poor choice is made, and striving to make better choices.

Negative self-talk doesn't help.

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My Lexmark laser, from 1996, just quit last summer.

Though I think I can fix it - seems a paper jam sensor is stuck.

That's a Frickin' Land Yacht!

I've driven a few beasts like these... It's something else

You "will try" tomorrow.

Take the word "should" out of your vocabulary for the most part, especially with self-talk. It's often not useful.

If you've owned more than 2, those are on you! 🤣

But yea, consumer printers suck.

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I don't mind those breaks... It feels like going to the next chapter in a book.

But actual ads, yea, not for a service that costs.

Though this whole thing is funny - they collect even more user data than they did with cable or broadcast, and now want to show you ads too.

Can't wait to finish my media server setup.

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Oxygen has an interesting plot, similar, but not it.

I think the prison angle in this film wasn't the main premise. Just how a technology was used.

There was an eye drop that delivered a drug or something that something to your brain.

Uggh, wish I could remember more.

Ah, yea, that seems more like something that wasn't intended for breaks.

Definitely disruptive.

Similar style, but that was a mini-series (for lack of a better description).

This was a movie (IIRC), and she was held in a prison in her mind (so she thought), I can't remember the details. Futuristic, but not very far into the future.

Hahahahahahahaha, oh man, how much you spend on a psychologist every month?

Also, what you're doing is called sophistry, specifically moving the goal posts (which predates the US by about 1000 years).

You later move on to attacking the person, rather than the argument (more sophistry).

You should probably educate yourself lest you expose the clown inside.

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Killer album, really shows their musical chops. I've listened to it so many times.

It's reminiscent of Medeski, Martin and Wood.

Your the elf that wanted to be a dentist!

Yea, pizza places have gotten out of hand in recent years.

Adding a delivery fee (which doesn't go to the driver) from locations that only do delivery.

How about fuck you and your delivery fee. Which is why I refuse to have pizza delivered any more. Plus they invariably get lost, though we're a few hundred yards from their store.

Little Seizures sells the same pizza for half the price, or less, than Papa John's, before those fees are tacked on.

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There was another movie around this idea very recently, maybe a couple years ago. Can't remember the name though.

Young woman in isolation, think she helped create the system, maybe was on Netflix like 4 years ago?

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piracy run by a couple random schmucks has an infinitely better service AND content selection than the top 4 corporate streaming services combined"


Yes, no, sort of.

I mean shampoo is definitely not the same as laundry soap.

And even between shampoos, there are differences (as anyone with skin conditions can attest).

Are products in any one category largely the same? Yes. But there are differences.

Static IP address and Dynamic DNS can expose your network to attackers on the internet. With Holesail, you expose only the port you choose.

Er, wut? If you're exposing a port, then your public IP is being used, as a port is a subset of an IP interface. So even Holesail uses the public IP in some way...thats how the internet works. Unless they're only making outbound connections, which isn't a new idea at all - Hamachi was doing it 20 years ago.

This sounds like FUD to me - of course your public IP is used, whether static or dynamic. How do they supposedly mitigate this risk?

There's nothing on the home page saying how it works, or how it's different than current solutions.

I'm intrigued to see a new tool in this space, but this one is starting off leaving a bad taste. Even Tailscale admits they use Wireguard, and even have a comparison between Wireguard and Tailscale that's pretty honest (though they focus on what Tailscale adds).

Being open and transparent is a minimum today - anything less and it's not worth the time for a second look.

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Lots of good ideas here, but don't forget to discuss these ideas with her first.

I'd recommend reading ADHD and Adults, it's a good intro to how ADHD works differently in adults than children.

Then maybe talk about her difficulties with her, and ask how you can help. Work to understand her perspective first, what she finds difficult, what she finds frustrating.

Then pick one thing, together, that you can help with. You need to work as a team, taking on challenges together (this is sort of relationships 101, it's a team thing).

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Or any business, not even corporate.

You see the same crap in SMB.

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These magnetic attachments hint at functionalities similar to Apple’s MagSafe,

Or perhaps, Motos concept that was in production 10 years ago?

Last I checked Magsafe did nothing like this, only charging/connecting.

Wow, that's pretty out there.

I've tested converting DVDs at different resolutions, and playing them on a 60" screen sitting 6' away.

720 is just fine. I really can't tell a difference between 720 and 1080, usually. Surprisingly.

DDOS can happen just from a script hammering on an exposed port trying to brute force credentials.

Bad faith, for sure, made very clear in the last 20 years.

Interestingly (I just found this out) Android permits 1 VPN connection per user profile.

So I run a VPN in my regular profile, and found my work profile wasn't using it. So I installed Tailscale there, and it works only in the work profile, while my regular VPN only works in my main profile.

If always assumed VPN config was a system-wide thing.


Unintended consequences - what are they going to do once 90% of connections are encrypted, include use of VPNs and encrypted DNS?

This is what they're promoting.

Host your own encrypted DNS on a VPS in a non-compliant location, use a VPN to connect to it.

So many ways these idiots are cutting their own throats.

Also, let's list the companies rather than say "Movie Industry". Or let that be a link to a Wiki article listing all the companies and their holdings.

Fuck em all at this point. I go to maybe 2 movies a year, at most. And I'm cutting subscription services, down to 2 at this point.

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So let me get this straight. It replaces Calibri, but nowhere on the page is a visual comparison of the two.

It seems like something you'd put right at the top.

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Roku has patented a way to ensure I will never own one of their devices, and I'll do my best to ensure no family or friends do either.

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What gets me is when websites don't work on Safari. Really? Like a significant portion of traffic is to iOS, it's a single browser you have to target, on millions of devices. And you couldn't even make it work there.

Web dev today is a bunch of crap.

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Every device booting from UEFI is vulnerable. It's neither a Windows nor Linux issue, it's UEFI.

Because UEFI has Code-execution capability before OS loads. In this case it's for the logo

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The number of people who will leave windows over this stuff is trivial.

Apple has practically zero presence in enterprise (where one company can have 60,000 computers), and also practically zero in SMB.

Business software is written for windows. Even trying to use a Mac with the most basic office software is challenging - even if the exact same product exists in both.

People aren't flocking anywhere when their work machines are windows. Damn few people can be bothered with learning 2 ways to do things, especially when they're not interested in computing. I've been at this since before Mac existed, and while I can use OSX or iOS, I'm not wasting my limited learning time on something I rarely use, and can't really integrate with much of the rest I use.

Now let's look at some other arenas:

Legal - they all use a small set of document apps (which until recently was wordperfect), and some legal database apps. None of the database apps run on Mac as far as I've seen.

Engineering - there are practically no CAD apps for Mac. Some do exist, but again, even the ones that are on both Windows and Mac are problematic at best on Mac, typically unable to integrate with the back end.

Most people don't have the bandwidth to learn a new system just to avoid the shitty part of Windows (which only affects home users anyway). It takes less effort/time to figure out how to mitigate the Windows issues than to deal with a completely new system, that will also have issues integrating with other stuff they already have.

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And get caught on everything.

I can't be bothered with the inconvenience of wires. Bluetooth quality is good enough for what I need it for, and the convenience of simply putting them on gives me sound is hard to beat.

I have a pair of noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones (not buds) from 2008 that still work. Battery life isn't what it was, but whatever - they work fine for how I use them (as one pair of several). I could replace the battery if I felt like it, just not worth the effort.

But I get that some people prefer the wired for their use-case.

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To whom is this not obvious? Top talent has options.

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I've already run into a few. I mentally thank them for preventing me from wasting my time and money with them.

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There's a check box in FF settings to block all third party cookies.

You should probably educate yourself before making inaccurate claims.

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