
81 Post – 1925 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I didn't say he changed it, but he links these kinds of misinforming stories all the time.
I originally wrote the article was misleading, but since they correct the misleading headline already in the first sentence, that wasn't really true.
So I changed it to the headline which is what is actually misleading.
But since this is misunderstood, I have now changed it back.

The fact of the matter is that u/return2ozma is flooding lemmy.world with misleading stories with misleading headlines, no matter how much they are the original headlines, they remain misleading. Those are often stories that in no way deserve to be spread.

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Just because you are still voting Biden, doesn't mean you don't care.
It just means you still don't want the raving malignant narcissist Trump.
Any somewhat normal person would be the obvious choice over Trump. Any person who is not clearly a traitor to USA and Democracy would be preferable to Trump.

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copying is not theft

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I'm not sure what kind of mindset is required to make such a comment, when Biden has actually tried to moderate Israel, and Trump and his MAGA crowd absolutely don't give a shit and actively support the genocide, and would support Israel even more.

So please try to explain in some fashion that has a shred of reason, what your thoughts are behind that comment.

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Still if the options are between somewhat senile Biden, or raving malignant narcissist Trump, there is no doubt for me who is the better choice.

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OK, and how does that relate to the option between Trump and Biden? When Trump would obviously be much much worse.
I'm talking actual alternatives, you are talking bullshit fantasies, daydreaming that hopefully the world was a better place.
Your argument may have a place, but not where it comes to the choice between Biden and Trump.

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Everytime someone calls their system a Linux based OS and not GNU/Linux based OS downplays the work he put in.

Absolutely, and the fact that people didn't adopt it creates confusion, some people claim Android is also Linux, which you can argue, but it's definitely NOT GNU/Linux, and it's definitely NOT a free desktop OS as defined by freedesktop.org either. There's a huge difference.
Especially since Android generally means Android with Google apps, and not AOSP. AOSP is open source, but Android with Google apps is not.

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I can't remember having seen them debating each other, either in person or otherwise. But their positions are well known. Linus chose the GPL license from an engineering/pragmatic viewpoint, while Stallman is an idealist.

Apparently they are quite friendly:

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This is why I as a multi billionaire believe we need to work on plan B on Mars.
I know that won't help the billions of people left on Earth, but at least they can die peacefully, knowing that the richest people will have a chance.

Land of the free and freedom of speech are such hollow terms when Americans say them.
Fascism has a very strong foothold in half of USA.

And what's your point with posting this? My guess is that you don't even understand it.
He is saying there is no such thing as willing participation from a child in pedophilia. Are you saying there is?

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Why? When he can win with arguments like "She's so nasty" and "Just words, those are just words"
Debating Hillary, Trump was most of the time completely unable to construct a reasonable come back. He will just throw everybody off with something completely idiotic.

It is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.

I'm not even sure what a winning strategy against that looks like, when about half the voters think that's just fine.

I think it's a bit unfair they call it just "paint" when it was merely cornstarch that would wash off by itself.
There's a huge difference in the degree of vandalism if it's something that wash off by itself.

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No Russia is completely responsible, if they hadn't occupied it, Ukraine wouldn't have to fight to get it back. Fuck Russia your rhetoric is stupid. The Russians are the Nazis and Putin will die in a bunker.

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Trump has very high standards, in fact they are so high they are what we call DOUBLE standards.

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Apart from the painting, it's interesting that Tesla needs to rent space to store Cybertrucks! Maybe it's not selling so hot?

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Why is this bullshit upvoted?
Already the first sentence, they change from the headline "without recoding" to "with further optimization".
Then the explanation "a companion chip that optimizes processing tasks in real-time"
This is already done at compiler level and internally in any modern CPU for more than a decade.

It might be possible to some degree for some specific forms of code, like maybe Java. But generally for the CPU this is bullshit, and the headline is decidedly dishonest.

Putting the filthy in filthy rich.

I think you were downboted for "hard slap", when obviously it should just at most be a soft slap.

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It's one thing that Trump believes that telling an elephant and Giraffe apart makes him a genius, the truly horrible thing is that a lot of Americans agree, and are prepared to elect him president of USA.

At less than a tenth the size, this is actually a better explanation than the article. Already correcting the fact that we do at the very beginning.
If you absolutely had to put a bit width on the Zen 4, the 2x128 bit data bus is probably the best single measure totaling 256 bit IMO.

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I agree, the phrasing is bad, but that doesn't change that if you read it carefully, the meaning is clear.
There is absolutely no reasonable basis for claiming he is defending pedophiles, when what he does is the direct opposite, by logically proving that a common defense they use is invalid, because you can never claim to know participation is voluntary. It is per definition coerced.

VW doesn't own a single one of the other brands on that list.

It's not a reversal in any way, but a continuation of a policy of obstructing aid to Ukraine to help Russia, because Republican have chosen to follow Trump, and be traitors against USA and democracy.
Anyone who thought otherwise and actually believed them is an idiot. And it's time Republicans realize that Trump and Putin are losers.
If Trump wins the election, USA will lose the core values it was founded on.

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Nestle is a notorious scumbag company, personally I have avoided anything Nestle all my life, since when I grew up, there were already news about illegally bad quality/harmful formula food. I have NEVER heard a good thing about that company.

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The Crew’s servers, scheduled for Sunday March 31, represents a “gray area” in videogame consumer law that he would like to challenge.
I think the argument to make is that The Crew was sold under a perpetual license, not a subscription, so we were being sold a good, not a service
the seller rendered the game unusable and deprived it of all value after the point of sale.

Goddam right, that's not a grey area IMO, that shit ought to be illegal. Maybe there should be a term, like let's say 90 years maybe?

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Yes and in 2019 Musk's claims went even further, when he claimed it was stupid to buy anything but Tesla, because next year (2020) You would be able to make money on it as a RoboTaxi. As I recall it was $200,000.- you should be able to make on a Tesla per year!!! Why he sold them then is a bit strange?
He also claimed that instead of losing value, a Tesla would increase as much as five times in value in a year, because FSD was worth that much.

How this man hasn't been jailed for fraud years ago is beyond me, I could understand if USA was a corrupt country for the rich...
oh... Never mind.

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Just don't use Chrome, switch to Firefox and use the original µBlock origin.
Firefox saved the Internet from monopolization by Microsoft once, hopefully it can do it again against Google.
But it requires that people stop using Chrome.

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AOC warned against this, now Trump gets more time for his shenanigans.

That's not necessary, obviously Americans would never elect a criminal for President.
This was probably the general thinking before everything went batshit crazy among Republicans.

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IMO it became very evident very quickly after Trump became president, that Pelosi was extremely bad for the Democrats. Pelosi actively prevented Democrats from acting on issues that had a clear majority and great significance.
It's absolutely a plus for Democrats that Pelosi is finally out.

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Corrected headline: Trump complains he cannot baselessly slander and instigate violence against innocent people connected to his court cases.
Meanwhile he is still allowed to do it against everybody else.

No, you don't throw away $44 billion just for shit and giggles, not even if you are as rich as Musk. Musk is (probably) a narcissist who thought he could make it work in his delusional mind.

He wanted a mouthpiece for the MAGA crowd, and he probably thought the desire in the population for it, would make it succeed, if he made the platform embrace that. He probably envisioned himself as a great liberator, who would be celebrated for bringing free speech back to America.

Musk has been losing it for a long time, and it seems to only get worse.

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according to a social media post by Musk himself

Very few in the comments seems to have noticed this pretty crucial part.
Let's wait and see the actual result.


Ah well, they actually went ahead and did it. Good for Musk I guess, I doubt it's good for anybody else.

Did the judge by any chance suddenly get $20 million richer?
How is this not corruption? All lawyers I've heard, say you need to put down the full amount. Are they ALL wrong?

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Nonono don't do it!!
Just look how it went in Germany, they went from 40 to 35 and then last year they overtook Japan as the 3rd largest economy in the world.
But if they had kept 40 hour work week, they might have done that a year earlier.

I tell you 32 hour work week will be an absolute disaster, marriages will break because people will have time to spend together. This is why the christian right will oppose this tooth and nail, and you should too.


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Technically correct is the best kind of correct.
If you copy something you are not entitled to because of copyright, it's copyright infringement.
With theft the originally owner loses what is stolen, with copyright infringement the owner only loses the license fee for 1 copy.

Not the same thing, and calling it theft is purely a propaganda term invented by the media industry.

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suggested Taiwan should become a ‘special administrative zone’ in China

Yes, because that worked so perfectly for Hong Kong. 🤥

I bet China would embrace such a deal happily even with eager, wait a few years, and then force full integration.

Musk is such an idiot, that I lack words to describe it. He has been convinced (bribed) by China to spew shit in all directions regarding Ukraine and Taiwan, he is 100% an undeclared foreign agent of the worst kind.

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It's kind of funny how AI has the exact same problems some humans have.
I always thought AI wouldn't have that kind of problems, because they would be carefully fed accurate information.
Instead they are taught from things like Facebook and the thing formerly known as Twitter.
What an idiotic timeline we are in. LOL

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