USA Today: Biden has no business running for president. The debate proved it. to politics – -8 points –
Biden has no business running for president. The debate proved it.

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OK, and how does that relate to the option between Trump and Biden? When Trump would obviously be much much worse.
I'm talking actual alternatives, you are talking bullshit fantasies, daydreaming that hopefully the world was a better place.
Your argument may have a place, but not where it comes to the choice between Biden and Trump.

you are talking bullshit fantasies

All of the things I mentioned really happened. Linked them plenty of times already if you need them again Google is your friend.

Cool. Joe Biden is a genocidal dottering old fuck.

What's your plan? If anyone has a functional alternative to preventing the country from failing completely into Christian fascistism in November I am all fucking ears.

Jill Stein appears to be the candidate to rally behind.

Functional plan. If Stein was able to coalesce power she would have done it in the past decade. Even with the russian propaganda she barely broke 1% of the popular vote.

Yeah israeli propaganda is much better. Gets those libs all riled up and hallucinating.

Not even saying she was a plant, just a useful tool. Jill Stein has had chances and failed-not a viable plan. So what else?

Hillary Clinton was a useful tool.

Biden just announced he's gonna keep running so if you don't want Stein you better get ready for Trump.

Please explain Jill Stein's path to victory to me.

The same as Biden's plan to victory. The only one not making it happen is voters, she is on enough states ballots to get to 270. A vote for Biden is a throwaway vote, last night was the nail in his presidential coffin

So. Biden being less than 10 points behind in swing states is a death knell. But Stein needing to make up 50 points everwhere is doable? Really. Reeeeally The Biden alternative needs to have a snowball's chance.

These people are insane lmao. Stein is the choice? and it's up to the voters to make it right?, shouted from right here from Lemmy - the famous public square of the internet, no less.

I really appreciate the content they post most of the time but there are better candidates out there who have more skin in the game and aren't Russian cutouts like fucking Jill Stein. Then again, someone posted a young Turks video in which Uygur makes the same argument criticizing Biden for his failures at the debate and it instantly caught like 15 down votes. Lemmy is fake as fuck.

The only one denying that chance are voters. They could either vote for the potato that they just saw at the debate or they can vote for an alternative that can complete sentences. One that actually has viable policies to help the climate and the working class. Instead of hollow platitudes coming from capitalists.

Joe Biden is a guaranteed loss. All the Democrats jump ship. Jill Stein has the most momentum and isn't senile. We live happily ever after.