1 Post – 181 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

PM me vegan chili recipes.

It's a thing. Now that you know, watch for it in the wild. Usernames, tattoos, bumperstickers, t-shirts. These people like to advertise.

Yes, but in the car there is still a bag of appropriate winter clothes for emergencies.

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Now everybody go fucking vote.

Protest every fucking step of the way. But on 11/5 get your ass to the polls. Voting is not an endorsement, it's a measure to hold back the christofascist state so more ten year olds don't have to carry their rapist's baby to term.

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Yeah. Many of us have an alarm set to take a fucking pill every fucking day and at the same fucking time for decades, but sure, yea, it's not 'normal' to think or care about reproductive rights. This fucker. *

It's commonly got around too by those with the resources by switching the assets into a trust or in another person's name a few years before they need the long-term care. Literally only penalizes the most vulnerable. NYS long-term care is so stupid expensive because they privatized it.

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This usually places undue burden on women, poor and generally anybody not a white dude.

Say you are a woman, okay you've got your certified copy of your birth certificate $10-but wait the name doesn't match because you got married.

Now you need a marriage certificate, thats another $10 and the trouble of contacting another municipal office.

Oh were you married twice? Thats tracking down another 2 municipal offices, another $10 marriage cert and now a certified judgement of divorce which will cost-ooh was your children's custody agreement a part of that? $40. Did you not remember your divorce file number from 30 years ago? It'll be an additional $5 per name per every 2 years searched.

I've seen women spend like $200 just on certified copies to get a realID driver's license. Has a chilling effect on registering, to solve a problem of voter fraud that doesn't really exist.

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Every other* year I vote against this fucker hard enough to put a hole through the ballot. This is why it is important we switch out those lead pipes.

Don't you jinx this.

On the human rights. Now cut the shit. Cognitive empathy is a learned skill one can practice. Try.

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Don't vote -> ??? -> World peace

Draw me the rest of the fucking owl. I've yet to hear a plan as to how not voting actually helps anyone.

I have no illusions what Biden is. Or what Trump is. Vote.

More dominoes lined up this go around.

More safe guards have eroded since 2020. The Republicans that did not fall to heel have been replaced.

Last time he had less of a plan, and less institutional support. Now they have lists of supporters to fill the non-elected positions -those were the people that who slowrolled and resisted his worst policies before.

I'd like to be more optimistic, but this isn't going to be a fair fight and the stakes are higher.

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Older women in my family—with the best of intentions, have pleaded with me to overlook abusive, violent men at home because men just can't help the way they are and it's a woman's job to forget and make peace.

These are people that fundamentally don't think they have a right to baseline respect in their own homes by the people who supposedly loved them most. They'd need a decade's worth of therapy just to find their best interests, and then another to act on them.

Ugh. What will it take for Hillary to stop fucking up elections?

Yep. But other medical products have been exempt the whole time.

I press in the sharpie very hard when I vote against her.

Why do you think the supreme court kneecapped the EPA?

The best people tell me Hillary Clinton had a tamagotchi just like it. So sad. So sad.

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At least they finally have to crack open the war chest on this.

By fridge-light at 2am, spread on a soft corn tortilla with a sprinkle of nutritional yeast.

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He says he's got nothing to do with it. Yet-he's got senior advisors and past appointees that helped write it and support it. He says he needs the heritage foundation -the organization that made it, to accomplish his goals. His super PAC runs ads for it. He stands in front of a podium and calls for things that are pretty identical to what's in it.

Stop watching the mouth and look at the goddamn hands.

He will say anything to lever himself more power because the only way he out runs the shadow of his crimes is by becoming president again.

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Its good for trans kids, but also we should be doing it just to normalize menstrual products. I remember being a young teen and driven to the grocery store so I could shuffle in, bent over double with pain to buy what I needed because my father didn't want to be seen touching the package. Seems a small price to destigmatize it.

Hm. I am a bit sorry for you and for those around you online stranger. Righteous intolerance is like drinking, at first its cruelty gives you rush but you'll have to keep going to avoid the hangover -to keep the doubt at bay. And like all drunks, you'll get so deep in your cups to wound those you care about. They'll have to make the choice to suffer you or walk away. Listen to the chorus, take control of yourself and stop the tragedy before the third act. Cognitive empathy is a skill you can practice now.

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Wtf is a public 'virtual snap primary'? The Board of Elections is on the county level. Does BLM think you can pick up the phone and get 3k counties to... what? Make a surveymonkey? smh.

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Thank you! It's always interesting to listen to professionals in a field use technical language. 😃

Consolidation of US media. Billionaires will burn the world down rather than cede an inch, and it's their narratives that get amplified.

...We also sometimes eat other people when shit hits the fan. 🙁.

I'm not sure Edgar Rice Burroughs was going for realism either. It's just a pulpy action book all about how this noble born white dude is just naturally superior to everyone else just because he's a lord.

Show me these exceptions.

Did we make them Ohio for that ten year old? Are we making them in Texas? Cox was a privileged white lady with means to try the system and ability to seek treatment elsewhere. Do you think people with less will be better advocates for themselves? Apply some goddamn logic.

You seem to love this idea about the way the world should work to the extent you ignore how it actually runs. Show me the test that indicates a pregnancy is a product of rape. Or will the woman have to wait until the sentencing? (You do understand many many rapes are never reported?) Birth control fails! A big swath of abortions are from married women with kids who just want to best provide for the families they have. So to 'save' a fetus we condemn other kids? How does that make any sense to you? Arguments to deny reproductive autonomy are completely illogical.

I had a job once with a coworker who had to go home everyday to make her fully able husband lunch or he wouldn't eat. She didn't like doing it and often apologized because it made her late. How the does acting like this give these guys an impression of 'strength'?

I will absolutely blame you. I wanted Sanders enough to switch parties to vote for him in the primary. I get it.

But this time isn't about getting what we want. This is about reducing harm. The math is simple, more people will die and suffer under Trump. He will vilify the weakest of us to give his base red meat to chew on. Do you not have enough examples as to what happens when a population is dehumanized? Is that a thing you will allow in order to keep your ideals pristine?

You want change? Start local. Find like minded people and build a resilient community -that's where we can find power. Start voting people into office from the bottom up.

It's a sprint right now to stop the worst from happening but a marathon to make an equitable society.

I'd argue it's worse. Courts are going all in on one specific (possibility minority? Anyone got the numbers on this?) supernatural belief.

Plenty of religions cough and the bible cough believe life starts with the first breath.

cool cool cool. When does she keelhaul him?

I have relatives with master's degrees that work in education that you can not convince that cat litter bathrooms are not a thing.

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We'll burn that bridge when we come to it. First we register to vote.

Don't know this lady's story. But post natal psychosis is a real tragic thing that can happen. This isnt the action of someone possessing their faculties.

Why when abortion is available would you carry to term -and then so impulsively act? If for whatever reason she didn't want the baby and couldn't get the abortion, she had months to come up with a better plan than 'throw it out a window'. Either she was undiagnosed with something the whole time, or the birth triggered a psychological episode imo.

What you are describing happens in primaries.

If you vote in the general for an R, oddly enough, politicians think you support the R ticket. Way to kneecap progressives guy.

Progressive policies are popular. But progressives have done a shit job of turning that enthusiasm into political capital. Waiting every four years for a nationally appealing, ideologically perfect candidate to magically fall in our lap seems to be a winning strategy—for republicans. Too many would be progressives give up if they can't have the whole cake handed to them instead of rolling up some sleeves and learning how to work from scratch.

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nah, wet food is better. If cats don't get enough water they can get crystals in their urinary system. Very painful and can create blockages at are fatal. If your cat is ever straining in the litterbox and not producing it's an instant emergency vet.

The crazy 'spiritual advisor' that punches cars and abuses staff. No thanks!

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Bacon, pineapple, and jalapenos. Ambrosia my brother.