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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, during those reviews they are going to get their liquor license renewed. Why? Because those businesses have not abused their liquor licenses and have followed all appropriate laws.

The article sites a law that licenses cannot be issued to those convicted of 'a crime involving moral turpitude', but then does not follow up by demonstrating the license is being issued to Trump. It merely claims he would benefit from it being issued to the business. The law quoted does not state it can't be issued to person x if some other person would benefit who has been convicted of such a rime.

Both candidates suck. Nobody wants to watch them.

I value free time very highly and a 9-5 job that doesn't demand constant OT results in a nice work-life balance, IMO. I personally found the transition very pleasant. Main negative was getting time off for chores that must be done during work hours. But, many places are pretty chill about that.

The Government’s theory would also criminalize a broad swath of prosaic conduct, exposing activists and lobbyist to decades in prison...And the Government’s interpretation would give prosecutors broad discretion to seek a 20-year maximum sentence for acts Congress saw fit to punish with far shorter sentences.

From the decision.

In short, the prosecutor used a non-applicable charge against this individual. The case was remanded back to lower courts to continue.

Or Biden is showing his age and needs to let someone else take the helm. Being left doesn't mean yes-manning everything the party does.

Sunless Skies was pretty well made. Certainly a niche game, but a quite well made one.

rather than just being normal and evaluating the law on ‘does it seem normal or moral to ban this’

This is the job of the legislature. To make law based on norms and morals, as well as a dozen other factors.

almost like ConStITuTUiOnALiTy is a dumb fucking way validate the law

The job of the judiciary is to rule based on what the various laws say, which obviously includes the Constitution.

Do you really want the judiciary ignoring the law and legislating from the bench? Remember, your preferred group isn't the one in the majority.

Please don't. Just keep providing security updates for an extended time and don't make Win 10 worse with these 'features' that are keeping people away from Win 11.

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Replacing physical controls with touch buttons continues to be an incredibly dumb idea. Luckily several other manufactures who hopped on the trend are realizing it was a bad choice.

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The Microsoft devs have time to do shit like this, but haven't yet gotten the Settings screen as functional as Control Panel was two decades ago...

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Jesus fuck Linus. Half the reason you are popular is because people trust your statements; and you are just flushing that away.

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Really happy to see replaceable batteries! It's a wear item and guaranteed to brick your device after a number of years if they aren't replaceable.

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Selling shovels during a gold rush is the best way to get rich. :)

The difficult part of software development has always been the continuing support. Did the chatbot setup a versioning system, a build system, a backup system, a ticketing system, unit tests, and help docs for users. Did it get a conflicting request from two different customers and intelligently resolve them? Was it given a vague problem description that it then had to get on a call with the customer to figure out and hunt down what the customer actually wanted before devising/implementing a solution?

This is the expensive part of software development. Hiring an outsourced, low-tier programmer for almost nothing has always been possible, the low-tier programmer being slightly cheaper doesn't change the game in any meaningful way.

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Even when they use industry-standard terms, like Mbps, they don't even advertise their upload speed (because it is piss-poor).

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Currently without issue using Firefox and uBlock Origin. No complaints from YouTube nor ads.

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'It's against our terms to show our model doesn't work correctly and reveals sensitive information when prompted'

It disturbs me that people would consider TikTok an accurate source of....anything.

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I own some metal straws, they are pretty great to use. The main issue is cleaning them. You cannot just throw them in a dishwasher, you have to use a pipe cleaner. That's a level of manual effort that restaurants probably don't want to take on.

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I'm amused by the implication that Russians and Ukrainians have a strong, brotherly bond; but that Russians are perfectly fine with shooting their brothers, taking their brother's land. Even the cheery Russian propaganda paints Russians as monsters.

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Ukraine needs all the air defense they can get. Russia has been signaling they will try again to freeze the civilian population this winter.

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data from Edmunds says a record 17.5% of borrowers have payments of $1,000 or more

That is a crazy high number. You are approaching mortgage territory there (yes, mortgages can be that price outside of cities). People need to stop spending so much on cars. They do not retain value.

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I have routinely been impressed with AMD integrated graphics. My last laptop I specifically went for one as it meant I didn't need a dedicated gpu for it which adds significant weight, cost, and power draw.

It isn't my main gaming rig of course; I have had no complaints.

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The 'gotacha' up-charge 70% of the way through your taxes where you can't use the form you legally need to fill out unless you give them $40 did extract money from me. Got tired of that shit and went to Free Tax USA.

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Good. The time to stop is when Russia leaves Ukraine.

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Just go back to uBlock Origin. No reason to give Google more money, they don't respect their customers.

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The title seems to be poking at fans, but the repeated name was always bound to lead to confusion. Activision is out of ideas.

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Two things that come to mind:

  • Lemmy's protocol is open, so anybody can make 3rd party apps to work with it. Third party Reddit apps used to be popular when Reddit had an open API, but Reddit destroyed that on purpose.

  • Because Lemmy isn't run by a singular company, you don't get the same restrictions. Reddit admins had a whole host of rules on what a sub could or could not contain. Many of which were heavy focused on making Reddit more advertiser friendly.

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Alternative: Submit resumes directly to companies you are interested in and/or use a recruiter. The latter is surprisingly nice. Last time I used one I got lined up for phone interviews with little effort and the recruiter pushed the company forward during the hiring pipeline when the company was being wishy-washy.

The recruiter only gets full payment if you get hired and stay at your job for a full year. (And this payment does not come from you!)

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A video game developer is so fucking far from this situation it is laughable; these suits are destined to fail. It's sad the lawyers are sucking money from the victims' families.

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This is a product you pay for and it doesn't respect your choices....

How dare Gamer's Nexus....point out lies and widespread problems at LTT with Nexus backing every claim with evidence. The real issue is reporting on the issues!

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Russia's recent push has been a complete disaster for Russia. The scale of the devastation makes even Russia's Vulehadar losses look tame.

Here are geolocated, visually confirmed Russian losses from a few days ago, on just the northern flank of Avdiivka. Meanwhile, Russian controlled airfields are burning due to the US recently sending aid in the form of ATACMS missiles.

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Windows has so much garbage overhead via telemetry, etc. Glad to see someone quantifying how detrimental it is.

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It's for including it in Unity games as a component.

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Lol, the US told you about this two weeks ago and you let it happen anyway. Fuck off.

Drawn art depicting minors in sexual situations has been deemed protected as free speech in the US. It's why, at least in the US, you don't have to worry about the anime girl that's 17 landing you in prison on child porn charges. The reasoning: there is no victim, the anime girl is not sentient, therefore the creation of that art is protected as free speech.

I suspect a similar thing will happen with this. As long as it is not depicting a real person, the completely invented person is not sentient, there is no victim, this will fall under free speech. At least in the US.

However, it is likely a very, very bad idea to have any photo-realistic art of this manner, as it may not be clear to authorities if it is from AI or if there is in fact a person you are victimizing. Doubly so if you download this from someone else, as you don't know if that is a real person either.

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Assuming the accounting system this thing links with both does not protect from SQL injection attacks (many don't, despite it being easy to protect against) and also has a table named "Bills" with a field named "amount"; what this would do is go through every single Bills record and half the value in the amount field. This would completely fuck the system, particularly when it came to billing and tax filing as the numbers for accounts billing and receivable wouldn't even come close to matching each other. The accounting department would have a hell of a time fixing the damage.

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Hey, I own that printer! It's a good printer.

Remember kids, always buy laser, never inkjet.

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A few of them have. The core issue is it doesn't add much range, while at the same time adding more cost, weight, and complexity. On a sunny summer day you can expect to get single digit kilometers added to the range, while on a cloudy winter day you won't get even a full kilometer added.

They do make some sense on hybrids, as they are lighter so the range increase is a bit more and people are less likely to charge a hybrid. But, they still suffer from not adding much range, while adding cost, weight, and complexity.

Edit: Auto Focus did a re-review of the Fisker Ocean, which has solar panels. Linked to the timestamp where he is talking about them.

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