Over 85 Targets Hit In U.S. Retaliation Strikes Against Iranian Proxies, IRGC

BombOmOm@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 254 points –
Over 85 Targets Hit In U.S. Retaliation Strikes Against Iranian Proxies, IRGC

So, do we get to start calling what's happening everywhere world war 3 or is there like some committee that meets on this?

Once some major players start conscripting people I think it'd be reasonable to call it WW3. This is the preamble

Hasn't russia been conscripting for a couple of years now?

major players

whether you or me like them or not, they are a major player.

now we just need china and a couple more euro countries to join in on the fun.

Well it did say major players, plural. If you have major players directly in opposition and both feeling the need for conscription...

Iran has always had mandatory military service for men 18+. You can buy out if you're rich, but they've been drafting for years.

And Iran is arguably the #3 major player ahead of Israel who wants to keep their military action at home.

thats russia and the US right now.

I don't see any draft in the US happening right now...

they are desperate for conscripts

Why would you say that? They aren't conscripting at all. There's not even a whiff of anyone suggesting we need to activate the draft.

Conscription refers to involuntary military service, and there hasn't been a hint of that since Vietnam (it worked out sooo well in Vietnam, with a crazy high incidence of soldiers killing their own superiors).

Even in voluntary service, recruiting is way less aggressive than it used to be. Growing up in the 80s/early 90s you were inundated with recruiting efforts, on radio, television, and even as a pretty aggressive part of school. My kid has not been nearly so exposed to recruiting efforts. Now we have a third of people going in compared to 1990 (and they are still turning down about 25% of applicants).

So I don't know where you are coming from, but involuntary service in US isn't vaguely in sight and even if you mistook voluntary service for 'conscripts', even that is at a 40 year low and still turning away people... Hardly seems 'deseperate'

they are participating on conflicts all over the world and are missing their targets for personnel, despite aggressive campaingns on social media kids.

this tells me enough about their involvement and possible future role in the next world war.

it doesnt need to be simpler than this.

whether you or me like them or not, they are a major player.

No Russia is not a major player. Remember those estimates about Russia taking Ukraine in a week, two weeks tops? Those estimates were based on Russia being a near peer. That assessment was incorrect. Russia is not a near peer.

Also Russia's capabilities have been significantly diminished because of the war in Ukraine. They can't project power anymore. Russia is devolving down to the level of North Korea. They have nukes, so have to be considered, but no real capability to project power. Not a major player.

And other countries are involved. China is somewhat involved on the diplomatic front. But guess what their priorities are? They're against Iran's "Axis of Resistance" attacking shipping routes between Europe and Asia. Because obviously.

So it's basically just Russia+Iran against everyone else in the world. At this point it seems like Iran is struggling to keep their proxies under control. Not exactly WW3.

You don't think Russia is a major player in this current shitshow? Or was it an attempt to belittle Russia?

I'm assuming its the latter because otherwise you're a dense motherfucker

some major players are already doing this.

yay ww3, just what we needed.

Conscripting and openly killing one another* as in us on russia or china type shit would be more fair I guess haha

well.... thats kinda happening too..

I mean, you're not wrong. But I'd rather remain in denial. I'm not old enough to avoid the draft yet lol

It's a world war only when western european countries are involved. Otherwise it's just sparkling conflict.

It's never a world war until it's over and the dust settles on the graves of millions around the globe.

U.S. military forces today conducted strikes on seven facilities, which included more than 85 targets in Iraq and Syria, that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated militias use to attack U.S. forces. This is the start of our response. The President has directed additional actions to hold the IRGC and affiliated militias accountable for their attacks on U.S. and Coalition Forces.

They used B-1s, lol.

That's a lot of finding out they just got.

Need to make space for the raiders which came in early and under budget.

Under budget for who? I didn't think it was NG and the government already has a contract with a price.

Hopefully, they don't lose 1/3rd of their navy accidentally... again.

Why are you hoping that they don't? Given the shenanigans the Iranian navy has been up to, promoting much of it to submersible status would be a good thing.

Well, to be honest, this was a sarcastic comment to the time the US did accidentally sink more of their navy than intended. (A little more than 1/3 if their operational force.) The original goal was only 4 platforms IIRC. It may have grown a scotch before the end.

Which probably doesn't mean much to the sailors. Hind sight being 20/20 and all. Still a bit of an oops.

The attacks are the first of many expected to take place.

Washington Post's Dan Lamothe has said that while the U.S. struck more than 85 individual targets in Iraq and Syria, these were spread just eight general locations in those two countries.

U.S. officials have stressed that there is no plans currently to strike targets in Iran.

we dont need to strike Iran directly. once their international assets get frozen they've got a limited window where they can do anything, and we just blew up most of their anything.

Isn't this all because the usa is supporting Israel and Iran is pushing back against countries supporting the genocide there?

Ah yes Iran, that great bastion of human rights where they throw gay people off buildings and stone people to death.

Iran doesn't give a shit about Palestinians. Instability in the region keeps them in relative power. Everything they do should be viewed in that light.

Iran has politically, materially aligned itself with Palestinian liberation while the united states has aligned itself with Palestinian genocide. Your childish propagandized delusions about their motives are irrelevant. No amount of racist trope pushing is going to change it either.

Instability in the region keeps them in relative power.

how is that so?

Because with stability, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen would have control of the world's trade through the Red Sea and Suez Canal. Making tons of money on shipping through the region. Their regional power is de facto because other countries in the region are unstable and can't secure trade through the canal.

how does that consolidate their power? i tought they didnt have direct influence over the canal, and are even trying to set up an alternative?

To anyone visualizing a comically long canal running straight through like 5 countries, you're not actually far off. Unfortunately, it's just a railroad to Moscow.

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Hell yeah we just won in Afghanistan this is a great moment to start another winnable war in the middle east. Thanks Biden.

  1. Iran is not Afghanistan. They are massively different countries.

End of list.

Are they both in the middle east? Cause that's what he said.

And Iran and Afghanistan aren't as different as most other nations.

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The idiot puppet of Israel.
They're happy to throw away money like this and then complain about the sorry state of their democracy. Americans..

There are some posts that always seem unbalanced considering the communities voting history. This seems like one of them. Do the mods or users have a way to check on bots?

Are you saying that I am a bot?

No, not at all. These communities overwhelmingly support Palestine and think the US is enabling the genocide. There are a few posts where support for Israel is highly upvoted at first. I'm saying those seem influenced by bots or PR campaigns. I'm wondering if this post is a similar situation. I don't understand why you were so heavily downvoted.

It definitely feels like I get more downvotes in 2-3 minutes if I make an anti-zionist comment.

Oh I get you now.
Yeah could totally be that, but also consider that when elections are close americans tends to behave like hooligans and their tollerance for criticism of their candidate become very low.

Treating Biden like an saint will become more and more common as elections approach. Been there before.

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