
1 Post – 200 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

When Starfield wins most innovative, that's when you can disregard the rest.

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Lemmys been a great alternative, hope it starts to take off

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It's textbook genocide. They've seen they can get away with anything under the guise of war, so why not just solve all their issues and make sure no one's alive to return to their homes?

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So, let's get this straight. They're going to take a bunch of dudes, take away their porn, not teach them sexual health, not tech them about consent, strip abortion rights, make women scared to come forward, teach them it was their fault, and do nothing about police ineptitude/corruption. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that it seems like the GOP wants a generation of rape babies. Banking on their future voting bloc?

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Hard light dildos let's fucking goooo

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Make. Police. Financially. Liable.

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Plus you'd lower the temperature of the vehicles, reducing air conditioning and decreasing fuel/battery use, which would further decrease emissions

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Friendly reminder that Israel sterilized administered birth control shots without informed consent to Ethiopian Jewish women who were trying to invoke the Law of Return and migrate to Israel.

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Literal infants were murdered and you found a way to shoehorn trans issues into the conversation. Congrats.

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Next: chess grandmasters complain they can't find enough matches.

Same reason the EU forced apple to change to usb-c. It benefits consumers.

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I don't care, Brandon was real to me okay 😭

On dog, everyone internet. No one know human

Weirdly phrased title. The Canadian government has no role in throwing away product or setting the price, that falls on the businesses that manufacture and sell the weed.

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Now I know how the boomers felt when the internet went from dialup to pocketable

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So no boarding, no diving, no hunting, no on foot combat or exploration. Wtf have they been doing all this time lol

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It's so fucking clear that the Hindu groups who oppose the bill actually oppose not being able to discriminate based on caste.

You can take the Redditor out of Reddit, but you can't take the Reddit out of the Redditor.

Bark side of the moon

I also choose this guy's deaf wife

The orcas gave us enough time bring down the bourgeoisie. Now they're taking things into their own flippers.

I'll just keep playing Helldivers 2 pretending I'm a Clone Commando, thanks.

What a time to be alive when NMS is the standard that a Bethesda game is being held up to. Hello Games have made the comeback of the century I guess.

major players

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Russian people are the biggest victims in Ukranian war,

Whew lad

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What in the fuck is going on down there?

  • A very, very concerned neighbor
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But it's not about the femboys interest is it? The lesbian isn't asking for the straight guy to change her sexual orientation, and the straight guy isn't asking for the femboys to change his orientation. It's just as rude.

They'd unironicaly support it lol what would be the point

How is this different from a straight guy trying to seduce a lesbian?

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The only reasonable excuse for attacking this data was that it helped the Russian war effort. Eg. flying in supplies, planning offensives, missile and UAV flight planning, etc.

Lol you joke but that includes every LG OLED tv sold to date

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Corporations are losing the plot

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If you don't think that there's white supremists in Canada, or that they aren't this brazen, you're dead wrong.

Ah I get you. Just so you know, the battlepasses are more like level unlocks than typical battlepasses, but you probably know that. Also, old battlepasses that you didn't finish or even start will stay in the game permanently, so don't feel like there's a rush to finish them.

Is this the new All Lives Matter?

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I was falsely banned while playing the early access campaign. I put zero weight into these claims that they e banned x number of users.

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In Canada, obtaining a verdict of self defense with a firearm is extremely difficult. You basically have to prove that you did everything in your power to diffuse the problem before turning to a firearm, you contacted the police, your life was in immediate danger, you somehow managed to unlock and load your firearm while still being in danger, and that if you hadn't done what you did you'd be dead.

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Reading though it now and you're pretty spot on. Obviously there's a lot more nuance, but seeking an alliance with literal Nazis isn't a good look.

Btw, your link to Lehi is broken.

Pay them more, ban lobbying and PACs.

You can smell that house from the street over

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