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Joined 1 years ago

Because the best performing employees will leave for more money in other remote roles, dumping a ton of work on the remaining workers who are either a) mediocre, or b) incompetent extroverts who can't wait to spend all day talking about fantasy football with a captive audience.

13 more...

The last time Iran damaged a US warship we destroyed their entire Navy in one day, with resources that happened to be nearby. I don't like their chances here.

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Ah yes Iran, that great bastion of human rights where they throw gay people off buildings and stone people to death.

Iran doesn't give a shit about Palestinians. Instability in the region keeps them in relative power. Everything they do should be viewed in that light.

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LGPL requires distributing the license with any code. I imagine unity does that with the core code, but it would be difficult to enforce that for assets distributed in their store, which they would be liable for legally. I imagine this will be resolved, but I no longer use Unity so idfc

24 more...

If Linus knew he wasn't going to recommend anyone buy the waterblock no matter how it performed, but also didn't want to show it off as a niche 'supercar' of waterblocks, then why agree to review it at all? Was he maybe not in the loop at all until shooting the video?

Seems like there was no good way for this to turn out for Billet which is a real shame since they seemed to just want to show off something cool and maybe get some publicity for their startup.

And auctioning off their handmade prototype, even accidentally and for charity, is a collosal fuck up that really can't be solved with money alone.

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Buying land in rural California to potentially incorporate a new town is not remotely comparable to seceding from the United States.

Some fun absurdities:

  • The article repeatedly refers to the plan as "secretive" while also discussing "packed town hall meetings", official statements, lawsuits, etc
  • there is a link to a supposed lawsuit, which actually links to an obituary.
  • the term "network zone" is defined as some kind of physical dystopian neighborhood with a billionaire ruling as king, but the linked definition describes the term as having to do with online forums.
  • the article defines secession as "paying people in gold or crypto" and attending private school.

It's a wild ride.

2 more...

The extraverts had the tables turned on them in 2020 and have been itchy for a captive audience ever since. It's a drug fix for these people, nothing more. I've skipped every cross country in-person team building gibberish since 2020 and will continue to do so.

7 more...

Fun fact: the US Chamber of Commerce is not a government agency. It's just a private (nonprofit) business that loves to be confused with one.

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This article is a classic "find some stats to back up my political position" nonsense. They admit that the world bank findings directly contradict what they want and so redefine "purchasing power parity" to suit their needs. Apparently a more socialist weighing of "basic needs" better suits an argument for socialism? Then they make the somewhat bizarre assertion that socialist China had better life expectancy and infant mortality than Indonesia, Brazil, and India at that time. Maybe that's true, but wtf does it have to do with the merits of socialism?

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Here's an actual source that isn't a Turkish propaganda network: Reuters

Note how a real news agency states facts instead of injecting an elaborate "revenge for funding the UNRWA" narrative, mentions that the date and reason for the bombing is unknown, and notes zero expected casualties.

24 more...

The Houthi's are the ones launching missiles at passing ships as well as assaulting them and taking hostages. That would be a declaration of war anywhere else. This really isn't a case of the west "just starting another war"

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We estimate that 3.4 billion people experienced some form of neurological health loss in 2021, which is a staggering number. This is largely due to certain conditions that are widespread. For example, tension-type headaches affected about 2 billion people in 2021.

Seems like they goosed their numbers here for a headline. Tension headaches aren't well understood, but they're generally not neurological.

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US intelligence, a somewhat less ridiculous source, estimates 100,000+ dead, 200,000+ wounded. But who's to say.

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Not a fair comparison. The Ukrainian military is actively moving civilians out of combat areas and not choosing to wage guerilla war from densely populated urban centers.

16 more...

This is a ski shop that posted a sign saying they won't do business with Jews, due to a Jewish person stealing a sled.

Replace 'Jew' with any other ethnic group here and it's clearly not okay, but I'm sure other commenters will make an exception.

24 more...

Trapped in an "open collaborative space", yes.

The actual figure is "70% damaged or destroyed". Not a whole lot better, but there is a huge difference between a house with some broken windows and a pile of rubble. The article shouldn't be hyperbolizing - the situation is bad enough as it is without lying to us.

17 more...

This doesn't seem to have been picked up by any major news channels in the last 6 days. The claim is Israel murdered 50+ people on the major coastal road in Gaza with quadcopter-mounted guns and a tank, but cites 3 anonymous sources and has no photos or evidence.

If true this ought to be a major story, but I can't even find an Israeli counter narrative. Did this actually happen?

4 more...

This is a disgusting attempt to excuse terrorism and victim-blame innocent hostages.

9 more...

In that Iran is trying to widen the conflict, sure. Practically speaking it's a separatist group in an unrelated country terrorizing a shipping lane.

Key seems valid. I'll check all the integers for you to see how accurate it is.

4 more...

Basic reading comprehension mate. The sign is wrong regardless of whether a Jewish customer stole anything. It isn't a point worth fighting over.

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Military service is compulsory in Israel. You might as well call all Vietnam veterans terrorists and revel in their capture. Absolutely sickening take.

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I thought "genuine" was the middle grade, with "bonded" being the lowest. Bob's Furniture used to market "genuine bonded leather" sofas which I found both clever and infuriating.

Top tech talent could suddenly apply to any job instead of the few nearby companies, exploding their options. If anything, even remote companies should send Korean BBQ to each employee's house.

I didn't state any opinion at all. I only discussed what seems politically possible right now.

5 more...

Hamas will never accept a ceasefire without full Israeli withdrawal, and Israel will never accept a ceasefire that leaves Hamas in power. There is no middle ground here acceptable to both sides. It's not going to happen until the situation substantially changes.

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Many of the casualties in the chaos that erupted in Gaza at a food distribution site were killed as a result of aid trucks ramming people as people tried to escape Israeli fire, according to a local journalist in Gaza, Khadeer Al Za'anoun.

Al Za'anoun, who was at the scene and witnessed the incident, told CNN that, though there were large crowds waiting for food to be distributed from aid trucks, the chaos and confusion that led to trampling only started once Israeli soldiers opened fire.

"Most of the people that were killed were rammed by the aid trucks during the chaos and while trying to escape the Israeli gunfire," he said.

He said that around 20 were killed directly by the gunfire, and the rest were killed under the aid trucks' wheels.

CNN says 20 people were shot, triggering a stampede that killed a lot more. Where did this site get "thousands"?

3 more...

This genuinely spiked my blood pressure. I hope you're fucking happy

... I'm stating my reasoning for disagreeing with the article. What I wrote is my opinion, which isn't something an article can contradict.

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This is completely, utterly uncontroversial, except by a subset of the extreme far left at war with reality. Let's see where the downvote ratio ends up.

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the shop would no longer rent gear such as sleds, skis and snowshoes to “our Jewish brothers” after a series of “very annoying incidents” — including the theft of a sled.

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FYI there are no Israeli settlements in Gaza. There were some 20 years ago but they were removed.

Even if that were true, which it isn't, Japan isn't a party to the ruling. They can choose to donate their own money (or not) however they want.

I suggest you read the actual ruling and dissenting opinion, they're quite informative.

Smart move might be selling Trump Tower, rather than move money into New York that would otherwise be difficult to seize. I think his ownership stake is worth about $250 million.

The title is "guns down thousands". That means directly shoots thousands, not 20 in a giant crowd.

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Congrats on that smug sense of superiority. Maybe this is not the place for it.

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This isn't remotely true but ok

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DNA evidence, fingerprints, blood, etc are all "credible circumstantial information". It's a common category of evidence, encompassing pretty much everything except direct testimony.

Ok so that was where you should have picked a step in my reasoning that you disagree with and explained why.

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