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Joined 1 years ago

This is where those US based companies should get absolutely reamed. Want to profit off cheap labor and raw materials from developing countries with “lax” controls? Then you should face all consequences and lost profits. No “blaming” some other supplier.

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Absolutely. I had never even heard of Lemmy or anything Fediverse prior to all the 3rd party API shutdown. Once Apollo died, I stopped using Reddit.

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I have the family premium plan and honestly love it. I haven’t downloaded an mp3 in years because Spotify is so convenient. As far as subscription services go, this one is top tier for me.

Now when we look at movie streaming.. well that’s what the music streaming could have been like. What an absolute mess.

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Sadly I don’t think that will change any of their minds. Remember his comments on his “preference” of military folks not to be captured? Still has tons of support from the military population.

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Of course he’s a changed man. Before he was free, now he’s going to prison. I hope all these Proud Boys are similarly changed!

Unfortunately the alternative is a literal wannabe-dictator. By not voting, you’re basically helping Trump.

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No, Texas is part of the US. Instead, we should execute any of these secessionists as the treasonous people that they are.

Yeah, and what do you call a high risk pregnancy that would normally have ended in abortion? Now women are forced to carry the pregnancy (viable or otherwise) to term putting their health and lives at risk.

Educate yourself on what’s going on before spouting nonsense.

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Some security camera systems have this built in. They show snapshots of various times where you choose the total period, say 24 hours. Then you glance through the snapshots that are all displayed at once on the screen and click on the last one where your bike was still there. That will then “zoom in” the timeline and show another set of snapshots, though this time within a smaller total time window. Keep clicking on the last panel with the bike, and it will soon show you the clip of the bike being stolen.

Really helpful to find out when something changed.

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How about all those businesses who hire illegal immigrants have their owners/executives go to jail? See how many farms, construction companies, restaurants, etc. go under. I would guess that many of these owners are registered R as well.

Yeah, Altman is a complete ass and very full of himself. Not at all surprising.

Color me shocked. May as well make it a 1 day limit, then again their rich friends will be able to get abortions in time this way.

I just can’t wait for the damn emoji bug to get fixed. So tired of the same crappy images being posted by them on every comment thread filling up the screen and making browsing the already crappy tankie thread even worse. So glad LW defederated from them.

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Every time I see articles in this topic, it just solidifies my opinion that homeschooling should not be allowed. We live in a community, and part of that means learning a common set of skills, social interaction with others in your community, and secular, science-based lessons.

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That may not be the best advice. Depends on your industry, but burning a bridge so quickly may hurt you in the future. I’ve had former coworkers and other managers help me get my foot in the door for another job.

Besides, there’s something cathartic about knowing the end is right there and still getting paid for it.

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EU please do what California utterly failed to do!

Perhaps, but withholding footage is not a good look. Good thing the police never withholds foota… oh

Reason number %large_number% + 1 why support for Ukraine cannot falter. Russia cannot win its offensive there and continue to spread its poison across the world.

How are all these people getting such ridiculously light punishments? Good that they’re going to “flip”, but give them 5 years in prison vs 20 for cooperating.

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And yet the trolls or naive people here are saying that they won’t vote for Biden because he hasn’t flown over the Israel and slapped Netanyahu. Yes it sucks what’s happening in Gaza, but not voting, or voting for Trump will be oh so much worse.

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Until he’s behind bars it really doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 1,000 charges against him. Lock him up and away from any type of social media interactions. Realistically this level of treason deserves a much more serious penalty.

It is, unless as every other time before, Trump faces no consequences for his actions.

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There is a serious concerted effort by right wing groups to attack several foundational programs in California. Several school districts are fighting back against ultra conservative candidates and out of area people coming in to disrupt Board meetings and trying to erode rights from vulnerable communities.

People may see California as a very blue state, but there are some very conservative/Red areas of the state between the big metro cities. (Think Trump flags everywhere)

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Want to stop illegal immigration? Impose jail time for all businesses that hire undocumented immigrants. Farms, construction, and so on. Tackle the demand side of things and see it improve.

Note, I am very pro immigration, but the hypocrisy of the right on this topic really pisses me off. Exploit their labor, but have harsh penalties for these immigrants so that they don’t “step out of line”.

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Oh good, now I can play a game I payed for and see some ads. Maybe they’ll add skins in games where some character will wear a Taco Bell shirt or change health potions to “Vitamin Water” bottles


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Notice how it’s almost always “former representative/senator/congressman, etc?”

You’re looking at this backwards. It essentially would make a business compete with every other minimum wage job if all they’re offering is $20/h. They either raise wages to lure skilled workers, or try to provide some other benefits.

Rosanne Barr would have absolutely ruined the show and it would never have been as popular.

If a minor gets a gun and does something illegal, including killing themselves, the parents should 100% be charged. There is no scenario where it would be ok for a minor to get access to a gun without supervision and approval by their parents.

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Not sure how this is emptily shilling though. Am I paying for a service? Yes. Will I stop paying for a service if they start “refusing features?” Also yes.

Like I said in another comment, I was happy with Netflix back in the day, but now, nope. I have self hosted alternatives.

If a service is not worth it for me, I stop paying. Different people have that line at different levels, and for me, today’s Spotify Premium is worth it. In the future it may not be.

No need to be so hostile.

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And yet, this all powerful government couldn’t even fake finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to “validate” their invasion reasons.

Great start, now seize all the assets of the company execs who enabled and/or hid all this, and jail them for a long time.

Versus them being homeless and sleeping in broken down RVs, cars, or tents? Ideally this is a stabilization step so people can move up and out.

The beauty of these 3rd party apps is that they had features that made it look and behave much better that any official app that objects ads, forces certain “promoted content”, etc. I loved using Apollo and haven’t visited Reddit since the 30th. Currently using Memmy on iOS. Not a huge fan of mobile sites as they don’t seem to ever function as well, though wefwef seems to be amazingly close.

It’s ok, whenever you get annoyed about his ego, just go watch the clip of Ole’ Bill trying to pontificate after his trip to space and Jeff Bezos cutting him off. The look on his face is so sad and frustrated.

$10 a ballot sounds steep. I wonder if they offered a Costco sized box for cheaper? Maybe people should look for ballots off a knock-off site.

On a related note, I heard somewhere that the reason Bush “messes up” that quote is that he realized mid sentence that he didn’t want a sound bite of him saying “shame on me”.

May just be a rumor though.

This is me as well. I haven’t downloaded music since I got Spotify. I just wish the movie industry had similar options. No I will not sign up for 15 different streaming platforms. There are much easier ways to solve that problem.

I just had a mental image of some overweight dude with tons of rock climbing stickers on their van. (Not implying anything OP, but just a funny picture I imagined)

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Going out with not a whimper, but a ban.. err splat