1 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

"Did it for my country" is the new talking point. Trump used it yesterday.

This is the rationalization when the narcissist is proven to have lied. "I was being selfless, making that sacrifice"

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For most of my lifetime, any American screeching about the President arming NATO allies in order to prevent Russian expansion into Europe would have been seen as a traitor.

Lead poisoning is a helluva drug.

Isn't it pretty well understood that the reason Senator Tubberville was holding up all those military promotions was to keep the slots open for Trump loyalists.

He's still holding the top General slots open for just that reason.

Beta cuck is running for VP


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Exactly this.

They're like bedbugs. There is no acceptable level at which you can let your guard down.

They're like the Enerrgizer Bitches.

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I've heard it theorized that the strategy is intended to starve the military of officers so that Trump can fill the vacancies with loyalists when he regains the White House. Essentially, it is the military equivalent of Project 2025.

It's not a bug. It's a feature.

That's me

"Well damn, Jackie, I can't control the rapin'"

The egg producers already have.

The "bird flu" was nowhere significant enough to cause the price spike on its own. It was an attempt to determine "what the market will allow". And it turns out people can do without eggs quite comfortably.

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"I'm sorry you feel that way."

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It's fraud

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The Ayatollas don't realize that when 🇺🇸Americans🇺🇸 talk about war, they're really talking about masturbation.

This whole binder story smells like the kind of news stories we were fed during the early years of his presidency. It's so 2017, throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

We don't need any new controversies. We need to see the felonies that have already been charged be prosecuted intelligently and effectively.

"Water? Like out the toilet?"

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The US government is stupid.

But the need to keep an eye on this guy anyway.

Classic age discrimination.

Make sure to find a lawyer who is 69 years old and whose license plate is LOL80085.

HAL 9000: "Best I can do is slap your testicles, Dave."

Hasn't russia been conscripting for a couple of years now?

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"Meesa finna nutt!"

I've never heard a good explanation of wtf happened to Mickey Rourke.

There's no gray area. It's like he woke up one day and had become a troll.

#"Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife. They be harvesting organs in the prisons."

I get what they're saying.

Star Trek is still nerd niche compared to Star Wars or MCU.

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The problem with a pedophile marrying a child is that it's all downhill for the next seventy or eighty years potentially.

Just like Tom Cruise's middle tooth

All this Civil War talk is just that. Talk. A very small number of kooks might blow something up or shoot people (you know, terrorist stuff), but 95% of Trumpists don't want to kill anybody.

They might have amassed arsenals in their basements but can't sleep without their CPAP machines. They're not mobilizing any time soon.

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I would watch that.

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Please share your process and results. This project looks bad-ass.


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They love dick.

And they love 'taters.

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I don't know if there is anything special about Ramen broth, but once you get used to the process, homemade bone broth is absolutely worth it.

I get pork knee joints from the Asian market, bake them at about 400 for an hour, and simmer on the stove top for a couple of days. That broth is my winter staple.

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I want a woman to look at me the way she looks at her brother.

Here comes the airplane.

I watched a couple of episodes years ago. One with Wim Hof, and one with a guy talking about Terrence Mckenna. They were interesting enough, but I never got hooked. It sounds like the show has gone downhill from there.

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You and your dance instructor should hang out and take molly together.

I really liked the books. I thought the movie was good, but it didn't scratch the same itch the books did.

Take it up with your congressman.

Seriously. It sounds like you have an informed and well-reasoned opinion. They're not 100% corrupt. And they usually only hear about tech from industry lobbyists.

Let them hear from an intelligent constituent for a change.

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"Like the cavemen ate!"

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"He dindu nuffin!"


"It's not that we didn't think it could happen. We just didn't want to get mixed up in it," say police.

I like being spoiled.

And I baked a crusty loaf of sourdough bread this morning.

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What can a straight, white guy do to prepare?

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