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Joined 10 months ago

Thank god I'm safe! And I will be dead and gone before it happens here. It's going to be decades before 5G is implemented where I live. Hell, 4G is spotty and unreliable even yet today. Even 3G was terrible.

You think LM being "too old" is a problem for newbies? I've been running some distro or other since RedHat 5. I it took me 6 weeks of waiting for Fedora to sort out most of the issues, (and I STILL have some minor ghosting issues and I ain't no gamer), and 4 tries to get Fedora 40 to successfully take the nVidia drivers for the GTX1650 chipset in my laptop.

You think a new wannbe convert is going to put up with that?

Having recovered a dead body from the bottom of a lake, I can positively affirm it's not good for you.

Everything needs warnings because if used incorrectly they will do damage to you in some way. where do warning end?

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Ironing clothes died long before millennials. Grandma quit ironing before you were born. Wrinkle Free shirts and pants started showing up in the 1970's and were common within the decade.

Source: I was there.

Because it's what we have to send. It's not like we have a lot of extra Sherman tanks we can send anymore.

There is rail and I'm pretty sure Russia still has plenty of cargo/transport planes that would be capable.

As a Midwesterner, potato salad is made with a mixture of real mayonnaise and yellow mustard. Finely diced onion and celery with a dash of old and flavorless paprika for color to round it all out. Salt and pepper to taste. You wouldn't want it to be too spicy you know.

Some heretics will add diced dill pickle on occaision - my one Grandmother would sometimes do this after drinking too much. This is generally considered a social faux pas, though us Mid-westerners are too polite and kind to actually say something about it. But we will look askance at you. And your children will never play with our kids ever again.

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I'm well old enough to be your daddy. Here are some things you should pay attention to.

Have a reason to get up every day you can breathe. Because if you have no reason to, you will wither and die. I've seen it happen and it ain't pretty.

Time will seem to accelerate. You will slowly start to notice that the "past" gets farther behind you quicker and the "now" flies by to become that "past" and the "future" gets here far too soon.

Like it or not, you are getting closer every day to dying rather than living no matter what you do. Make your peace with that concept because no one gets out alive.

Buy a nice suit. You will probably be going to the weddings of the children of your friends or your own children. And far more sadly, the funerals of family and friends. And at some point in time, the funerals will out number the weddings.

Start doing things for society. Get involved in your community. Help build a park or two or three, teach kids something - I spent 4 years tutoring/teaching math to kids in a small rural school during COVID. It did cost me some health, (Thanks! long COVID), but it was worth everything it cost and I would do it all over again. Those kids did more for me than I could do for them.

Physical exercise is great but don't forget to exercise the mind also. Because if you don't, you will lose cognition and the ability to think perhaps faster than your physical health - and this is my greatest fear. Cultivate hobbies that stimulate mental challenges. And a diet of video games ain't it. Go fishing, bird watching, gardening, do art. Something, anything, that challenges the mind to solve problems and be creative. I design and build metal model steam engines and 3D printed items to try and keep my mind sharp. I try to learn new skills every chance I get.

As much as it might be fun to travel the world and see new places and people, there is a whole world to explore right outside your door. Go explore it and really learn the details of it. It will surprise you with it's beauty and complexity. You don't need to be rich to explore the world.

Teach something to someone. You know things - pass it on to others. Do not let the knowledge die with you.

Learn to laugh at yourself - do not fear looking silly. It can help make people feel more comfortable with you and with themselves.

And finally, live a good life. Be kind and be there for the world when it needs you. Leave a legacy for others to remember you by - even if it was only a kind word at the right time. The memory of you is all the world will have - leave your mark on it.

Good Luck! We all need it!

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Pfffttt, Microsoft has been there, done this, and got a whole closet full of tee shirts for stuff like this many times over the years. In the end the users don't care and can't stop it. And they are, by in large, too lazy to change to something else to completely avoid it.

It hasn't ever affected the bottom line enough to matter to them. They will just pull this bug feature and wait for a better day. Or perhaps they will figure out a way to introduce it piecemeal to disguise it better.

The general risk assessment is that medical personal don't know as much about firearms as Law enforcement - and LEOs don't know much. And you generally have other things to do that are more important than causing a negligent discharge in the ER.

Beside, do you really want to trust the Triage Nurse with a loaded firearm?

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Minnesota is currently working on a similar law to stop surcharges and just have a final price.

Ahhh, the old "let's make something a right that only the rich can afford." For all the "eat the rich" rhetoric here, there seems to be a lot of desire to increase the class divide even more by limiting rights to how much money you have.

It's already very difficult to nearly impossible to obtain a purchase and carry permit in the state since Maryland is "May issue" state and NOT a "Shall issue" state. This means you can be denied a permit at the whim of local law enforcement unless you have an "in" with whoever is in charge. This is purely performative theater to buy votes.

And the two groups that really should have liability insurance - drug gangs and law enforcement - will be completely unaffected by this requirement.

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What makes me curious is, not that he went to Russia, but just how did he get there?

From what I read, he had traveled to Alberta Canada and then it looks like he just flew to Russia from there. I'm under the impression that there is no commercial air travel from the US or Canada to Russia. So where did he fly to after he left Canada? China? North Korea? Cuba? Taylor Swift's private jet?

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EV sale are slumping more because of cost to buy than anything else. The great unwashed masses, like you and me, simply can't afford to make the purchase. Even used EVs are more expensive a use ICE vehicle.

GM had it right with the Bolt. An EV with good range, 260 miles or so, and a far more affordable entry price for us commoners to swallow. It just died because the battery manufacturer screwed it up. But there is hope the Bolt comes back with GMs new Ultium battery that is supposed to be cheaper and better. They know it can be done and they can do it. And BYD could sell a lot of EVs in the same price range as a base level Bolt very easily.

I'm sure Musk knows Tesla's days are numbered. The large manufacturers are now in the process of pivoting and they will eat Tesla alive. This is why he's trying to get that big payout from the Tesla Board of Directors and has now also been caught in alleged insider trading. He's going to suck all the cash out of Tesla he can before running clear of the collapse.

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In Minnesota the republican party had $8000 in cash on hand and is $76,000 in debt the last I read in the local news. And that has been the general situation for the past year. There has been talk of bankruptcy.

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A good number of European cities and countries have tried Linux and open source software in the past. They use it for a few years and then they have almost always have quietly gone back to MS Windows and Office products.

As much as I enjoy using Linux, (and no, I don't use Arch), and open source for my own needs, I would be willing to bet after a few years, this German state will quietly move back to Micosoft products again.

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You will also often see such packaging used with in hospitals, group homes, and nursing homes. It helps to limit med errors for nurses and cnas and can allow some mentally handicapped people or elderly to have some control over their lives.

It's not a common packaging you are going to get from a pharmacy unless specified for you by a doctor.

As another Liberal gunowner with a carry permit, what nearly everyone with a defensive firearm seldom understands, is even IF it's a "righteous shoot", it's going to cost well north of a $100,000 dollars to prove it in court. If nothing else, it would be financial ruin for the overwhelming majority of those people who are most vocal about self-defense that want to mentally play Rambo.

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Co-ops are a good thing^tm^ , I belong to several small co-ops, from electric, to telephone, to farm.

"Dumb car" is kind of relative. Computer engine controls have been around since the mid 1970's. And while the first ones were not very good, they have become pretty darned reliable over the intervening years. And as someone who has owned cars and other heavy equipment with mechanical points and down draft and up draft carburetors, you won't ever see me willingly own a car with any of that anymore.

If you really want to minimize the electronics as much as possible, look at 1990's to no later than 2010 models.

Though to be fair, much of the problems with cars are caused by the accessories like power windows, door locks, air conditioning, and power seats. Those are far more problematic than the basic car itself.

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When the store is 100 mile/160 kilometer round trip, you either figure out a substitute or do without. And if you don't know what else to use, your favorite search engine is only seconds away from helping you with your problem. It ain't rocket surgery.

After 20 years in EMS, (see how it starts immediately - Emergency Medical Services), The whole bloody damned field is nothing but acronyms for as far as the eye can see.

From BPM - Beats per minute, to ABC - Airway, Breathing, circulation, (which today is more like ACB - Airway, Circulation, Breathing) to OPQRST - Onset, provoke/pallation, Quality, Region/Radiation, Severity, Time to A-Fib - Atrial Fibrillation to SOB - Shortness of Breath.

I hate them all........

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Can't you see those are safety sandals. And just like safety squints, are approved PPE across the whole 3rd world industrial sphere. OP will be perfectly safe.

Yes, yes we DO use the metric system officially. In the early 1970's the metric system was made the official standard for weights and measures.

What we didn't do was force everyone to use it at 3:11AM 11/21/1974. It was decided to take a longer approach and let the change happen naturally and it has happened.

Everything in the grocery store is marked with metric weights and volumes. We buy butter by the gram, soda pop by the liter and whisk(e)y buy the milliliter. And everyone is looking for that same missing 10mm socket/wrench. (Where does do those things go anyway?)

How much more metric do we really need to adopt?

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If you want to do some reading, google the Minnesota Department of Transportation - MnDOT - is known nationally and internationally for it's testing of materials and construction of roads over a long term. There are some test sections dating back to 1973 that are still being monitored and studied. What make MnDOT studies valuable to other states, (and even other countries), is the wide temperature swings in the state. Temperatures can swing from -40F to over 100F in the course of one year.

A simplistic view - What damages road surfaces that happen over the winter and spring is the tiny cracks that are cause by the thermal expansion and contraction of the road surface that traps moisture which then repeatedly freezes and thaws. Freezing water expands creating a bit larger crack which traps more moisture - wash rinse and repeat over time and the surface flakes away causing potholes and broken roads. Add in the flexing of the road with heavy traffic, and roads will tend to break up and become rough. But there a a bunch of other considerations from subsurface prep to the general geology of where you want to build your road that all add to the life expectancy of the road itself.

Very generally, for heavy high speed traffic all weather roads, concrete roads seem to be gaining favor as the mixes get better additives.

I think self checkout works for one or two items. But not much more than that. I don't want to have two or three things to checkout and be stuck behind someone with a cart full.

But If I have much more than that, an "old fashioned" checkout is a lot better.

It's harder to learn for many people than you might think. There are 1000's of different kinds of types and models many with subtle differences from one another from one year to the next. Nor do you know just how mechanically sound that gangbanger's gun is either - what parts might be broken, missing, or badly modified.

It's probably not worth the risk when you can just place it in a lockbox and call the cops to deal with it.

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Clickspring - An Australian horologist who not only builds clocks from raw materials by hand, but his series on the Antikythera mechanism is a must see. He actually added to the historical knowledge about it. Plus he has one of the most soothing voices on the planet.

Steve1989MREInfo - Not only the history of military rations, but culinary critic also. And who among us isn't fascinated by watching someone open and eat a 175 year old ration on camera.........

ANTI-CHEF - Watch a normal Canadian person attempt recipes from Julia Childs and other Micheline Star Chefs in his New York City apartment. Complete with sirens and his failures.

Stand-up Maths - A more irreverent look at mathematics then Numberphile

As of February first, Usenet is done also. Google will not allow joining or new postings anymore. But they will continue to host it as an archive, until they don't....

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This ain't no big revelation to anyone. Since the 1960's Republicans have relied on liberal voter's apathy to win seats in government. It's liberalism's greatest weakness and failure - the belief that someone else should be responsible because they can't be bothered.

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His begging for money from supporters IS his GoFundMe.

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IF you run across a firearm on a patient, (which is really isn't a common thing), it gets placed in a lockbox and then locked into a "safe room". Chances are good there be a cop there in a short order anyway due to the patient having been shot by a gun.

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I don't think Melania cares. If she did. she would have sued him long ago. She got what she wanted out of Trump in other ways and is still getting it.

Years ago I had a co-worker from Miami. He had a bumper sticker that said "Miami - Flee it like a Native" on his car.

We are all Trans Women on this blessed day.

The guard rails are pretty good enough as is. When you hear of something like this it's very often caused by lack of maintenance/poor installation/assembly. There is a guy on youtube that has videos of a whole bunch of guardrails that are simply unsafe because they are missing bolts or were assembled incorrectly.

And remember - guard rails are meant to slow you down enough to try and prevent a worse situation rather than always turning you back into the roadway to create a larger accident with other traffic or stop you completely.

Which is odd because I do want the health stuff, but don't want the rest of that stuff that is useless to me. I don't need the texting, music, weather, or the phone stuff - my smart phone still needs to be in bluetooth range for it to work anyway.

But I do value the ability to take a pulse, blood pressure, and count steps. It has increased my self-awareness and improved my health consciousness - small changes can make big differences. And for $40US, I found a decent watch that actually works pretty well.

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The easiest way to solve the editorial issue for a lot headlines like this is to simply ask a teenager to read it. Their reaction will tell you if it's correct or not.......

Yep. Look at it this way, those $100,000+ machining centers that make nearly everything you use and own, are running on basically 486 chips. And they only transitioned from the 386's because the dies wore out and the chip manufacturers said they weren't going to remake them. It caused a noticeable amount of angst in manufacturing when the news got out.