0 Post – 441 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Technically she said his grades improved while she was his teacher. Though the headline implies she said his grades improved because of their sexual relations.

The media love to bend statements to get a reaction, and it's baited everyone here

5 more...

Can they? Completely wrong question.

"Will they" is what you wanted to ask but the answer is still firmly no

Put the rose tinted glasses to one side. We still had harmful viruses back in the day, difference is these days you are storing more private information "online" so the effect of compromise is larger.

7 more...

"we're all paying for it"

Journalism these days is fucking awful

6 more...

I fear for the internet. I'm already finding 10 year old 2013/14 reposts jped to shit, imagine another 10 years.

Yes lemmy, it doesn't feel like a decade ago and yes, you're aging

Then don't buy it? I really don't understand the online community.

23 more...

If only there was some method to check the gameplay after release and decide if you want to purchase.

Emotionally pre-ordering a game based on your own expectations is a meme.

I wanted to play KSP2 and waited an actual decade for it so I could go to space with my friends. Upon release I checked gameplay and reviews and never ended up buying it. I voted with my wallet and not my complaints, it's that simple

11 more...

You guys know we buy shell products right?

12 more...

Different toilets too, I'm from the UK and the water inside the toilet is a good 10 inches from seat.

Inb4 comment, ha ha your flaccid dick isn't 10 inches?

10 more...

Oh boy, you've got a lot to learn about apple consumers

If you're not aware YouTube has heavy comment filters which use NLP in a heavy handed way to remove "negative" comments.

YouTube comments are genuinely worth nothing anymore because they're cherry picked by software

Cries in britland

9 more...

"probably", you mean definitely.

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How are you guys reading this article? It took me 5-10mins of unchecking each cookie vendor one by one before I gave up.

Modern internet is a shit show

12 more...

I couldn't help but think there's no way luxury cruise ships is 3% of global carbon emissions

Was this your source?

It says "cruise ships and other maritime vessels" which isn't cleared up anywhere in the article. You have to remember that if this includes container ships it's fully expected, we all buy shit from across the world all the time.

This article says the shipping industry is 3%:

So either greenmatch is intentionally rage baiting everyone or they both emit 3% each, sus.

I really hate misinformation. It's very easy to rally and hate on the rich but it would be very funny to me if that 3% you said to "get rid of" means you would have to completey change your consumer habits and not only just affect "the rich"

But yes regardless don't mistake my comment for defending luxury cruise ships.

Yup. My LG TV has 85% of its features "disabled" until I accept new terms which is an acceptable middleground.

I wanted a high quality OLED display over 50inch, good luck finding one without voice control or adverts lol

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Old news, they've been the villain for much longer than you think

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If they actually said that to you word for word that's an open and shut case for suing them

Google will give up eventually. They're definitely burning more money than they would gain from winning the battle

19 more...

They can't prove you read it, maybe your child pressed accept. This is not legally binding in Europe

Or just heat the lenses, air force and army have been doing it for fucking decades. You never hear about an F18 TGP or Abrams commander sight "fogging up" lol

3 more...

The council planted a new tree on my road, trees surged in population from 1 to 2 yesterday

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What a disconnected statement. Every once in a while I recommend going into the real world (yes I know it's scary) and exploring your relationships out side of the internet

Clearly fake. No task ever includes anything but the happy path. Loading or failure states are a myth

Ignorance and/or incompetence.

Thats your answer to "I don't understand why"

For desktop install and use "FreeTube".

Alternatively for your android phone you can use "GrayJay"

Never. Pay. For. YouTube. Premium

5 more...

I've had an XR for years and never had any issues. People push these things to the limit and don't understand the float life.

If you want to go fast don't get a onewheel, you'll eat shit

14 more...

816, oof. The internet is unusable without the proper precautions

This is the number one reason I don't trust AI trained from public data. It's going to be learning from itself indefinitely and basically going inbred

People who don't understand how LLMs work aren't necessarily of low intelligence.

Don't get ignorance and intelligence mixed up. People of low intelligence do that

Smoke and a pancake?

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Can you do the whole world a favour and go to the Kremlin?

The dumbest 50% is everyone but me.

Dedicated volume wheel is god tier change my mind

1 more...

Preaching to the wrong crowd there buddy, you want to be convincing the exact type of person who isn't on Lemmy

You know damn well they didn't even notice, most people don't even use their mirrors

This is such a bubbled and disconnected opinion from the greater global population. Please be aware of that fact and don't let yourself get so bubbled again

Logically this "value" of a road is your predicted speed taking into account speed=distance/time. Modern navigation systems work the exact same way.

You know damn right people drive highway speeds on side roads in GTA

Instead of being toxic, why not help educate other users on why NordVPN should be avoided.

You can take a vegan diet right now, no problems at all.

Just focus on yourself, then convince one other person later down the line