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Joined 12 months ago

bullshit like this is getting worse and worse and is why i moved away from windows.

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i don't think this is a secret anymore though

ITT: things that people may not be aware, but aren't exactly secrets.

please like comment and subscribe dont forget to hit the bell for our latest updates youtube isnt delivering my videos so if you can help i appreciate it if you donate to my patreon check out my merch store we just got some brand new bullshit

but it doesnt

we gotta step our game the fuck up then.

at midnit omg we are all le redditors!!!

rules for thee but not for me!

piracy is awrsome, folks!

yo that means its working!

its a function of paying their employees less for more work relatively speaking and extracting more profit from consumers through ads and enshitification in general

flatpaks and snaps are official now iirc

i still have a z80 reference manual on here somewhere

especially at that price point

yeah fuck that, i don't want 24/7 work just because they can theoretically reach my almost dead carcass 24/7.

we need unions asap 🧅

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imagine paying for youtube

am i the only dumb fuck here who unironically likes this?

would make goto type situations much more usable

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fuck working harder, id rather do drugs

i hope it does 20 billion

maybe lithium or any of its friends.

or even able bodied workers desperate enough.

i got that, the stress is not worth it. the previous generation didnt need to work 24/7 every week to earn what i did with all the commissions included.

get people to rotate out with me. i'd rather get less pay (provided its sufficient for living) than the chronic stress.

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too much... free time?

wtf is that?

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it has been possible for quite some time now

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you are probably thinking of a terrible union. ive been in those, don't bother with them.

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i think the reddit/lemmy format is more suited to following communities not people

on-call people should get a rotation so they aren't on call every single week. which is what usually happens ime.

and the people's inertia

i wish! 12 hour rest after a shift would have been awesome.

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i'm in an european american colony, so we don't have that anymore.

paying for youtube

was python ever irrelevant?

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i think you mean "overestimated"

is linux already better for gaming on macs than macos?

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if buying isnt owning then piracy is not stealing

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the ublock origin experience is cheaper

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what? paying someone an actual salary for actual work instead of just microwaving lead to kids?

wont you think of the economy

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addiction mechanics lol. fuck reddit.

f i r e f o x

we should have been using it for decades now.

but then simply switching browsers won't really do in the long run, next step is hopefully banding together to eat the rich....

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fuck it, pirate everything.

if they lost respect for our money, i dont see why we should respect theirs.

if buying is not owning, then piracy isn't stealing.

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the dancing thing sounds like they wanna take on tiktok

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let me guess, climate change?

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