VR support for GNOME Wayland is here!

joojmachine@lemmy.ml to Linux@lemmy.ml – 295 points –
Add Wayland DRM lease protocol support (!3746) · Merge requests · GNOME / mutter · GitLab

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it has been possible for quite some time now

In KDE, I agree. I have an AMD video card and I've been gaming in KDE Wayland for quite a while now.

In Gnome too. I've been doing it.

Yes, no VRR (by default anyway) was a mild inconvenience, but it doesn't exactly make games unplayable. It's not like everybody hated gaming before gsync/freesync became widespread.

For me, VRR is crucial as I play a lot of FPS games or else, I don't feel that the mouse is the extension of my hand. That's why I switched from Gnome to KDE.