129 Post – 133 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Designer, artist, part of Fedora's marketing team and ferociously communist ☭

Can we please, in the year of the lord and savior, stop linking to flatkill for once? They have been debunked at least 5 different times at this point, so let me link to a couple of them:

Some of your points aren't bad, just not up to date to what most of the ecosystem has been doing for a while now.

Nope, I'm not the developer, I just found it really interesting and decided to share

  • Reason n.1: a stabler distro that doesn't lose when it comes to being up to date, as the equivalent to arch is rawhide
  • Reason n.2: a better, less toxic community
  • Reason n.3: Fedora is community-based, it is sponsored by RH but it does not dictate what the project does
  • Reason n.4: fedora docs is really good (and getting better), the only documentation locked behind a login is RH's, fedora's always been open to read and to contribute

I could keep going.

People really need to kill that notion that telemetry is automatically bad. If the information they are collecting is minimal, as non-identifiable as possible and actually being used to help develop the browser, it's a good thing.

Yes, turbo nerds in the back, specially being opt-out, opt-in telemetry is pretty much useless for trying to understand the majority of your user base.

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Read what I said again. It is not automatically bad, and it doesn't mean it can't be poorly used or poorly understood by the ones collecting it. It just means that it is an effective way to understand how your users are using your product.

Putting Mozilla (which from what I can tell is doing as much as they can trying to collect this telemetry data in a way that can't be used to identify its users) in the same domain as Microsoft, which collects pretty much everything it can to sell to third party advertisers is ridiculous as best and disingenuous at worst.

I personally see as benefiting us Linux users by forcing the rare website that "doesn't work with your operating system" to work if they want to reach that sweet over-a-billion-user Android market. Win-win for pretty much everyone.

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They've basically been the biggest partner with Microsoft to try and launch an ARM ecosystem for Windows. The oldest ARM laptops were made by them AFAIK

obligatory reply to obligatory xkcd

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Touch grass or look into the thing before spreading FUD

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Unpopular opinion but I'd rather see wider worldwide availability before having a hardware refresh. Getting more Decks out there should be on top of the list before trying to sell upgrades, specially when the current deck does so much already.

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They are a video creator first and foremost, not a writer for a blog or a magazine. It's like demanding a janitor to make and serve you a meal just because they work in a kitchen.

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And it's thanks to the work of those people that it has finally made it upstream, specially Fedora's Martin Stránský (who has been doing tons of work on Firefox, including making Fedora the first distro to ship Firefox with VA-API enabled by default).

As someone who's an active user and contributor to Fedora: words cannot express enough how much I hate US laws.

It's the reason we can't ship with H.264 hardware decoding out of the box, it's the reason why we can't provide access to our project and our community to sanctioned countries (Cuba being one that really hurts me, but mainly Iran right now, which makes me really sad because I'm having to answer people from Iran almost weekly asking on how they can be a part of the project with "unfortunately you can't").

I dream of a day where Fedora's trademark changed to the hands of a non-profit foundation outside of the US.

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Although most of the praise in the article actually goes to the improvements in GNOME, it's always great to see Linux getting high praise on more "mainstream" news sources. ZDNet is more techy than normal, but still reaches a wider audience than Linux-specific articles.

Jesus bellydancing Christ people, read beyond the title of the post for once. This is good.

This will enable results that aren't biased by the few users who find the option to opt-in (when it's not presented front and center) or actively answer to surveys.

They are taking as much care as possible with their words to make it clear that THEY DO NOT WANT TO TRACK YOU OR ABUSE YOUR DATA, it's just what's necessary for studies to better understand the users' needs.

  • You will have the chance to disable it front and center during the setup process;
  • No data will be sent before an active confirmation from the user during the setup process;
  • You will be able to fetch the data at any point to check what's being collected
  • They are reaching out to the community for guidance on what type of data we find acceptable or not
  • You can have an active participation on the building of this tool

And specially this, for the OH GOD, ITS THE END OF THE LINOX DESKTOP among you:


Not only there's no reason to overreact, this could be the start of something beautiful for the Linux desktop, where the users not only actively participate but actively control their data

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Biden, blasts

absurdly rare NVIDIA W

the children yearn for the easily packageable good video editor

If you want it to stop being a standard, help your distro do a better job at marketing. Ubuntu is one of the few that do some actual market research and dedicate resources to getting the OS into the hands of people by getting them interested in it. It's one of the things we are looking forwards to doing better in Fedora.

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I know, I'm on the Flatpak side, just appreciate the intention behind snaps (although I quite frankly hate the execution).

It's a partnership for those that really want the distro branding and that want to see part of the money spent going back to fund FOSS development (as 3% of the sales goes to the GNOME Foundation). For those that don't, it's basically just a Slimbook Executive 16.

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It's power-profiles-daemon. The new version came out a couple of weeks back (and reached stable bascially in the same day as F40 released) with much better performance, as it now detects if your system is running on battery and adapts both the balanced and power saver modes accordingly to save on power, it's pretty great!

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Also, highly recommend checking out Universal Blue's Surface images! It's pretty much everything you need out of the box!

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the TL;DR is people were coming from HN to harass one of Asahi's devs mainly for being a trans woman

transphobes get fucked 🦀🦀🦀🦀

I'm all in for performance improvements, hope to see this reach Proton ASAP

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another extremely common fedora W

They did announce it the same day as their new RHEL AI tools, so they're really just marketing it accordingly ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I don't hate them, but this hits hard. They are THE most influential distro for people outside of the community. They have by far the biggest user base and community, but instead of using this to collaborate with other distributions and specially with the freedesktop folks for the improvement of the commons, they have this culture of downstream work that rarely get the effort needed to be upstreamed. It's usually "it's good enough for us, so that's where we'll leave it", and they end up with these weird solutions that only they use.

It's literally just a proposal. Nothing has been set in stone and nothing has been developed yet. Again, please, look into the thing.

All of the Flatpaks mentioned on the post are available on Flathub though, we do recognize that most people use it, so we recommend apps available on it.

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I really hope it does well, the business model really needs to change.

Better late than never, glad to see things slowly but surely getting better for NVIDIA users

Umm, it was though? The event was both streamed there and uploaded there first and foremost, we're now putting our efforts into uploading and maintaining our YouTube channel as another point of contact for the project.

It is saying that more than one million people are actively using Flathub. What do you mean by force?

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that's great, but is it forklift certified?

This is more than enough of an answer for the people that went "wHy BoThEr?" when this project started.

All of this great work, all of it upstreamed and a big part of it will (hopefully) influence even x86_64 machines if distros, communities and companies start supporting them. speakersafetyd sounds like a godsend for all laptop speakers, the pipewire energy-efficiency work sounds lovely for all laptops, specially more recent Intel ones, with P and E cores.

It's probably best to assume that since that funding was provided to be used with a specific focus, they didn't (and/or couldn't) use it for the Foundation's maintenance.

Fedora Atomic for the win, it's been my one and only ever since I first used it.

Damn, couldn't have put it better even if I spent weeks trying to sum it down.