7 Post – 352 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mereo is a sociologist who is also a nerd. He believes in open-source software.

I transferred to this instance from My previous profile:

Which is why I ask people one simple question: do they plan to game. If they plan to game, I don't recommend them Mint. If they aren't, I recommend them Mint.

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Are you into gaming? If not, then it is perfectly fine to run the nouveau driver.

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Indeed. Nouveau simply does not have the gaming performance of Nvidia's proprietary driver.

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Many people are not activists like Richard Stallman. Perhaps it's better to run libre software, but it's perfectly reasonable to also run proprietary software.

For example, I switched to Linux when I could run proprietary games on Proton.

I think you meant to answer OP.

The concept behind the program is straightforward. Redditors who receive substantial gold and karma from other community members can potentially convert these virtual rewards into real-world money that can be cashed out.

sigh, that's desperation. This means that the discussion on Reddit will not be natural or organic, it will cease to be human. Redditors will be like dogs, where they shitpost and post comments that everyone agrees with so they can make money, basically doing what the master tells them in order to get their treat. Reddit as we know it will cease to exist.

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And this:

and it probably never will support anything other than AT-harddisks

Dromio05 showed me several posts he deemed questionable since Reddit took away his own mod badge. For example, this post shares a link to an article about "rebel canners," which Dromio05 argues "gives a public platform to people who openly encourage methods and recipes that are known to be unsafe, like canning milk and open kettle canning." The post is labeled unsafe, but Dromio05 would have removed the link to the article.

Another cited example is this recipe for canned sauce. It includes already-canned tomatoes, which experts like the National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP) recommend against, as there's no safe tested process for this. The recipe also includes nuts, though the USDA doesn't have any recommendations for canning nuts, and NCHFP and other experts advise against canning any nuts besides green peanuts.

No comment. Moderators are the key to Reddit's success, and they have been treated like shit and will continue to be treated like shit.

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I just love how professional the Lemmy instances have become. They went from having stability issues to being extremely stable. I love our Lemmy community.

Keep up the good work!

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They will just enable it by default later when the heat passes. They always do. You no longer own Windows.

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Firefox is the way. If you haven't tried Firefox since 2008, you should. It is as fast as Chrome. It has improved significantly since 2008.

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The whole thing seems rushed because the CEO of Unity, John Riccitiello, was the leading advocate of microtransactions when he was at EA, and now he is instilling the same culture at Unity.

How will they differentiate between pirated copies and legitimate copies? How will they distinguish first-time installs from repeat installs? Can we trust their algorithm? It just doesn't seem possible.

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The problem with dating apps is the commodification of human relationships. The way people use these apps is too superficial. They're looking for the perfect man or woman, so if there's something they don't like or that person has a flaw, they don't take the time to really get to know them on a deep level. There's a lot to choose from! FOMO!

Perfection does not exist in this world and we must really try to connect on a deep level. Unfortunately, some people use these apps for window shopping and shallow relationships.

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Reddit is planning six tiers of early access based on each "participant's contributions to Reddit," the company said in its updated SEC filing. Those tiers are based on a user's "karma" score, ostensibly an aggregate total of up/down votes on posts and comments.

The first tier of users will be those "who have meaningfully contributed to Reddit community programs," though what that means isn't explained more clearly. After that come tier 2 users, who must hold at least 200,000 karma points or have taken at least 5,000 moderator actions. Tier three includes users and moderators who hold at least 100,000 karma points and have taken 2,500 moderator actions. Tiers 4 and 5 are each half of the previous tier's total, and tier 6 includes everyone else, with a waitlist available if the total number of shares purchased exceeds the original 1.76 million.

Basically people who karma farm with low effort posts. This will only encourage low quality posts.

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It won't. We are an extreme minority who really have the know-how to get around this. The majority will just give in and subscribe.

This is what happened with Netflix. Everyone thought that Netflix would lose subscribers with the crackdown on password sharing. On the contrary, they gained subscribers and is bringing even more revenue:

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The EU really is a force to be reckoned with. Long live the EU.

"Just like the megathread," an announcement reads, "free-form ads encourage multiple users to come together, get the information they need, and deep dive into the topic at hand." Reddit explained that the open-ended nature of these ads will give advertisers more freedom to explore creativity and, hopefully, to start conversations with users.

Enshittification to the extreme....

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The story behind Senerenity OS is quite amazing:

It was October 2018 and I had just completed a 3-month rehab program at a state addiction clinic in Sweden. I was unemployed, staying with family, and had basically nothing going on.

With no drugs or other vices to pass the time, the days seemed impossibly long. I struggled to find activities to fill them. I enrolled in school for a while, but it wasn’t for me this time either. Eventually I turned to programming, since it’s always been my big interest in life.

Until that point, my career had been focused on web browsers (WebKit at Apple & Nokia). However, I had always been interested in low-level things so I began tinkering with some of that. I wrote a little ELF executable parser.. And an Ext2 filesystem browser.. And a little GUI framework with an event loop..

Out of this tinkering, an operating system began to take shape. I chose the name SerenityOS because I wanted to always remember the Serenity Prayer. I was quite worried about my future at the time, and I figured that this name would help me stay on the good path.

My general idea was to build my own dream system for daily use. It would be a combination of my two favorite computing paradigms: the 1990s GUI and the no-nonsense command-line of late-2000s Unix.


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Ever since Musk's control of the company, Twitter (I refused to call it X) showed me multiple hate and racists posts. Basically, Twitter is showing me garbage. I now use Mastadon instead.

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Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.


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Keep in mind that communities are not listed due to crawling issues.

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The United States workers need to copy the French! Unite and strike! Workers always have the power when they unite their forces.

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Yup. It is an official proof that the package wasn't delivered.

They will need to stay the course and not be tempted with huge Microsoft savings Microsoft will give them just like what happened with Munich:

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Exactly. Users who are involved in extremely niche communities will probably not find a place on Lemmy/Kbin yet. In 2008, reddit was the same. The politics subreddit only had 50,000 subscribers.

It's all about momentum. The more users we have, the more engagement in niche communities, the more it'll attract and retain users.

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Misleading Title!!!

In an interview with Norges Bank Investment Management, the Sony CEO talked about where he sees the future of gaming for PlayStation going in both the short and near term.

“It will be ubiquitous,” Yoshida said. “Wherever there is computing, users will be able to play their favorite games seamlessly. Why PlayStation will remain our core product [is] we will expand our gaming experiences to PC, mobile, and cloud.”

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I think we are now in a positive cycle:

  • More and more useful comments are posted,
  • Which means more people get interested,
  • which attracts more and more people to the platform
  • That increases the quality and quantity of posts/comments/etc.
  • etc.
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Me neither. Linux is my main Operating System but... We can't generalize one Windows experience just like we can't generalize one Linux experience.

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It is nice to be a patient gamer. I recently bought Cyberpunk and I'm enjoying it. I will get Dragon Dogma's 2 when it comes out of beta.

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Lemmy instances are run by VOLUNTEERS! is not a COMPANY. A company can have an army of lawyers. An instance run by VOLUNTEERS cannot.

Lemmy is still alpha software, thrust into the limelight by the fall of Reddit. It is still in its infancy. Reddit has had over 18 years to get it right. So it will take some time.

Rationality is out of the window. Ideology is the new religion. They don't want to become "socialists" even though they don't know what it truly means.

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I don't agree with the author's conclusion. I believe that Fediverse and FOSS software will eventually become better and less daunting for users to use. They will eventually rule the social scene.

Why? Enshittification. Capitalist platforms objective is to make money. As long as that's their objective, they will always become worse. FOSS projects are truly social project where the ultimate objective is to create libre software for the sake of human connection. Money is not the ultimate leitmotiv of FOSS.

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I use Proton Experimental to play my games and they all work without exception. I'm in my late 30s, so I no longer play competitive games that have a kernel rootkit, I mean kernel anti-cheat.

Basically, Linux gaming is like this: If you want to play competitive games with anti-cheat, stay or play in Windows. For all other games, play in Linux.

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This. This is what most baffling. Why hide your main icon, your BRAND, behind a paywall? It is simply idiotic. They are really desperate for cash.

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The game is currently being review bombed. Valve will soon do a big cleaning:

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The other .ml instances had a .ml free domain. paid for the domain so it's in no danger of losing it.

Edit: further proof that it is a paid domain:

  • Garbage in -> Garbage out (x2)
  • Garbage in (x2) -> = Garbage out (x4)
  • Garbage in (x4) -> = Garbage out (x8)
  • Garbage in (x8) -> = Garbage out (x16)
  • ...
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Buying a digital copy of something you cannot download is an oxymoron. It only makes sense if you subscribe to a service.

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One should read the history of Haiti. They were the first slaves to revolt and become free, so France wanted them to pay for "lost business". So they had to pay off a huge debt. And the U.S. didn't want Haiti to succeed because it would have encouraged slaves in the U.S. to revolt. So Haiti got roadblock after roadblock.

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