13 Post – 308 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

At the expense of your credit score tanking and never being able to recover.

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He's been announcing his intentions over loudspeakers for the last decade.

Deepfake fake news story aside, at the crux of this story is a girl or parent jealous of Madi's position on the team and was trying to tattle to get her kicked off the team. This story getting ignored was the best result. The girl was 16 and she was caught vaping. Kids are going to do shit they shouldn't and any hard and fast rule on vices like this is only going to be abused and cause more damage in the long term.

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What the fuck is the point of the law then? Locs are a protected hairstyle mentioned in the bill and they traditionally extend beyond the eyebrows. What a weak-dicked limp-wristed shit stain of a judge. Uphold the law you fucking coward.

I think you recently heard this term and are trying to shoehorn it into any conversation you can.

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I wish we could vote to quarantine people into labeled sections of Lemmy. Everytime Biden does something that represents positive change there's an influx of begging choosers saying that "he didn't do enough" or "but what about this!". He's cancelled 153 billion with a B dollars in 4 years without having a majority in congress. That's an exceptional accomplishment. May I remind everyone how much debt on middle class Americans were forgiven of under Trump or Bush or Reagan?

Biden is up against the most conservative and corrupt Supreme Court panel in history and a republican party that is so determined to torpedo anything that comes to the floor that they booted out their speaker of the house for coming to an agreement on the budget and replaced him with a speaker that they're threatening to replace for nearly coming to a deal with democrats that would enable the US, for the first time in history, to close it's borders. The only thing wrong with it was that it took away their boogeyman to campaign on.

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I just want to say, I'm super not on board for mocking her by using her birth name.

  1. It's not much different than purposely calling a trans man or woman by their former name.

  2. Using her birth name as a form of mockery kind of acts to devalue similar cultural names. I don't want Indian Americans to feel as though they are lesser than for living in America and keeping a culturally significant name.

There's plenty of legitimate things to criticize her for, including the hypocricy of her xenophobic policies, but they should be followed with context explaining her parent's immigration and her subsequent name change. Or her complete whiff on not mentioning slavery when discussing the American Civil War.

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Because we have been pornifying asian women on the internet for decades. Does that really beg the question posed in the title?

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It's not harder. It's not possible for a vast majority of people. You're telling people that are delinquent on their auto loans to "just pay cash" for used cars that are thousands of dollars. Sure you can find a beater for $800-1500 but what happens when the transmission goes or the engine throws a cylinder? Those of us with auto loans don't have the liquidity to pay outright for a decent vehicle.

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Every single scientific study regarding the use of fluoride in drinking water to help protect oral health. Link me a scientific study that proves flouride in drinking water is harmful.

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Except fluoride isn't a contaminate.

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This is the rhetoric that keeps us from advancing economic health in this country. Congratulations, you paid off your debt. Be happy about it. How does this hurt you in any way? It doesn't affect your financial situation in ANY way.

When you buy something and 2 weeks later it gets a price reduction, do you write a letter to the retailer and tell them you deserve a coupon for buying it before they put it on sale?

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Consider: Pirate everything. It's just a race to the bottom. The average you can charge for an ad tiered service will just continue shifting up as each streaming service gently increases their ad-free prices. If it was ~$15/mo avg before this, now Netflix sees the avg price go to $15.57/mo. If you're going to increase the price by 57¢ you might as well make it a nice round $1....Then Hulu sees the average go to $16.13 so then they need to increase their prices. So on and so forth until we're back to paying $60/mo like we did for cable TV.

And here's the kicker. They're legally obligated to do this because they could be sued by shareholders for not trying to make more money. And that's without mentioning that they actually prefer people to watch the ads because they generate more revenue from sponsored advertising. Pirating is ethical and cool. Paying subscription fees to trillion dollar corporations is cringe.

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He's absolutely not Vladimir Putin but let's not hail him as this shining beacon of truth just because he's a martyr. He was still a Russia first nationalist that supported the Russians during the Russo-Georgian war and was vocally supportive of the annexation of Crimea. He even made a youtube video where he played a pest control specialist and explains how to rid themselves of immigrants while comparing them to fleas and cockroaches. In the video he is attacked by a figure presumed to be one of the muslim immigrants he is calling to be exterminated and shoots them twice in the chest.

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It's ~tangable~ tangible because there's a face associated with the story and doesn't happen nearly as often. The other example you provided would be in the news everyday. Its like if your tires were slashed this morning but you decided to tell your coworkers about how you spilled some coffee on the counter.

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It's easy to blame yourself for this stuff, but the people that are actually responsible take advantage of that empathy. All we can do is verbally condemn the people responsible and in some cases show action by attending or organizing public protests.

Its equatable to oil companies blaming consumers for plastic waste, oil spills, and fossil fuel emissions.

You're not going to argue sources because you don't have any and your account is a 28 day old troll account.

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The irony is funny, but that is a common idiom in english speaking countries. Biden isn't literally going to speak to Netanyahu about converting to Christianity as if he's some sort of political missionary.

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Had me in the first half

Sick, so now I get to worry about the fucking emergency exits being ripped off the plane I'm flying on because the network connected torque wrench was hacked and displayed the proper torque setting while under torquing the bolts.

Can we not connect every fucking thing to the Internet?

Sorry, but once you're so filthy rich you can own and operate a private jet, you lose the right two things:

  1. My sympathy
  2. The right to not be eaten
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Can't wait for the first person to come in here and spout some bullshit like "buT whAt iS biDen DoiNg aBouT gaZa?" Like he can single handedly stop Israel. He's been working for weeks on Israel to recognize a Palestinian state and to stop the violence and they've been ignorant to any compromise. Israel is going to genocide with or without our help.

Can we just take this win and encourage more financial relief for younger generations?

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As I understand it, Lemmy does not have that capability yet and is one of the distinguishing factors between Lemmy and Kbin which allows mastodon account following. You can see mastodon content, just can't follow. (I believe)

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Lots of people make valid criticisms of Microsoft and Xbox, but one thing that no one can criticize is their dedication to making products for people with disabilities. They have been consistently releasing these products for people despite a small market for them.

In a way, they're making a point. Just because they provide internet shouldn't mean that they are the ones that should pay damages to record companies. But neither should torrent client developers. If you can't catch the end user, then that's your problem. If you're that concerned, make your material more accessibile.

I was absolutely CONVINCED that this was accidentally posted in c/nottheonion rather than c/theonion

Nope. Its 100% legit

They're being trained on F-16s via Poland if I'm not mistaken. But those F-16s aren't going to make things much easier either. They'd likely be targeted by S-400s behind the Russian lines, so their operational range while being in friendly airspace is probably pretty limited. The slow pace than hoped for is mostly affected by the mines that Russia laid and entrenched soldiers. The drone-dropped grenades are more effective at dealing with entrenched soldiers than an F-16 having to evade redar and SAMs.

Who gives a flying fuck what "Trump's advisor" thinks, says, or proposes? Trump isn't an elected official right now so kick rocks.

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This title is very disingenuous. Officials only said that funding toward a counteroffensive similar to last summer would likely result in the same outcome, so the funding is aimed towards reinforcing their supply lines and fortifying the area that they've already retaken. That doesn't mean that the United States has put into their war plans that Ukraine will never retake their lost land. It's just not accounted for in their funding for the next year.

I feed it TOS, Service Agreements, etc and have it simplify and summarize them so i can have a general idea of what is in them without 10 minutes of reading.

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Alito added that she has designed her own flag in her head, which she wants to have made and flown. It features the Italian word “vergogna,” which means shame.

No no no. You don't get to just use italian whenever you want to veil your shithead sense of self worth. You leave a romance language out of this and put that shit in plain English.

Everyone that's pissy about someone buying an ICE vehicle right now fails to realize issues like this. I'd love to save money while helping the environment by buying electric, but the barrier to entry is way too high still.

I need an AWD for winter driving, cargo space for my job, 100+ miles of range for frequent trips to visit friends and family, and for it to not be owned by Elon Musk.

That leaves like 9 options in the EV market and none of them qualify for my state's tax credit or the federal tax credit now. So I really have no choice if I'm wanting to keep my payment equal to or lower than the $300/mo I'm paying right now.

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For me it was the inability to sort my "timeline" by chronological order and only people I wanted to follow.

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Wish a bitch would try...we could finally end this war.

Broken phone, hot water heater, HVAC, fridge, washer, dryer, toilet, stove, oven, microwave, tv, personal computer, new shoes, new clothes, friend is getting married, friend is having a baby, the car needs a new set of tires, the car was rear ended, windshield was shattered by a rock that kicked up off the road on my way to work, need a new lawnmower cause the second hand Toro mower's gas powered engine is shot, property taxes went up because home values went up, kids got sick and went to the doctor, dentist appointment found a cavity, accidentally sat on your glasses, suit doesn't fit anymore and you have a funeral to attend, older windows on your house built in the 90's are starting to go bad, storm damage to your out of warranty roof, deck needs to be rebuilt because the old wood is starting to dry rot, time to replace the bed(I know you're supposed to replace them every 8 years, but you went ahead and stretched 15 out of this one because you're frugal).....must I continue?

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Maybe public perception is skewing my opinion, but Toyota had a massive head start on EVs with the first Gen Prius. Then they let that platform stagnate and bemoaned the advancement of EVs once Tesla had brought them to the market all in favor of hydrogen. They put all their eggs in the hydrogen fuel cell basket hoping that storage and range would be worked out despite clear disadvantages due to physics. Now they "love battery tech"? I love their reputation when it comes to ICE and reliability, but I'm challenging them to persuade my negative opinion of their EV commitment before I buy a Toyota EV.

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You think that the circles she moves in aren't aware of what she's doing? They encourage it.

Pokemon is about the universe it was created in. It was the perfect on the go game when we were children and it even had a great anime to go with it. When you were home, you watched Ash and Pikachu take on the world of pokemon. Everything looked so vibrant and cool. Then when it was time for you to go with your parents to a house party, you could play Pokemon on your Gameboy.

It's just a nostalgia franchise now, but that's okay. Most people are unhappy with how Game Freak is handling the role of building these games, but maybe one day they'll make a turn.

It's not that they're not "pre-sliced" it's that they're pre-sliced poorly. Either they're still connected in the middle and trying to cleanly pull them apart is frustratingly rare or they're sliced unevenly resulting in a 80/20 bagel experience. All too often it can be both.

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I kinda like this idea. Publicly accessible USPS chargers and profits are rolled directly back into their budget IN ADDITION TO current funding.