Biden administration cancels student loans of more than 150,000 borrowers under new plan to politics – 143 points –
Biden administration cancels student loans of more than 150,000 borrowers under new plan

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Can't wait for the first person to come in here and spout some bullshit like "buT whAt iS biDen DoiNg aBouT gaZa?" Like he can single handedly stop Israel. He's been working for weeks on Israel to recognize a Palestinian state and to stop the violence and they've been ignorant to any compromise. Israel is going to genocide with or without our help.

Can we just take this win and encourage more financial relief for younger generations?

I particularly like the type of idiots that say they won't vote for Biden because of this. Trump will be far worse on this, but that'll show Biden!

Single issue voters need a slap.

I'd gamble if trump were president we'd be bombing Gaza right now. Like, directly, US sorties.

And probably Ukraine too. Then when WWIII starts, we would likely team up with China and Russia to defeat NATO and help them reunite with all of their lost territories.