
20 Post – 522 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Who could possibly have foreseen that this would go tits up?!

Guess the executives didn't want to wait for him to take one of their planes and die naturally by getting sucked out at 35,000 feet when a door falls off.

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Imagine being so up your own ass that Matt Gaetz is too open-minded and welcoming for you to stomach.

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The Republicans started an ill-advised conflict without an exit strategy? Who could've seen that coming!

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Yeah, apparently NASA are real sticklers about all the doors staying on all the time. Just ridiculous standards to expect!

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Imagine being such a piece of shit that even the Republicans don't want to associate with you.

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Damn, Republicans are really committed to being a Captain Planet villain now.

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The enshittification proceeds apace. Fuck u/spez.

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In other news, hundreds of Alabama hospital staff were arrested for keeping children locked in freezing rooms for weeks on end.

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For those keeping score at home, that's 0.36 Scaramuccis she lasted there.

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Because she isn't? Sure she's better than any of the Republicans, but that's a stupid low bar and doesn't really tell you much. Her record in California is abysmal, she had zero support in her campaign, and she's done fuck all since she became VP. She's essentially a glorified security barrier to stand between the nuclear codes and whatever asshat the Republicans end up shoving in as Speaker in the event that Biden goes the way of all flesh during his term.

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Don't vote for a third party. That's just voting for Trump with extra steps.

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TL;DR - Spez is a greedy little pig boy.

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Joel Michael Singer, an entitled rich asshole, was filmed belligerently headbutting a restaurant staff member, and then filled a bunch of DMCA demands to remove the video where it was posted, resulting only in it getting posted more and more.

Here's an article about it: https://heavy.com/news/2020/05/joel-michael-singer/

The video itself, with sound, can still be seen on The Bad Place whose name we don't mention.

In the name of religion.

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Turn them into arenas where the public can hunt millionaires for sport.

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Precisely how many people have been full on ready to drunkenly bang their daughter, and were persuaded not to by a billboard?

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All it would take would be Trump dropping a single line in one of his rambling diatribes about how he ate a guy once, and folks like this would do an immediate about face and push to legalize cannibalism.

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Half of her supporters said in one poll that they'd vote for Biden instead of Trump if she doesn't win, I want her to hang in as long as she can!

Bingo. Cops excel in escalation.

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Trump lawyers:

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Well, their presumptive nominee for president is a rapist, so that tracks.

AOC 2028

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Diablo IV. What a disappointment that turned out to be.

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Holy fuck, this should be cause for mandatory public castration.

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"Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing."

  • Dalinar Kholin
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Because that was the sticky wicket in Argentina that needed addressing. Should be smooth sailing from here.

Christian here. I can confirm we're already pretty fucking visible.

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Absolutely. Ideally one of the Nordic model countries, but the issue there is more than just money, it's linguistic and bureaucratic as well.

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Basically, the entire case against Willis rests on the testimony of one former employee who only left because she was given the option of leaving or being fired for subpar performance. No evidence supports any impropriety, the whole thing was essentially an excuse for a character assassination flimsily supported entirely by the unsubstantiated testimony of a disgruntled ex-employee.

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Yep, they're throwing anything and everything they can at the wall trying to make something stick. His whole plan is to delay until he can get elected, then try to pardon himself of everything.

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I'm hanging on to the pipe dream that she eventually drops out and endorses Biden. Can you imagine the reaction of Trump and his gang, the sheer apoplectic fury would like to make his head explode.

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Wyomings and Colorados as far as the eye can see

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What a piece of human garbage.

One party in particular makes a habit out of blowing up literal non-issues into doomsday political theater though.

Marvel movies are leftist?

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In response to this hacking, Germany should actually give Ukraine these missiles and plenty of Russian targets to aim them at.

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The big question, of course, is what can we do to help make sure it tanks?

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It's common in some iconography to depict children as miniature adults.

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