1 Post – 2358 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's censored on your instance

Dude was deprived of his freedom, put in a life threatening position, etc.

Those are serious things

Gaining weight as you age is not "normal". It is "common".

Now you just hatin', edit after you just made some wild assumptions

Yes, it literally is.

Doing it late is bad, as you describe.

Doing it never is worse.

He's actually overweight in that photo for a movie role.

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Unranians? Like, folks from Uranus?

"so many" just means the women he's interacting with have them more often than they previously remember.

It's their own anecdotal, subset. A sample.

They are discussing the observation they have on the women they are meeting. Not all women.

To assume they are describing all women, or further, passing some meaningful judgement on all women is an invention of the reader

If the bathroom and toilet are "dewy" the bad design falls on the house itself.

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If, as one of the quotes stated, they are worried about being "on a precipice", maybe worry about the fact that you are doing tons of construction for games facilities, and athletes and staff are flying in from all over the world.

That massively dwarfs the ac the athletes want, I'm sure by several orders of magnitude.

This comment displays a privileged, ignorant position

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Some people can only pay the minimum, and in certain loans that gets you no closer to paying it off.

This type of principle based trap is a very common issue

In general yes but this discussion is a out mass shootings.

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Almost all comments in this chain, and indeed the immediate one you replied to mention "school shooting".

Beyond that, schools and dangerous guns existed before 1980.

Edit even the original meme is about a school shooting

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Of course they are, but to suggest the same variables drive a school shooting vs a midnight gas station robbery is silly

Agree. I believe I acknowledged that in my last sentence.

My point is a frivolous claim is a thing , and someone bringing a claim must suffice a basic level of evidence to even proceed. Indeed, as you say, "judgement" is at a lower final standard in a civil suit.

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Well I'm not defending this, but that isn't how crimes are prosecuted, thankfully. Prosecution is obligated to prove their case with evidence.

Like, they have to prove (beyond a reasonable doubt) that you were at the crime scene and committed the act.

Edit Indeed of someone DOES have some sort of evidence you committed the crime and you offer no rebuttal, then you're hosed

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Well, disagree but that's fine

I think proving the actual content is present in the song is more challenging, then it gets into the murk of "inspired by/influenced by" etc

In the end, these groups probably did edit literally include the songs in the training set, and are in violation.

No that's furies


It's true that Hollywood is corrupt and csuite pay is absurd, but those deals are the only mechanism by which ANY money makes it to the writers, actors and staff who deserve it

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Which bathroom tho

Dude I really, really don't like or support this dude but that's not true. He didn't keep it at her (his) house because he specifically knew she would not permit him to have it. She literally tried to parent, and he snuck around her by keeping it at a friend's house.

I believe the US isn't creating more of these, and they are used in Ukraine because it's their choice to deploy these munitions on their land

Ah we are in this stage of the platform lifecycle

Not saying it isn't a fig leaf, but does.kenya really have the ability to project peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts on another continent? It stands to reason they'd need a partner with the infra and equipment to actually make the mission happen. The US is literally best in the business on this topic, and is nearby.

That can be true, before and exclusive of US political meddling. (Which is for sure possible, I'm not discounting that, I'm just not addressing it here)

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Docker is not a shill tech stack. It is a core developer tool that is certainly not required, but is certainly not fluff

Sure, but men can generally be turned on by a breeze through the window, while they are eating a grape.

The "joke" is that there isn't really any communication needed, for the majority of men. That alone represents the "joke" complexity

I just scanned our 1:1 chain and see no links or citations.

I'm not addressing your.other junk without moving past the last step. Equivocating Putin's invasion of Ukraine with whatever is happening in Haiti is ludicrous.

America bad, if you need that for your checklist or something.

That exists

I cannot believe they did this shit.

Every time I look at the teams icon with the word new on it, my brain thinks that means there are messages.

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See your doctor

Vibrating butt plug with timer

Realistically, your wife is your partner and some sacrifices need to be made. If she can't sleep through a watch, she should consider earplugs or just deal. I'm sure you silence it and leave the room ASAP so, that's just life of sharing a room with a spouse.

Edit like literally millions of spouses have tolerated their other rising before them, it's a normal part of the deal

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Same thing they play, delayed a few seconds, louder.

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19/f/Cali was the only acceptable response

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Having sex toys in a professional setting is... Unprofessional.

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Superstitious dumbfucks. Same energy as buying rhino horn for erectile dysfunction

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Bottom surgery

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No closing semicolon, anyone got any extras to throw on this thing?

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You're missing it.

He's claiming the presidency he experienced changes/colors/empowers his current and past actions.

To him, a president or former president should never be on trial for this. To him a president had ascended from crimes of the flesh.

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