Trump adviser proposes new tiered system for NATO members who don't pay up to politics – 15 points –

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Who gives a flying fuck what "Trump's advisor" thinks, says, or proposes? Trump isn't an elected official right now so kick rocks.

Agreed. Plus the whole "pay up" thing is a red herring; there are no membership dues for being in NATO, they just agree to spend two percent of their GDP on defense (which they don't all do).

The 2 percent is also a goal. A spending guideline if you will. Not a hard demand to be a member.

There's also widespread confusion over what kind of spending counts toward the 2 percent goal.

And just to wrap it all together, the money plaes in comparison to the value of having a treaty at all. The absolute stupidest thing you could do is blow it up just because some countries haven't hit rheir spending targets.

I think he's talking about if Trump is elected. And there's a real risk that's actually gonna happen.