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Joined 11 months ago

On the other hand, this is a clear minority of Colorado. The state has turned solid blue over the past decade. This largely rural district no longer represents Colorado as a state. Much like MTG's largely rural district in Georgia no longer represents Georgia as a state.

At least her cat fights with MTG are always a good reminder of how much of a cesspool the Republican Party really is.

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If you compare the US with countries with very strict gun laws, e.g. Europe, you'll probably find that the difference between their low gun violence rate and the high gun violence rate in the US is related to the easy access to weapons in the US.

It's also related to the general inequality in the US compared to Europe, especially economic. It created a lot of desperation in the US. But half the country is also not willing to do anything about that, because that's "socialism" or whatever. And round and round we go.

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Guns are the tool used for people to kill people. It's a lot harder to drive a screw in without a screwdriver.

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I'm going to take this as sarcasm. If it's not, I'd recommend you see a doctor asap.

Just another Tuesday in Republican world.

There's a long way down from that high horse.

I do know quite a few nice evangelicals who try to be counterweights to the crazy. But the evangelical culture definitely does produce lots of bigots, unfortunately.

Many of these criminals used to be a "good guy with a gun" until, one day, it snapped.

There's a reason why the US stands out of gun violence, and it's the easy access to weapons.

I have a stable job, pension, matching 401k, no kids, no debt (paid off my car and student loans), make 6 figures, and I am STILL convinced that I will never be able to retire.

If this is your reality, there's more wrong with your expectations than your situation.

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They just want to force their religion of others through politics. There's nothing worse than the mixing of politics and religion.

At least 22 dead and 60 wounded.

To all of you out there who want no gun control. This blood is on your hands. Screw you and your 2nd amendment "rights."

Edit: 18 dead, 13 wounded

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Religion has not done a lot of good in the world lately. Turns out the "my way or the highway" approach creates nothing but death and violence.

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I'm not a fan of the cookie consent popups, but I do appreciate the EU actually trying to do something to protect people's privacy. Seemingly the only major entity to do so right now.

Thank you Europe. Once again you prove yourself to be what we all aspire to be.

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Abolish capital punishment

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The EU is literally the only major entity actually trying at this point. Thank you!

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I sometimes wonder if I live in an alternate reality where a significant subsection of the population has gone absolutely insane. The insanity all seemed to take off around 2016.

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Apparently, the shooter was a firearms instructor. Aka, good guy with a gun turned bad guy with a gun.

This crap will never end until the tools they use to kill are off the streets.

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Says more about the American consumer than Target.

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Americans actually pay more per capita towards public healthcare than most Europeans, but it just covers so much less (Medicaid and Medicare) because of insane healthcare prices.

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I believe the headline is wrong. It's not 54 consecutive days, it's 54 days this year total.

In July, Phoenix broke it's previous record of consecutive days above 110F with a 31-day streak. Previous record was 18 straight days 1974.

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I actually just want permanently higher gas prices like in Europe to facilitate the move to EVs. The US needs to break the addiction to oil.

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Good. Sweden has very strong military capabilities with their Total Defense strategy. They also have very advanced weapons development and a huge defense industry, including their Gripen fighter jets. NATO got a lot stronger today.

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Important to understand that there's also a form of civil war going on within the Church in the US between the more liberal churches, which this pastor represents, and the conservative, evangelical churches, which Mike Johnson represents.

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More than 80 percent of new cars sold in Norway now are EVs.

Which also means that all the talk in the US about EVs not being reliable in cold-weather states is just pure crap from politicians trying to protect oil and the gasoline car industry.

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If you switch parties, it should be an automatic special election to be reelected.

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It will only last until the next Republican administration. Elections have consequences. Vote.

Not the smartest bunch. Unfortunately, that bunch seems to encompass 30-40 percent of the American population.

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Then don't vote for Republicans.

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There's just a lot of inequality in the US that is both socially and politically unacceptable in the rest of the developed world. Extremes are more accepted here.

There are more extremely rich people than you would see in other Western countries and and many, many more extremely poor people than in other Western countries. Alleviating that would mean implementing policies to redistribute wealth that many Americans are not willing to implement, especially conservatives.

The US basically sacrifices the good of the many for the great of the few.

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He is a patriot

He's an insurrectionist. That's what he is.

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A report from the Advocate, the LGBTQ+ news outlet, noted that the man who accompanied her to Beetlejuice was a Democrat named Quinn Gallagher who is the proprietor of a bar that has hosted LGBTQ+ events and drag performances, which have often been targets of the political right.


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Ok. Not going to vote for any of those fools anyway. Joe Biden 2024.

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Trump has completely destroyed the Republican Party.

Not only has he destroyed the Republican Party, he has inflicted significant damage to the very fabric of the United States. He has sown discourse discord, conflict, and division that could take decades to undo. How sad.

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...until after the election. Then it's back to 1864.

Yeah, because Donny will surely stand up for Gaza much more than Joe ever did...

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Looking at you, Germany...