Antony Blinken’s rock performance in Kyiv bar divides opinion in Ukraine to politics – 23 points –
Antony Blinken’s rock performance in Kyiv bar divides opinion in Ukraine

Yes absolutely, anything to support moral in Ukraine is obviously counter to Russian propaganda, so I bet everybody parroting Russian propaganda is against this.

I can kinda understand ppl being against this. Go back to the US and get your backwards ass congress to pull their head out their asses. Plus they're probably some who aren't too fond of his involvement in Israel.

Name a more iconic duo than American politicians and taking protest songs out of context.

So is Blinken the "kindler, gentler machine gun hand?"

while others questioned the optics of performing in a bar while the situation at the front is so tense.


Fuck Blinken.

This was just propaganda to distract from his support of Israel's genocide.

Actions mean a lot more than words or guitar solos.