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In true American fashion dating all the way back to its founding, you only matter if you own property.

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Because letting jackasses in congress set regulatory precedent on things they know jack shit about has always worked out

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Or fuel the prison industrial complex sustaining a constant supply of slave labor and state funding for private prisons

The United States of America used to be thought of as an ideal, an aspiration.

For white ppl and select immigrants. For everyone else this country has always been a shithole

Racist says something racist. More at 11

The conservative groups are led by Pastor Luis Cabrera, who is active in Latino conservative circles in the state and whose Instagram profile picture is currently an upraised fist outlined with the Israeli flag. Originally from Guatemala, Cabrera is a member of several right-wing Christian activist organizations and has also posted numerous pieces of pro-Israel social media content.

The thing about Uncle Tom's are they come in all shapes, races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Ironically the things they all hate and fight against

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This is the result of a broken system. If every election comes down to either the status quo or blatant corruption the system has already failed.

Inevitably corruption will win at least once.

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Literally just watched this interaction on Audit the Audit. Highly recommend youtube channel.

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Should've started with extreme militant Islam. The speed of the pearl clutching could become a new form of energy

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Well CPS kinda sucks and famously ignores abuse so not the best idea

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Agreed. Assange is not the good guy in this. No one is in this.

Not true! Climate change is eliminating bills. Home owners insurance for the non-existent house I will never own is a thing of the past!!!

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Don't forget the benefits of having an actual fully equipped kitchen. Eating out every night can get expensive so being able to cook is a nice alternative.

The whole reason immigration is in shambles and border is being overrun is republicans policies over past 2 decades.

I thought it was America's full heroin like addiction to cheap migrant labor. Let's be real Republicans and Democrats know that the US economy will grind to a hault if ppl stopped crossing the border. The fact congress won't make work visas for farm laborers less convoluted and backwards is on purpose. You can't have things like labor laws stopping that 11 year Mexican kid picking strawberries for $2 an hour

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Overall, it seems like standard nimby-ism.

I would agree if the US government didn't have a history of bulldozing predominantly Black neighborhoods in the name of infrastructure and instantly omitting white affluent neighborhoods.

While this project doesn't seem to do it at first glance can you blame black ppl of instantly distrusting the US government motives?

20 minutes is being generous

Make this man a CEO NOW!!!!!!!

True but the FBI don't have the best track record when it comes to policing and respecting rights protected by the constitution

I personally have no issue with her giving an ole fashion in public. My problem is all the other dumbass shit she says and does.

She shouldn't be an elected official because she has the intelligence of a moldy cabbage. Not because she chokes chickens in a general audience

Genz can't afford a car. Even used cars cost too damn much

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So where's the NRA? Armed in her own home and shot by government tyrants exercising her right to protect herself with a firearm.

Who am I kidding...

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This dude LITERALLY pulled an ISIS beheading his father while basically giving the same talking points AS FUCKING ISIS.

Swatting, bomb threats, planting bombs, death threats, murder, mass shootings, election tampering, sedition, attacking government institutions. Let's call a spade a spade. They're a terrorist organization

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Man fuck Republicans

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Everyone likes to think of Italy as this land of the cultured and sophisticated with all the art, food, and architecture. But you'll find a lot of Italians are as racist and ass backwards as a toothless Klan member in Mississippi.

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It's almost like if you don't regulate giant corporations they'll do whatever the fuck they want

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That's still an embarrassing amount of ppl wanting an incompetent failure running the sheriff department

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System working as intended. All of this was intended to keep minorities (most black ppl) in a perpetual state of incarceration. Only now the groups deemed undesirable have expanded. We could've fixed it decades ago but the majority of this country (white ppl) were fine with it because it didn't affect them.

The epitome of its not my problem until it is

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Fuck the police and if you back the blue fuck you too.

I did not intend for that to rhyme


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My lemmy is full of cats. So many cats

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Good luck getting America to hate a blonde blue eyed white woman with fake titties. On top of supplying kids with books, donating her money to various charities, and taking the Dixie out of Dixie stampede (because fuck the confederacy) you'd have a harder time convincing ppl to hate oxygen

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Hemme was shackled in leather wrist restraints and so heavily sedated that she “could not hold her head up straight” or “articulate anything beyond monosyllabic responses” when she was first questioned about the death of 31-year-old library worker Patricia Jeschke, according to her lawyers with the New York-based Innocence Project.

Jesus Christ

Alabama this week:

"All life is sacred in the eyes of God!!!"

"Gas that motherfucker til his eyes bleed!!"

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I think the Senate sometimes, oftentimes, fears anything that could be seen as partisan.

I'll never understand this. There is a clear divide in parties. There is no working across the isle anymore. You can't negotiate with someone who denies reality.

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Just cut out the fluff and say you're an asshole who only cares about yourself.

Amazon workers are suppose to kiss Jeff Bezos ass because ppl are starving to death elsewhere? I've heard of boot licking but this is spreading your cheeks so you can take boot straight up the asshole

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Clearly the cop fears for his an the publics safety. He could poke an eye out with that finger

Nothing more American than working an "employee" to death

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I wish you ppl would stop with your fetishization for any religion outside of the Abrahamic ones. Sikhs are just like any group of ppl and have committed fucked shit in the name of their ideology. Imperial (let's invade and massacre Asia) Japan was Buddhist who used it as justification for nationalism, violence, and persecution. Which sounds pretty damn similar to what Jews, Muslims, and Christians do/did. And let's not forget Hindu nationalism and their problematic caste system

And no this isn't a bashing of religion as a whole because I personally find the argument that religion is the root of all evil as childish. I have no issues with anyone believing anything they want. It only becomes a problem when you feel the need to impose your belief on others. EVERY group including religion, race, class, ethnicity, sex, political party, etc is guilty of that

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I ask you, how do you help ppl of a subjugated class without specifically helping that subjugated class?

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