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Joined 3 months ago

I'm just this guy, you know. Except on Lemmy.

The teen pregnancies are the point

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Us dweebs who follow politics don't know how undecided voters think

Found John Oliver's fediverse account

Neither of them could do that.

Now that you mention it, the debates between Fetterman and Oz were a lot like the last presidential debate. Oz was put together and crazy, and Fetterman kinda mumbled his way through and didn't do too well.

The debate made me really afraid for my parents. They're not much younger than either and now I'm thinking they'll need a lot more help a lot sooner than I realize.

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Every election for the rest of our lives is the most important election of our lives.

I agree but it's getting fucking exhausting.

If my kid spiked their hair and started living in a collective and spending their days doing direct action and mutual aid I'd be so fucking proud.

I was nervous before mine, but it wasn't bad at all. The worst part was the slight pinch in my balls when they gave me the local anesthetic. It took about fifteen minutes, and I walked out just fine.

I sat on the couch all weekend and watched action movies which was awesome. Ibuprofen was more than enough for the pain, and I was able to do light house work in a couple days.

Get some reviews of doctors in your area, but I would definitely recommend getting one if you don't want any kids.

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His husband says it's more like "Buddha-judge."

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Show real people who have been helped by Biden's policies in the commercials.

People don't trust institutions anymore. They don't trust authority anymore. But put a real person in front of them and there's a chance a plurality won't call them paid actors and will understand that things are getting better.

Yeah. Maybe hanging a lantern on it would work. Do a campaign commercial with Sir Mix A Lot or something.

the democratic party were too stubborn to let things go any other way and now we’re stuck.

Would that they were this stubborn in 2000...

For anyone else who's confused by the headline: This means there isn't a religious exemption to vaccines in Connecticut.

The bad guys lost. Yay!

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Oh man a version of Wolverines set in a city where punks fight the Russians would be awesome

As one of his constituents I approve this message.

I think you're ignorant of history and naive. I remember being like you. Then I realized what a shitty country we live in and how powerless I am to stop a trillion dollar war machine. Now I'm just sad.

A good government is a boring government. I don't want SLAMS in a congressional meeting. I want boring questions about tiny little details on spreadsheets nobody reads except for interns and wonks.

Can't have pop up headlights or hood ornaments because they're dangerous to pedestrians.

But you can have a hood that's six feet tall because that's totally safe for pedestrians.

Vote or die!

That could be hundred of kilobytes of data!

Does this count as a world war yet?

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One of my favorite pastries is a maple-bacon long john. It's a long donut with maple icing and a slice of candied bacon on top.

Let's be fair: Henry Ford was an antisemite way before Hitler.

In 1918, Henry Ford purchased his hometown newspaper, The Dearborn Independent. A year and a half later, he began publishing a series of articles that claimed a vast Jewish conspiracy was infecting America. The series ran in the following 91 issues. Ford bound the articles into four volumes titled "The International Jew," and distributed half a million copies to his vast network of dealerships and subscribers. The rhetoric was not unusual for its content, as much as its scope. As one of the most famous men in America, Henry Ford legitimized ideas that otherwise may have been given little authority.

I've gotten two texts from two different numbers claiming I'm not registered to vote. Which is weird, because I voted in a primary a couple months back. So I checked my state's voter registration and I'm still there, still getting a mail-in ballot like I asked.

I did a bit of forensics on the links but they just redirect to a GCE instance that returns a 500 error, and the domain registration is anonymized so I can't get any info there. But I'm worried a lot of people are clicking a link that might take them off the voting rolls.

In my head it's Dr. Frank-N-Furter

There are a few magic spells that can turn 10:30pm into 2:30am quite effectively:

  • "I'll just boost iron production and then go to bed."
  • "Landing on Eve won't take me that long."
  • "Just one more turn..."
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Easy: Just form a corporation.

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Do we know the locations of all Austro-Hungarian princes?

Don't worry, I'm sure there will be plenty of young conservative Democrats we can be disappointed about.

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Just another example of how, if you're even marginally out of the mainstream of politics, you will be perpetually disappointed with our government.

People... what a bunch of bastards.

One must be always drunk, that's all that matters.

But what with?

With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you choose.

But get drunk.

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Especially if there's "voting irregularities" or Trump wins outright. The Chinese would definitely take advantage of the confusion.

As we see from this election, it doesn't really matter what their views are. The people who are really in charge ($$$) can just dump money into any election, and I'm sure they can find someone who'll toe the corporate line for a big pile of money.

Never buy the brand new model of anything. Computer, car, dishwasher, blender; they all have teething problems that are solved in later versions. Hell, in enterprise IT it's common to be several major versions back and to pay for security patches rather than keep up with the latest and greatest.

I remember Bush’s monthly drops of ridiculous quotes or other idiocy.

"Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me twice? Can't get fooled again."

I think that was also around the time the timeline went from chronological to algorithm-based

This has always been the first stage of enshittification. Twitter back in 2007 was pretty nice. I made a lot of local friends because they'd post cat pictures and food pictures and we'd have meetups. Really great folks that I found because their posts showed up in a chronological feed alongside other ones I follow.

Then when they switched to an algorithmic feed all those posts by people with low follower counts got drowned out by ones with activity. My friends were still there, I just didn't see them because The Algorithm decided I didn't want to. I stopped using Twitter not long after that.

Why would she be exhausted when she has the machine that goes PING! After all it's the doctors who do all the work since they're the experts.