Lauren Boebert says she "fell short of values" after Beetlejuice groping video. to – 621 points –
Lauren Boebert says she ‘fell short of values’ after Beetlejuice groping video

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A report from the Advocate, the LGBTQ+ news outlet, noted that the man who accompanied her to Beetlejuice was a Democrat named Quinn Gallagher who is the proprietor of a bar that has hosted LGBTQ+ events and drag performances, which have often been targets of the political right.


My man Quinn over here having a failure of values and sticking his dick in category 5 crazy.

Somebody's gotta keep the ravenous cockbeasts pacified. That man's a hero.

This, to me, was the most noteworthy part of the whole event! One of them has to be at least a little two faced and not believe what they "stand for". Boebert has a reputation that is just irreconcilable with Democrat values. I'm all for getting along but this is such an extreme belief difference, how is it not an issue!