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Joined 10 months ago

Reading, swimming, hunting, fishing, camping, sports, board games, card games, plain old socializing.

And tax their idle stock 1%, per share, per day.

But commits 90% of the world's fuckery. I'm 'Murican, I know wut ahm talkin' bout.

"It ain't a bribe if you ain't been paid first! You damn dirty poors, don't you know nothin'?! Back to the fields, where you belong!"

No. In the follow up novels, Paul realizes he's become a dictator, and a mass murder. After being blinded, he exiles himself into the desert, and comes back to warn his son of the dangers of absolute power. Which his son ignores. Trillions die.

People with that opinion are usually the people who think Patrick Bateman, and the humans in Starship Troopers, Walter Heisenberg, the alternate personality in Fight Club, etc., are heroes. They are not.

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Shitty hair metal like Dio, Dokken, etc. It reminds me I had really, really shitty taste in music as a teenager.

What's wrong with becoming a wormbeast with absolute power that's wrong? Libcucks!

/sarcasm, for the stupid.

They're not the heroes to anyone who is not a psychopath. You do you, and stay away from me. Stay edgy, see how that works out later.

I get it. But I'm drunk, a little slow on the uptake. Have a good night.

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A guy I made friends with a little under a year ago who recently died. One of the best friends I've made in the last 20 years. I still catch myself wanting to text him. Grief fucking sucks.

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Or the NRA. Or Exon/Mobile. Or ..

Can I get an "Amen?"

There had to be multiple Rabbi rabblerousers in Roman occupied Judea. Pick one.

They love money, are afraid of losing a single cent of it, and want to control the government so they have to pay as little taxes as possible. That's it. Everything else, the culture war stuff, is just to get the stupid poors to vote against their self interest.

Agreed. It's the greatest, most terrible industrial album.

Especially the petrococksuckers.

Imagine being literally the richest person in the world. You can afford anything, you can go anywhere, you can do anything. But you spend most of your free time begging for attention from absolute strangers. What a pathetic little bitch.

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Fuck that, and fuck him.

I could tolerate ONE ad per video, at the beginning, but 3 or 4 ads in a less than ten minute video? Fuck that.

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You know, I realize all the people who put in money want a return on their investment. I get it.

But what I can't forgive is killing 3rd party clients when your official client sucks all the donkey balls in every reality in every universe.

You couldn't come to a reasonable and sane fee for 3rd party clients? Barring that, you couldn't just buy a superior client like RiF and bolt your name on it?

Fuck Spez.

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It's time to put some of these billionaires in their place. Nationalize his shit, seize his assets, and revoke his passport and citizenship. Fuck Musk, sick of his childish attention seeking bullshit.

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All us old nerds know, but Shadowrun predicted this: corporate government .

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Slow genocide. Been going on for decades.

This is what happens when you're brainwashed from childhood to believe you're born evil, anyone not on your "team" is more evil, and you must blindly obey authority.

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Wait until you learn about the CEO of Goodwill bragging about all the idiots who give him free shit to sell.

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Guilty of being moral and ethical. Billionaires should not exist.

Call her "Snatchsquatch." She'll love it.

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Nice shot, man.

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There's a word for this situation. I can't remember it, but it's reich there, white on the tip of my tongue...

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And there it is: a concentration camp/gulag for political "undesirables."

Still think The Republican Party politicians ain't literal fucking Nazis?

Fuck Putin, by the way.

Sit beside friend in a theater. There had to be an empty seat between them.

"We look like f**s..."

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The mods over there are hardcore power trippers. And when I say power trippers, I really mean capricious, vindictive, hypocritical, arbitrary cunts.

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Know what would be funny? All the Dems show up in tan suits.

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We're the only ones who can tolerate each other for long periods. Most neurotypicals are extremely annoyed by our inattentivenss and impulsivity.

She recruited those girls because she didn't want to lose her affluent lifestyle, which Epstein funded. She was complicit the entire time. Fuck her. She got exactly what she deserved.

What happened to State's Rights? Oh, they only matter when they didn't benefit you. Got it.

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I'm in my early 50's, and knew 2 Vietnam era vets who were gay, but had to pretend to be straight back when being gay could literally get you put in prison. As a matter of fact, one of them was dishonorably discharged from the Marines for being gay, and did go to prison. Both had married women, and had kids.

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Give them The Promethean Punishment. Expose their livers, and let the birds have at it.

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Like Dubya said, you should get 2 or 3 more jobs so you can put more food on your family.

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Why isn't this considered kidnapping?