Lauren Boebert says she "fell short of values" after Beetlejuice groping video. to – 621 points –
Lauren Boebert says she ‘fell short of values’ after Beetlejuice groping video

Nah, her behavior lined up with the values she’s always displayed. She’s trash, she acted like trash. Shrug.

Case in point: her husband exposed himself to two young women while they were dating. She decided he was still marriage material. Absolute trash.

She was one of those young women, by the way. And a minor.

I'm sure Republicans look at this situation with the same level of concern as all the made up Democrat pedophile grooming they won't stop ranting about.

Oh her boyfriend owns a bar that hosts LBGTQ+ events? This keeps getting better.

I love how that's just tossed in at the end, as if it we shouldn't be rubbing it into her hypocritical face.

She’s that dog that you rub their nose into the poo they did on the carpet, and while you’re doing it, she poos again.

For those not aware, she's a far right congress woman that publically hates on the LGBT community. The issue here isn't that this guy is cool with alternative peeps, it's that she's a hypocrite.

Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute...

Did she possibly meet him in said bar?

Imagine AOC stroking hers BF dick, while he fondles her Tits. In a Theater. With Video-Footage. Imagine what Bobblehead would say to that. Craaaazy low standards in the Republican party.

Bringing up AOC every time Boebert shits the bed is unfair and degrading to AOC.

If it weren't for their double standards, they'd have no standards at all.

Area of effect?

Area of effect?

Good catch, there's only one cock involved! Clearly they should use single target weapons, AOE attacks on a single target are suboptimal and are just gonna result in lower DPS. You're never gonna encounter multiple cocks in every combat scenario (lol we should all be so lucky), so you gotta adapt to the situation. Use the right weapon ability!! IDK, maybe OP is a noob.

As long as the AOE is from a ritual spell it's OK. Then it's just added DPS (or defense) on top of whatever attacks you have lined up.

For encounters like this though you really don't need much. Hold Monster and Speak with Animals are all you really need for dealing with Boebert and her companion.

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Not even divorced yet and she's already getting fingerbanged in public with her affair partner. That's some fine Republican family values there, making her grandchild conceived outside of teenaged marriage proud.

Imagine if someone like AOC acted like ANY of this in public. The bloody Christly GOP would be screaming for her head on a platter.

"Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, Lauren Boebert got fingered in a public theatre, or that she was dry jerking her bf in public while her divorce is still warm, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that AOC was protesting abortion rights outside the supreme court, well then everyone loses their minds!"

Didn't you see the video of AOC dancing? DANCING!!! The devil's movement!!

It's strange how these people always and consistently fall short of the values they're trying to force on others.

There's one of those dropkicks in the Australian parliament. One of those staunch conservative, deeply catholic people. Was dead set against same sex marriage because 'it devalues traditional marriage'. One day it came out that he'd been cheating on his wife and the mother of his four children with a woman half his age (he was nearing sixty at the time). Not only did he get his mistress pregnant, he also set her up with a cushy job in parliament.

His response when questioned about all this in relation to his claims about gay marriage: "I never said I was a saint."

Ah yes, the "I was only joking bro" defense. The hallmark of assholes around the world.

Oh, this guy wasn't joking. He just thought that his own standards, which he wants to force on others, didn't apply to him, and was completely unapologetic about that fact becoming public knowledge.

This is also know as hypocrisy.

John 8:7 ESV / 34 helpful votes And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Fucking hypocritical politicians, same the world over.

Edit: I'm not religious overall, but I love throwing scripture in the face of these assholes.

These people aren't religious, they ham it up for the religious vote. Shutting them down with scripture doesn't really prove anything to them

Not to mention that particular passage was added to the bible hundreds of years after it was assembled by a random scribe scribbling in the margins, they don't even understand the nature of their sacred text.. (Check out Misquoting Jesus, excellent read..)

It has been "difficult and humbling."

Humbling? Humbling? I'll believe that when I fucking see it. She has never once betrayed the slightest hint of humility.

A report from the Advocate, the LGBTQ+ news outlet, noted that the man who accompanied her to Beetlejuice was a Democrat named Quinn Gallagher who is the proprietor of a bar that has hosted LGBTQ+ events and drag performances, which have often been targets of the political right.


My man Quinn over here having a failure of values and sticking his dick in category 5 crazy.

Somebody's gotta keep the ravenous cockbeasts pacified. That man's a hero.

This, to me, was the most noteworthy part of the whole event! One of them has to be at least a little two faced and not believe what they "stand for". Boebert has a reputation that is just irreconcilable with Democrat values. I'm all for getting along but this is such an extreme belief difference, how is it not an issue!

She'll get a pass. This is the common refrain from psuedo-Christian fascists. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Nah, it's "She has recognized that which was wrong and has repented. God has forgiven her and who are we to judge?"

Of course, when it's a liberal, it's, "They refuse to recant their evil ways, we must stone them to death!"

My totally not made up religion says she needs to be tried as a witch and burned at the stake. Ya know, regular Halloween spooky shit.

They neither care nor critically think about their candidate's personal lives. They "deal with it" through whataboutism, thought terminating cliches, etc.

All they care about is their candidates "hurting the right people".

That's actually being kind to them. They demand forgiveness and understanding for their own shitty deeds but the moment someone on their giant list of undesirables has a hair out of place, it's off to the gallows for them.

She's dogshit. We knew she was dogshit. The people voting for her do so specifically because she's dogshit.

I'd like to also point out that the people voting for her are also dogshit.

All this talk of dogshit got me HUNGRY

Of course, Trump is obviously a loathsome scumbag who upholds zero tenets of theoretical Christianity, and evangelicals said he was a "flawed vessel".

I suspect the refrain they'll go with on this one is "Hey look over there, M&Ms is being woke again just in time for Halloween season!"

No, she won’t. She’s a woman. If she were a man she’d get a pass, but a woman that’s not chaste? Absolutely abhorrent.

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What values?

Hate and fear mongering.

But wait…

“I’ve tried to handle it with strength and grace as best I can, but I simply fell short of my values on Sunday,” Boebert said.


A report from the Advocate, the LGBTQ+ news outlet, noted that the man who accompanied her to Beetlejuice was a Democrat named Quinn Gallagher who is the proprietor of a bar that has hosted LGBTQ+ events and drag performances, which have often been targets of the political right.

Oh, wait. She doesn't believe in shit. It's all a show. Just like we all knew.

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That's ok. Groping your techincally male mistress while in full view of children isn't as bad as being gay in full view of children.

When I went to see Beetlejuice (on tour) I was really amazed by how many kids were there. There’s quite a bit of lewd and innuendo-laden humor in it…and Beetlejuice (the character) is, quite openly, bisexual.

Not to say anything bad about the show. I loved it. It was fucking great. Just…a bit surprising. I imagine like me, many parents were probably thinking it’d be more in line with the much more innocent cartoon series or the film.

I'm not especially interested in seeing it, but if "NICE FUCKIN' MODEL! *HONK HONK*" isn't in it, it's not worth seeing anyway.

She is short of values. A disgusting piece of shit that needs to be removed from her position.

The bar is so low that I am genuinely surprised she hasn't denied it was her or claimed it was wasn't a big deal and actually admitted she messed up

She originally claimed she was kicked out because she was too enthusiastic about the show.

she was so enthusiastic about the show, exclaiming oh yeah repeatedly

I was in the spirit of the lord and singin’ too loud, y’all! Plus the genital manipulation was over the pants like Jesus intended.

“AI generated video funded by Soros”

Or “They are just using this out of context video to attack my character because I’m a WHITE CHRISTIAN REPUBLICAN which is a CRIME to them!”

Why? This is publicity for her towards her constituents and grifting targets.

What exactly are her values, besides spreading hate and disinformation?

“Do you know who I am” is also what the wide-stance republiQan said when he was arrested.

“Do you know who I am?” the congresswoman allegedly asked

Yes unfortunately, and the world would be a better place if I didn’t

Her and her new boyfriend are absolute trash.

It's one thing if you are and wholly admit to the derelict' lifestyle. It's another of you pretend to hold yourself to... well, any standard.

Idk, i heard he runs a lgbq friendly bar and he's fingerbanging a vapid, married republican in puplic. He seems like a riot.

getting to second base in a theater is one of her best values though

Well, she already did it in the bowling alley, so I guess doing it during a musical in the theater is a step up for her?

Espousing all those good christian values!

Like marrying the sex predator who exposed himself to you and your friends in a bowling alley when you were a minor, and being the 36-year-old grandmother with a 14-year-old daughter who doesn’t know who’s the father of her own baby.

Solid Christian values! 

Not quite. The Bible requires rape before sentencing the rapist to marrying their victim. After all, that's damaged goods now. And toss 50 shekels to the dad for damaging his property.

She doesn’t have a daughter though?

Don't know why you are being downvoted. It's her son, not a daughter, who got someone pregnant at 16

Makes the allegations about her formerly being an escort a lot more credible.


Shes worth millions now, which is really odd concidering what the salary for a house rep is.

So very, very odd that she suddenly has millions of dollars after 2 years in congress stumping for billionares....

Nothing odd about it.

The system's set up so our lawmakers can easily grift. Hell, they can legally loan their campaigns money at 20% interest and pay themselves back with your donations.

It's why I always tell people. Don't donate to political candidates. Put the money in your investments instead. You won't have representation, but your investments definitely will no matter who's elected.

No, no it does not. Cut the misogynistic shit.

Leerin' Boobert.

Leerin' at the cock while he fondles her Booberts.

Edit: My phone is chaste and pure and edited 'cock'to cocktail'.

What fucking values???? Trailer park meth barbie has values????

She meant monetary values .... she should have asked for more up front.

She used to be a hooker, those are generally valued hourly.

We still have yet to see anyrhing about that except for a few people around here mentioningit, so where are you people getting this from? There's no shortage of actual verifiable issues with this woman that we don't need these hypotheticals muddling the waters.

I'm not going to look for it because fuck spez, but there was a Reddit post that had her entire profile from sugardaddymeet. Can't honestly say the photos were hard on my eyes.

Alas I will grant that this only proves she made an effort to trade sex for money, not that she actually succeeded. I guess the debate now becomes are you considered a prostitute after you create an ad to sell sex or only after your first verifiable transaction.

Who knows. I'm not even sure if i care that someone does sex work. Shes made it painfully clear that shes a shit person for a myriad other reasons that matter a lot more to the health of the country. I bet most sex workers are nicer than she is tbh.

I'd bet good money they were both drunk and /or stoned.

And honestly setting the fact I detest her aside, have at it, enjoy your life, but you know if AOC even talked a little loud in a theater that this see you next Tuesday would be calling for her head on a platter.

Being high or groping each other isn't as bad to me as being rude., It's the noise that I find unforgivable. You don't talk in a movie theater and you DEFINITELY don't talk or "sing and enjoy too much" a live performance. You shut the fuck up because other people are watching the show. Everyone is right, she's trash and she's acting like trash.

Actually it was the vaping that got them tossed out. Yeah you read that. Vaping in a theater.

Was the lies about that night also a part of that short fall? Or are we going to get another apology for lying?

Sure you did.

Please leave society, thanks!

I'm sure there's a joke about Colorado in there somewhere.

EDIT: As you can probably tell, I know fuck all about Colorado. My only point of contact to the state is a coworker who lives there (born and raised, I believe). When asked about whether he'd make it easier for himself and move closer to one of our bases, Quote: "Nah, I like my mountain". I live in similar terrain, and as such it is my right to shit on others practically living in the middle of nowhere.

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She felt her bf groping her as well

Imagine what she'd have said if a gay couple did the same thing in front of them

Not sure if you’ve seen the play or not but Beetlejuice, the character, is bi and down for pretty much anything.

Oh sweetie that train left the station a long time ago.

And isn’t coming back…

Beetlejuice Boebertgate..Boebert Beetlegate..Beetlebertgate.....Boebeetlegate!

You can take a call girl off the streets and dress her up and paint her however you want, but she’s still a call girl.

The vast majority of call girls would not behave like Boebert.

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Groping? I thought she was vaping?

Boebert, a Republican representative for Colorado, and a male guest accompanying her were ejected from the musical on 10 September for vaping, recording video and disturbing other patrons during the Sunday performance. Video also showed them eagerly groping each other while in their seats.

From the article.

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