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Joined 1 years ago

Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women's rights and do not support war of any kind.

Chief Multi Vitamin of the Wala Wala Nation

.... on side note, the old guy actually looks like a native elder I knew years ago from Six Nations in southern Ontario

Any change no matter if is too late or too inconvenient would be a better change for the DNC than to allow Biden at the top position. Seriously, any other DNC politician would be better than Biden even if they changed right now or in the next few months. All you need is some politician who is about 50 years old to fight Trump every day until the election and the orange menace would suffer a heart attack trying to keep up.

This is insane .... it's almost as if the powers that be want Trump to win and the only way they can ensure that is to put him up against an 80 year old competitor because it is the only candidate he could possibly beat.

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Meanwhile, they have an orange beanbag presidential hopeful spilling the beans to the whoever around the world and he gets millions of dollars of support, literal legal immunity from anything and 1/3 of the country want him to become their Cheeto leader in Mountain Dew.

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As an indigenous person who grew up without running water or modern plumbing for the first ten years of my life in Canada .... I always appreciated this quote ...

Will Durant Quote: “From barbarism to civilization requires a century; from civilization to barbarism needs but a day.”

Personality, presence and confidence

Natural self confidence, but NOT an arrogant selfish confidence.

Some people naturally have confidence and presence and some people need to build it as a skill.

I know guys and gals with little to no knowledge or skill build up careers because they just knew how to talk and connect to people.

I also know guys and gals with years of education and degrees but have little to no way of politely or easily getting along with people.

They've been doing that for six thousand years

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The only difference between religion and a cult .... is time

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I'm Indigenous Ojibway/Cree from northern Northern Ontario and I speak my language. The word we use to describe white people or Europeans is 'Mistikoshoo'.

It's a two part word ... Mishtik is the word for 'wood' ... or 'stick'

adding the ending 'ooshoo' to the word changes it refer to or describe a person.

So in all ... the word just translates to 'man with a stick'

When we made first contact with Europeans, they were all so preoccupied with their religion that they just looked like people wandering around with a stick in their hands and around their necks which was very, very important to them.

Then they taught us this strange religion and all its rules and regulations that everyone glorified but no one seemed to follow. When you look at the Middle Eastern religious traditions and what they preach and teach and what kind of culture they have evolved into, you begin to realize that religion is just another tool to control and manipulate people.

I always enjoyed reading about the history of European colonization ... especially by the Spanish

Before he was burned, a priest asked Hatuey if he would accept Jesus and go to heaven. Las Casas recalled the reaction of the chief:
[Hatuey], thinking a little, asked the religious man if Spaniards went to heaven. The religious man answered yes... The chief then said without further thought that he did not want to go there but to hell so as not to be where they were and where he would not see such cruel people.

Once the stove exhausts most of it's hydrogen fuel, the stove will enter it's Red Giant phase and grow to the size of a small car.

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This is one of the dumbest things about conservatives in the US ...... we're going to start a civil war - for Trump.

I could agree to many political arguments about rebelling against your own government but to say you want to start a civil war to defend a completely morally bankrupt individual that has absolutely no care for you at all has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever had the opportunity to see and hear.

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The inverse should also be true ... if businesses want to know about their customers ... customers should also know every detail about the business they are dealing with.

When we pirate its called breaking the law

When they pirate, it's just another normal business day

And in case you don't know what they pirate ... they pirate profits, raid workers unions, scavenge privacy rights and invade your personal space

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Reddit feels like a corporate advertising driven hellscape where fear and rage is encouraged.

Lemmy feels like 2010 when the internet world was a lot more simpler and you could actually talk to people.

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The Bullshit from decades ago was easier to swallow because at least people had a chance to make money and have a decent job while also paying a bit less for things like food, shelter or some luxuries.

Now people have no choice ... they get paid less, they have no security and they have to pay more for food and shelter.

People were always aware of the bullshit ... in the past we could put up with it because we could afford it ... now people can't.

Did anyone notice how one billionaire has the power and control to decide who can be elected and who can't?

That isn't a democracy - government by the people

That's known as a plutocracy - government by the wealthy

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This is a reflection of America ... not of Trump

The fact that someone this corrupt continues to have a political career says more about America than anything else.

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How about we just forget about trying to beat anyone and just get on to using the platform.

Reddit won't die anytime soon.

Lemmy won't become popular anytime soon.

It took Reddit years before it became a major platform known by millions. It will take Lemmy years to gain notoriety among millions. Give it time, enjoy what it so now because in a year, two years or three or four years from now, we'll all be wishing for the good old days when Lemmy just started and we were able to enjoy the simple system it is now.

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Imagine starting or rallying towards a civil war

..... for some dumb, stupid, meaningless, ignorant, arrogant and self serving politician like Donald Trump.

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It's not that I don't trust AI

I don't trust the people in charge of the AI

The technology could benefit humanity but instead it's going to just be another tool to make more money for a small group of people.

It will be treated the same way we did with the invention of gun powder. It will change the power structure of the world, change the titles, change the personalities but maintain the unequal distribution of wealth.

Instead this time it will be far worse for all of us.

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The Western World: the Chinese government is a dangerous authoritarian government

Also the Western World: we should do billions and billions of dollars worth of trade with China.

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I really don't understand why people decided to live in these kibbutz right next to the Gaza border and never realize that this might happen.

It's like sitting right on the very edge of the shoulder of a very busy highway. Eventually you will be hit by a fast moving car.

It's disputed territory with the potential of becoming a war zone at any moment and people decided to buy expensive real estate and build beautiful homes next to impoverished people that have nothing.

And we should be surprised that this happened?

What the Palestinians did was terrible ... but we should all be reading the headlines with a lot of history and context. None of it is justified by any side ... but at the same time, none of it is a surprise.

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A reminder that the stock market and any kind of high level money market of any kind including digital money .... is a rich man's game where poor are by design destined to lose.

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Lol .... those benefits aren't gifts that were freely given.

People had to fight, get beaten, lose money, lose houses, lose property and years ago even get killed to even establish those benefits and normalize them today.

I have old elderly friends who took part in union movements in the 40s and 50s, many of whom complained of getting beaten and threatened and a few recalling friends and relatives murdered for organizing successful strike action.

If we had left it to corporations and wealthy elites to give these benefits freely, they would withhold everything and prefer that slavery were reintroduced than to give up anything.

Those aren't gifts ..... those are hard fought rights that people literally died for.

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It's basic economics .... if you pay to have healthy children ... they'll grow to to be healthy adults.

Healthy children are cheaper to take care of than unhealthy adults.

It doesn't matter if you are conservative or liberal or even socially minded or libertarian..... if you don't take care of your children and everyone else's children, they'll all grow up to be everyone's problem for decades to come.

Doesn't mean that the fediverse is immune.

News stories and narratives are still fought over by actors on all sides and sometimes by entities that might be bots. And there are a lot of auto-generating content bots that post stuff or repost old content from other sites like Reddit.

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That tech will regress due to the greed of tech corporations.

Tech is regulated by the big corporations that consistently either throttle innovation or degrade what already is established because they all want to figure out how to squeeze as much profit out of everything possible while blocking or preventing anything new that might compete with them.

Any new innovation that will occur will be military and will either have a machine gun attached to it or can deliver a high explosive.

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I'm sure the people who legislated all this into place were the first ones to access a VPN to get onto PornHub

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This warming winter trend just looks like a curiosity now because it is warm when it should be freezing cold right now.

Wait until July comes around ... it will mean drought and extreme heat. Everyone will pump up air conditioning use and push the electric system to the brink. And water, having enough water, will start becoming something that is harder to find.

It does not look good.

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I think about that often .... we are lucky.

For those of us just a bit older, we know a world before an internet and worldwide communications. We also saw it come in and take over the world.

I don't like the details and what happened, how it happened or what went wrong ... I just feel fascinated that I happened to be born when I was because I got to this unbelievable change.

It's like being the generation that saw the world switch from horses to cars ... or candles to electricity.

It's a monumental shift in human civilization and we got to see the start of it. And I don't mean just my generation, everyone reading this now is still living inside the infancy of the modern internet and communications. It will change so much more in the future. It may be good, it may be bad, it may be neither, it may be both ... but it will definitely change and we'll look back on this moment in time and either be nostalgic and think of it fondly and quaint ... or remember when things were a lot better.

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It's dangerous to hide small plastic capsules in candy ..... but it's perfectly Ok for anyone to buy an assault rifle.

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It's a matter of degrees .... American establishment wants fascism, they are just taking their time getting there.

The problem isn't Trump, Trump is an idiot and dime a dozen, once he dies, there will be another idiot just like him that the establishment will court and push into our faces every day.

The problem are the millionaires and billionaires of America that are funding all this crap and keep maintaining it all. If all this relied on Trump's charisma, it would have died out a long time ago ... it's just a huge marketing machine that keeps it afloat.

As long as we keep seeing these headlines, no matter if it's Trump or someone else ... it's just a sign that the wealthy want fascism to keep growing because they know it will mean a win fall for them at the cost of all of us.

Thanks America ... you're doing a bang up job.

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How is it that one political ideology that came close to staging a coup is still being argued about three years later like it's some kind of difficult debate.

If socialists, blacks, Latinos, native Americans, all women had done any of this, the arguments would have over and done with within a year and there would have been no more debate about it.

Far right fascists try to storm government and there's a never ending debate it.

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It goes to show you how unhinged these people are.

They know they can't say what they're really thinking because they know exactly that their beliefs are morally wrong, are unacceptable, impossible, unrealistic, unstable and mentally unsound.

But if you describe it in a new way, use code words, anagrams, acronyms, special dates or numbers or just some dumb phrase ..... somehow your dumb unhinged political ideas can make sense and they express their unstable logic in public.

It's outright fascism .... it's the same ideas millions of people died fighting against or were killed by in the second world war. And it's fascism that is being casually being promoted and placed in the public forum as a discussion point that can be debated.

The problem is not that there are people advocating for fascism .... the problem is that we are allowing these fascist supporters such a strong and prominent voice.

Call them out for who they are .... fascist scum.

I also have friends in Amish and Mennonite communities in southern and northern Ontario.

Each community and group is unique to every other. Some are strict Orthodox and some relax the rules .... and some are so normal looking and acting that you wouldn't know they were Amish or Mennonite unless they told you.

My favorite are the thuggy Mennonites in southern Ontario. They drive around in brand new all black decked out SUVs (minus the chrome because you to show some humility), wear super clean black brimmed hats, sharp clothes and beautiful black leather jackets. Famously a few of them were caught smuggling coke and other drugs from Mexico.

They may have the fear of God in their hearts ... but they're just as greedy and worldly as any of us.

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But it isn't gambling ... It's managed and calculated financing in companies that need the investment in order to grow

I'm kidding, this is sarcasm .. the stock market is a freakin casino with built in cheats and frauds that favor the rich and wealthy.

Is that how dumb America can be? To risk a war, a conflict or some kind of violence?

For Trump?

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“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
― Mark Twain

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I have a feeling that was the plan all along

Intentionally antagonize the Palestinians that's already been antagonized for decades .... push them over the edge to make them make the first move.

Then once the first move is made .... move in and completely annihilate them under the guise of justified retaliation.

When it comes to one of the most well organized, well trained, well funded militaries and intelligence organizations in the world .... I don't think anyone can surprise them with a major attack.

The Israelis knew this would happen .... because they know how they will respond.

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+1 point for bending it half

+10 points if she used her knee

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Anyone who doesn't understand that connecting in any way to Facebook is not a good thing .... is either very naive, or complicit to wanting to take down the fediverse.

Facebook already has enough content and enough of a platform on their own -- they literally control half of the worldwide social media network. Why do they want to spread into this new space?

The only reason they want to be on this side is to conquer or destroy.

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