12 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What a crock of shit. Johnson & Johnson netted $17 billion USD in 2022, so it's not like they can't afford to pay any settlements. They just don't want to. In the last 5 years they netted 84 billion dollars, and that is all profit. Yeah, fuck you, J&J

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Yeah, a marketing ploy by a fascist organization:

While SkyTree Book Fairs presents itself as an independent non-profit organization, it appears to be a hastily assembled offshoot of Brave Books, which publishes children's books by right-wing pundits and pseudo-celebrities.

Fuckin gross.

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It's so melodramatic, it sounds like a child's attempt at satire. Like, try saying that out loud and not cringing.

I, too, prefer the design on the left; however, If I may make a suggestion, I would flip it horizontally so the bird faces the right. As you know, western printed language flows from left to right; from a design perspective, the aesthetic of right-facing imagery subtly implies a "forward" direction, or moving forward to the future. Considering the purpose of this icon in this new frontier, I think that would be appropriate.

Fantastic design, and I think the subtle gradient you dropped in the background is a nice touch.

You can fuck right off with that bad faith "both sides" horseshit. You aren't fooling anyone, people are wising up to this shitty tactic.

I just read that README, quite sobering. Now I'm thinking of bus scenario backup plans. Like, there's stuff that is eventually gonna stop working if left unattended too long, and you just assume you're gonna be around to maintain it, you know?

They just laid off half their staff

Edit: after they got bought out. Hooray capitalism!

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I'd take this with a grain of salt. Mark Penn, chairman of The Harris Poll and one of three who supervised this poll, is a known Trump supporter who believes in the Democratic "deep state" conspiracy theory. Dritan Nesho, CEO of HarrisX and the second person supervising this poll, tries to appear bipartisan in public, is a little more discreet but is also a Trump supporter. I gave up looking up stuff on these people cuz I feel gross now. Dunno how The Harris Poll and HarrisX are affiliated. Yeah this poll is b.s.

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Called an FD-1023 form, it involves claims a confidential informant made in 2020 about Hunter Biden’s alleged business dealings when he served on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Top Republicans have acknowledged they cannot confirm whether the information is true.

This is all political theater. The document is just a complaint form they filled out. It contains no evidence, just accusations. Of course, I expect no less from the Fascist party, it's right out of their playbook.

Most of them are good people

[citation needed]

All I see is someone making weak excuses to put a fascist back in the White House.

If Trump is the only one who has the balls to put an end to the American World Police, then so be it.

You have got to be shitting me. He had his chance; he was in office for four years. Get the fuck outta here, man.

Oh, I'm sure the Russian apologists on Hexbear are already refining their script.

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both sides

Only one side is banning books, man.

Area of effect?

Good catch, there's only one cock involved! Clearly they should use single target weapons, AOE attacks on a single target are suboptimal and are just gonna result in lower DPS. You're never gonna encounter multiple cocks in every combat scenario (lol we should all be so lucky), so you gotta adapt to the situation. Use the right weapon ability!! IDK, maybe OP is a noob.

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Hey, this is my hometown, fuck you man

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You might have figured it out by now, but "megabits per second" is abbreviated as "Mbps" with an uppercase m; yeah, it's kinda pedantic, but using lowercase means it's a millibit, which is much, much smaller. The same applies to "gigabits per second," which should be expressed as "Gbps."

At any rate, thank you for posting this, it really is good news. And about time they did this, too.

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Lol this really sucks for Plex users, but I'm glad I left that steaming pile of shit software. I've been using Jellyfin for two years now and have never had to deal with sudden new shitty default-on features that appear from out of nowhere. Not once. With Plex, that happened like every other release. I don't miss it.

It's good in the sense that it's the last version before it got enshittified by ads, but the now nearly-legendary v2.2.1 is also 5 years behind in security patches. It was an awesome, fast, stable client and I miss it, but I don’t think it's worth the risk. Like you and everyone else has been saying, OP should be using Qbittorent.

These aren’t “our humans” dipshit.

Hey, you actually recognize them as human, so that's a start. There's hope for you yet, buddy!

Frick. I'm a moron. I am so sorry, I replied to the wrong comment.

“The reason is, people hate Jews,” Ostroy said. The host then briefly expounded upon the pervasiveness of antisemitism before concluding, “You know, if we use the wrong pronouns on college campuses, there’d be an uproar.”

“Oh my god, forget it,” Margulies answered. “It’s those kids who are spewing this antisemitic hate that have no idea if they stepped foot in an Islamic country—these people who want us to call them they/them, or whatever they want us to call them...

Wow. What the fuck, lady.

Jesus Christ, you weren't kidding. One of the recommended videos for me was "Why the crusades were completely justified!" Yeah, fuck that crazy shit.

Declining? It might look like that if you expect nonstop continuous growth, but Lenovo has been stable and has held onto its 25% market share for the past five years.

That site might ask you to login, so here's a screenshot.

I'm posting from Kbin, not sure if the image will embed, so here's a backup in case the embed is borked:

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It's a common English phrase that refers to dying. The use of "earth" uncapitalized refers to the ground or land, not the planet Earth. You might be more familiar with the variant "leave this earthly plane," which, by the way, has nothing to do with airplanes.

Dumb? I thought so too, then I reread their comment and looked at their post history. Not by a long shot, they know exactly what they're doing. From their first comment posted 8 hours ago: "I’m a moderate that a lot of people confuse for a conservative."

It's textbook conservative propaganda: pose as a "moderate" with a "fair and balanced" opinion, paint the Rs as misunderstood, and poison the well with a straw man argument. I mean, really, the idea of trying to "shut down the war machine" has nothing to do at all with people's fears of what another Trump presidency would bring. That's a straw man argument. It's absolute horse shit.

In other words, just more bad faith acting from a minority party that relies on deception to make it look like they have more than 35% support nationwide. Next they'll say "Why are all crimes committed by black people? Just asking questions."

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I don’t like the color blue. AITA?

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No, no, no! You don't understand!! It was done too fast with too little oversight and lots of trust in the good nature of the people!!!


I am not of indigenous Hawaiian descent, but I feel like I can answer this since I grew up there. FYI you're gonna get a lot of different answers depending on who you ask, when/where they lived there, etc.

While I don't find the "mainland"'s obsession with grass skirts and coconut bras particularly "offensive," I do think people need to know Native Hawaiian women didn't wear tops at all until Protestant missionaries arrived in the 1900s. There are no records of its official origin, but the coconut bra was eventually embraced by natives to an extent and used as an exotic marketing element for tourism. Now it's permanently associated with the islands. Technically you could say coconut bras are traditional now, but they sure weren't traditional before the islands were colonized.

But to answer your question, I personally do not find your typical "Hawaiian day" offensive. A little embarrassing and cringe, to be honest, but not offensive. I do think it's disappointing, though, how most people accept things at face value and aren't interested in learning about other cultures if it doesn't fit the image they have in their head. Because there's so much more to learn, man. I don't think you're "overreacting," and I think it's more than a little disingenuous (this next part is not aimed at you btw OP) to invalidate others' concerns about cultural appropriation and write them off completely simply because the subject makes you uncomfortable. It's a real thing, and it's a discussion worth having. Who knows, you might learn something.

On that note, a fun fact: did you know that the iconic flower-print button-down short-sleeve collared shirts are not called "Hawaiian shirts" in Hawai'i? Yeah, only tourists call them that. They're "Aloha shirts," brah!

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I can’t imagine how it would feel knowing that your embarrassing moments and otherwise private matters were shared with millions of people online. Mortifying wouldn’t even begin to begin to cover it.

I would feel violated, that's for sure. Exploiting your kids like that is gross and fucked up. Just because children lack agency doesn't mean they don't or shouldn't have rights. Society needs to rid itself of the idea that authority figures "own" those who are subordinate or under their care or guardianship. It's a disgusting, antiquated mentality that has no place in modern society. Humanity needs to grow the fuck up.

Alligator. Chewier than chicken. Tasted kinda like chicken. Would try again, I guess.

Also had ostrich burgers a couple of times. I'm told I was shitfaced and enjoyed them immensely, but I couldn't tell you for sure, for I was shitfaced.

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80 Accessibility score on the new homepage.

It's worth pointing out that score of 80/100 is the result of an automated scan, which currently can catch no more than 40% of all potential accessibility issues. The remaining 60% (it's likely higher than this btw) can only be detected manually using a screen reader and keyboard only (for keyboard accessibility, as some people are able to use only the keyboard). So backing up what you said, the accessibility problem with Reddit is much worse than is being reported.

Both Reddit and Techcrunch need to do better.

They do, and the way they continue to mistreat their disabled users, even after meeting with them to discuss these issues, indicates they don't care.

I know, right? That is some frickin Lord Farquaad shit. What a dickhead!

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Annapurna? I love their games! Stray is awesome, I gotta back and finish it.

Do Journey next! That game is a fuckin trip, man. I'd love to see if they can transfer that magic to the big screen.

Fuck, that was so tragic. Would it have changed his life if he had lived a couple more months? Would he have cleaned up and gotten his shit together? We'll never know. The news really cast a pall over that year, especially for those who already knew of Sublime. It just felt so unfair, man. We had finally come to accept Kurt's death, were still mourning Shannon's passing, and now Brad, who never got to reap the fruits of his labor, was gone. He left us a gift, and I mean one hell of a gift because it's a freaking beautiful album, but it's hard to not wonder "what if?"

Like Kurt and Shannon, he was just so wonderfully talented and beloved, the world suddenly felt very cold and slightly less bright in his absence. Just so unfair. Pour one out for Brad, he is still sorely missed.

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JFC, send this dumbfuck to prison already.

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And that too.

Bandcamp's U.S. employees, who launched a union that went public earlier this year, announced early in October that they had sent a letter to Songtradr outlining a list of demands around the sale of the company

JFC, brutal response.

Jurassic Park.

Everyone was blown away, like holy shit, that was amazing

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I'm so out of the loop, this is blowing my mind. I'm looking at the site @FriendOfFalcons linked (, wow. Specs look pretty good, this emulator should easily run any PS1, GBA, Neo Geo game. Hahah what, Neo Geo? There's a blast from the past.

I can't find any info on what Linux distro it ships with, does this thing work out of the box or do you have to install the OS? I presume you supply the ROMs? Holy crap, and they have beefier handhelds that support later-gen platforms. This is awesome.

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