Lauren Boebert says she "fell short of values" after Beetlejuice groping video. to – 621 points –
Lauren Boebert says she ‘fell short of values’ after Beetlejuice groping video

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She'll get a pass. This is the common refrain from psuedo-Christian fascists. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Nah, it's "She has recognized that which was wrong and has repented. God has forgiven her and who are we to judge?"

Of course, when it's a liberal, it's, "They refuse to recant their evil ways, we must stone them to death!"

My totally not made up religion says she needs to be tried as a witch and burned at the stake. Ya know, regular Halloween spooky shit.

They neither care nor critically think about their candidate's personal lives. They "deal with it" through whataboutism, thought terminating cliches, etc.

All they care about is their candidates "hurting the right people".

That's actually being kind to them. They demand forgiveness and understanding for their own shitty deeds but the moment someone on their giant list of undesirables has a hair out of place, it's off to the gallows for them.

She's dogshit. We knew she was dogshit. The people voting for her do so specifically because she's dogshit.

I'd like to also point out that the people voting for her are also dogshit.

All this talk of dogshit got me HUNGRY

Of course, Trump is obviously a loathsome scumbag who upholds zero tenets of theoretical Christianity, and evangelicals said he was a "flawed vessel".

I suspect the refrain they'll go with on this one is "Hey look over there, M&Ms is being woke again just in time for Halloween season!"

No, she won’t. She’s a woman. If she were a man she’d get a pass, but a woman that’s not chaste? Absolutely abhorrent.

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