2 Post – 823 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Dude, let it go and learn to say I was wrong thanks for correcting me.

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tHoSe aRe nOt rEaL cHrIsTiAnS!!

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People cheering on SOs demise don't realize what we're losing.

Support is moving to discord which sucks massive ass. Asking the same question over and over, hoping somone is around to help.

It sucks.

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And it's not even a week off halfway useful time. It's a week of fucking sitting in traffic breathing in exhaust and break fumes.

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Liberals will disappoint you.

Conservatives will arrest, surpress and kill you.

Clearly both are equally bad!!

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Infinite growth is a cancer on this planet.

My biggest problem with China is that they want to sell to us, but won't allow us to sell to them and they are stealing IPs left and right.

I'm all for lowering prices for consumers, but not at the expense of enriching the tyrannical CCP.

We need to improve and encourage trade with governments that believe in democracy.

Russia and China ain't it.

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And you clog the roads for those that actually have to be out there.

For a while gay marriage was going to be the end of civilization!

Fucking Spotify using my money to pay this nutjob really pisses me off

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I have a hard unbreakable rule:

Free, you can serve me ads, I'll try to avoid them but ok. But the minute I pay for something and you try to give me ads on top, we're gonna have a problem.

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Piracy mods are few of the mods with a backbone that actually left reddit because of all the bullshit.

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Republicans : We can't tell people what guns they can or can't own! Also, cut your hair and carry that embryo to term!!!

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Dear Youtube: Bring back the downvote count, allow me to disable shorts, allow me to disable your bullshit annoying ass startup music, then half the price and then we'll talk about paying for your "service".

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If you knew absolutely nothing about anything just looking at the GOPs stance on Russia 30 years ago to now, shows you immediately how full of shit and propaganda the party is.

They've literally gone from fuck the reds to sucking Putins cock.

A complete 180 on their "values", without even flinching...

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Turn back stranger. This thread is full of people arguing about history and political theories without any clue about either.

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20% of any population is dumb as bricks. Any country any time in history.

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We need SD cards more. They removed them so they can charge you 300 $ to upgrade 128gb and to force you into shitty cloud service.

Again, just anti consumer bullshit spearheaded by Apple and gargled by Samsung.

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Wait, this dickweed is in a wheel chair? Doesn't he realize that not so long ago his regressive buddies wouid have called him a defective person and tried to put him aside? Now that he's been accepted into society, thanks to the work of progressives, he wants to turn around and shit on another marginalized group?

What a massive piece of shit.

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I feel bad for the children in this picture. Personally I think this is child abuse. Forcing politics / religion on children should be fucking illegal.

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If you are a woman voting R you absolutely are a traitor.

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When I found out teslas don't have LiDAR I nearly shat myself.

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We actually have the best case scenario here in lemmy! Those people that yelled at mods for protesting and generally don't give a shit how awful spez is and how toxic reddit has become, don't give a shit about the api changes so they will stay on reddit!

Meanwhile the rest of us, even if it's a smaller number migrate here and foster a community of discussion, respect and not being a douchebag!

Even the apps that are popping up for lemmy, yes they are buggy, yes servers are slow, but not no-one really complaines because it's a worthy growing process.

Also, and this is by far the most important thing, this decentralized structure is absolutely vital to saving the internet.

We've all gotten funneled into like 5 major corporate sites, and we've let little sites die because of it. I hope with this trend we can reverse this and switch more to a donation model.

I hope everyone on here realizes that eventually we'll have to pay for lemmy and severs. We need to fund it, not for profit, but sustainability.

Fuck the ad model and fuck infinite growth for shareholders. Let's just make something nice we all pitch in a few bucks for and enjoy.

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bOtH sIdEs aRe tHe sAmE!!!

The fuck they are. If you are a woman voting republican you are OK with other people telling you what to do with your body.

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Not only is he not wrong, he's right!

Brown man gargles white supremacist's balls. Is disappointed they still don't love him. More at 9.

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Silly women wanting rights over their own bodies! Who do they think they are?? Men???

If you are a woman, voting republican, you should be fucking ashamed of yourself. This is what this party thinks of you and your kind.

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Corporate PR speak always sounds cringe and I despise it. Just be humans you fucking pricks.

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See, Republican voters THIS is who you should be hating, not teachers teaching history.

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I'd only add "you're terrible at your job, and you're a terrible person"

How about hemberders? Or Tim Apple? Trump talks and walks like he's have constant brain aneurism, yet not a single peep form his idiot base.

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Forgiving 5B in student debt VS inciting riot to overthrow our government...

bOtH sIdEs aRe tHe sAmE!!!

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Probably a mix of things. People are more desperate and cars have been artificially inflated in value. A fucking new kia is 40+k today

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The guy that was offered by the US to be extracted at the start of the war, but instead chose remain in the war with his people, that guy? He's looking for bribes??

The amount of stupid you have to be, to post something this brainless boggles the mind.

Even if we look past the issue that all of this was in response to a 10h troll account, there was no cease and desist, no threat of a lawsuit, nothing credible AT ALL.

Let's ignore all of that and say there was, it still means this instance is completely ill equipped to provide any sort of resistance, to something trivial.

It's like it's hosted in the middle of Illinois, by John Frank, at 3125 maple lane... Zero layers of protection.

That is awful and means no meaningful discussion can ever happen here. Nevermind piracy, what if people want to criticize the government? Or public figures?

If this instance can't fight a fake troll it can't fight and protect anything.

Which means we need to pool resources and fund instances that can and will fight back.

And yes that means fundraising to build up a defense fund and hosting outside the US etc.

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For now, that's democrat. I know I know two party system sucks etc etc but we need to stop the bleeding before we try to walk again.

Trump and the GQP have set us all back 2 decades and they aren't done dragging us down.

We need HARD rules and regulations for car door handles and common controls. This push for screens and lack physical elements needs to stop.

Tell you what popeman, how about you get rid of all the kid rapists in your organization before you give anyone else advice on anything... Ever.

Ah yes the war monger and torture proponent Angel. I remember him from the Bible.