YouTube’s anti-ad blocking test gets even pushier with a new timer to – 751 points –

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Dear Youtube: Bring back the downvote count, allow me to disable shorts, allow me to disable your bullshit annoying ass startup music, then half the price and then we'll talk about paying for your "service".

Youtube has startup music???

Yep, on Smart TV devices there's a startup tune.

Eww. I installed SmartTubeNext the day I got my first smart TV and never launched the official app.

Being able did disable content you don't want aside from ads with a paid membership would be a huge boon.

Killing shorts would be fantastic, and they shouldn't care if I'm not using a feature as long as I'm paying.

That got me, the "you can only upvote stuff" bull. I should also have the option to block channels and videos.

Why would they ever do that when they can make the website more intrusive and annoying to use?

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