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Joined 1 years ago

The rule is, if you dress up you get candy. I don't care how old you are, but you have to be dressed up.

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150 more warnings than a regular car would give, ultimately it's the driver's fault.

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In 1998 my friend asked me to set up an IRC server for him. He needed it for his job and knew I had done it before so asked for a favor. An afternoon’s work. His boss was impressed, and offered me a job. My first IT job.

Hung around on that server to keep an eye on things until the customer could take over, then made friends so just made it my home server. Ended up meeting my wife on there a few months later. A year after that, I immigrated to the US. Used the experience gained from that job to get a career here. Still here 23 years later.

Afternoon’s work changed my whole life.

I pulled out of my parking lot at work, blinked, and suddenly found myself half way home with no memory of how I got there. I was so freaked out I pulled over to check my car for damage (there wasn't any). My route home involved a highway and several stop signs and lights at very busy junctions, goodness knows if I stopped for any of them. Drove very carefully the rest of the way home and swore never to drive tired again. I'd just pulled a 14 hour shift, and had a newborn at home so wasn't getting much sleep to begin with.

Of all the things I can criticize about Trump, the type of laptop his lawyer for this week is using is far down on that list.

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Dead CMOS, or the boot order was wrong and they didn't know how to fix it would be my guess.

An air fryer, my microwave has been gathering dust ever since.

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Only thing I used it for was when older versions of Notepad couldn't handle larger text files. Now it can. So, no loss to me. Notepad going away would suck, that does at least get occasional use although Notepad++ is far superior.

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I would be broke in about 4 months with $10K in reserve if I dialed back everything to the bare minimum. It would make my job search extremely urgent.

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Not consulting the user base before making sweeping changes. The users are your life blood, be nice to them.

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Start selling cheaper ones. The day a sub $20,000 EV comes along that can do more than 150 miles on a charge you will all shut up and take my money. I don't need fancy features, I just need something that can get me to work and back with a bit of wiggle room and never have to pay for gas again. 150 miles would be more than sufficient, but 200 would be PERFECT. Leaf and Bolt are close, can we get something a little cheaper, pretty please?

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He advertised his charity on every release, I’m sure they’d appreciate donations in his honor.


Finally? It's cost more than cable in my area for some time now. I gave up on pirating almost completely when it was just Netflix and Hulu. Now every single network has their own streaming service and they all charge a premium.... sorry guys, back to flying the Jolly Roger for me.

Yep, on Smart TV devices there's a startup tune.

Don't do that, study harder and try again.

Some of the larger subreddits shut down or turned into a John Oliver meme, one niche one I enjoyed is gone, the rest seem to be back to business as usual. At the moment? I'd say not much has changed.

Who cares, though? This isn't reddit, let's stop focusing on that and focus on Lemmy.

It's the parents job to do that, not the government's. I have kids, when they were at the age I didn't want them seeing porn I made sure it was blocked, and I educated them on safe internet browsing. I don't need the government's help with that.

This is why the ZX Spectrum was so important, in 1982 it cost £125 for the 16K model (£469 or so now). That's within the reach of many consumers. Sure, it was laughably simplistic even at launch, but if it wasn't for the Speccy I wouldn't be an IT professional today.

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OK I refuse to read the article because it's behind a paywall, but I can tell you it's 100% fake. As for TikTok, people tell me constantly "oh you just have to watch it for a while so it tailors to your interests". No, fuck that.

I stopped using Brave over the whole BAT thing, it just felt shady and weird. This article just validated my decision even more. Happy to be back with Firefox, even though Mozilla has its own issues.

A $25 gift card to a seafood restaurant. I’m allergic to seafood. The person knew this but “forgot”. I ended up giving it away.

I just call it the "I stopped caring about that site a long time ago" site.

Edge is an OK browser that's rapidly being bogged down with bloatware, just like Chrome which it sought to destroy. I'll keep using Firefox and hope the same thing never happens to it. At least they finally killed off IE.

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CloneZilla. Command line scary? RescueZilla. Both free, easy to use, and I use them in an enterprise business and have for many years if you want some proof they're safe and reliable.

Quick note: If it's your OS drive: Clone it. Shut down. Disconnect source drive before turning back on or you'll have boot issues and be scratching your head why.

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I've tried every other browser, and I keep coming back to Firefox because it's reliable, has a low memory footprint, and isn't run by some evil corporation.

A former employer bought a lifetime subscription to Evernote for me, I forget why they did that some perky new manager wanting us all to collaborate or something. I used it for notes when learning Spanish if I recall. A few years after that they canceled it and said I had to pay so I deleted my account. I entirely forgot it existed until reading this post. That's the end of my Evernote story.

George W Bush certainly caused more deaths, was just as decisive and is the reason Trump was allowed to happen. OK, so he's got a bit more of a charming personality and gives Michelle Obama candy sometimes, but that doesn't absolve him. Doesn't absolve Trump either, he's a loud mouthed buffoon who tried to start a Civil War. He has followers who will literally do anything he tells them to do. The idea of him having a second term absolutely terrifies me.

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Reddit was big before the Digg migration and got bigger still. It didn't happen overnight, it took many years. Reddit also benefited from celebrities and other influencers using it to become the default site for this type of content. Lemmy's problem is there's no void to fill, Reddit took a hit from the API fiasco but it's still going strong because 99% of the users didn't care, or returned soon after. Every subreddit I was in that chose to close down has returned to normal operation, and it's not even 2 months later.

I like Lemmy, I'm going to keep coming here to see how it grows. Right now, it's not even close to being a Reddit alternative. It's barely hanging on, but I wish it the best.

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Still works with Windows 10 keys, however. Makes sense since Windows 8 and earlier are EOL now. Also, you don't have to activate Windows if you don't want to, it'll just bug you occasionally.

People still use Twitter?

Cheap CarPlay tablet for my car, far cheaper than replacing the head unit but the quality of life update has been well worth it.

Glad I didn't pay for it, the price is just ridiculous anyway. I use the, ahem, free sites that exist all over.

Good, I never used the thing any way. I didn't mind the feature existing, I just wish they wouldn't keep trying to ram it down our throats. Now they're trying the same with Bing AI, another neat thing I'll likely never use.

Chrome and its derivatives are by far the most popular browsers, it's simply easier to go with the most common for maximum compatibility.

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I do, and I hope it happens again.

Not quite the same, but my Sunday school teacher, who was also one of my parent's best friends, was my secondary school English teacher. I was always nervous when I got a bad grade in my class, or stepped out of line he'd go tell them. To his credit, he never did, he also didn't treat me any different to all the other kids in the class. When in church, he was back to being "parent's friend mode". Good guy, he was a mentor to me outside of school and I miss him.

Looking at the Patreons alone for one channel I watch, he makes $38,000 a month. Just from Patreons. Which is $456,000 a year. That's before you get into YouTube ad revenue, sponsor spots and merchandising. This is a channel with less than 2 million subscribers. I suspect he makes 3-4 times that from the rest. So yes, $150K for equipment seems perfectly reasonable.

I know a handful of people on WhatsApp, a handful more on Signal, and a single person on Telegram who is a bit strange and thinks the world is a simulation (he's a hoot). So, basically I don't use Telegram at all because the only person I know on there isn't someone I'd want to communicate with anyway.

On our honeymoon, we went to this 5 star place in Scotland so I could "wine and dine" my new wife. I think the meal ended up being $150 back in 2000 so about $260 now. We both had the lamb and vegetables, the lamb was under cooked and the vegetables were practically raw. The dessert, on the other hand, was delicious and we got drunk on a bottle of wine. We had more fun listening to the group of older guys one upping each other with tales of their yachts. They were also very welcoming to a couple of young kids who were clearly in a place far above their income bracket. So, in all, it was crap food but we enjoyed ourselves.
