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Joined 12 months ago

They don't produce anything except some numbers. A total waste of energy. I had to laugh when this guy I know who is very "progressive" and environmentally concerned got pissy when I pointed out how much energy was wasted on bitcoin mining just because he was into it.

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I'd like to see rules for moderators, for instance they cannot ban users based on participation in other groups

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Cook, 21, testified Tuesday that he tries to confuse the targets of his pranks for the amusement of his online audience. He said he doesn’t seek to elicit fear or anger, but acknowledged his targets often react that way.

Asked why he didn’t stop the prank despite Colie’s repeated requests, Cook said he “almost did” but not because he sensed fear or anger from Colie. He said Colie simply wasn’t exhibiting the type of reaction Cook was looking for.

“There was no reaction,” Cook said.

There wasn't reacting with fear? I guess backing up and saying "stop", while you continued to shove yourself in his face, was a happy reaction?

On the video, Colie says “stop” three different times and tries to back away from Cook, who continues to advance.

He gets off on harassing people just trying to do their jobs or get through the day.

stunts, like pretending to vomit on Uber drivers and following unsuspecting customers through department stores

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Because every gun owner thinks they are "the good guys"

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The purpose of reddit is to keep people engaged while seeing ads. That's it.

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But they are seen as more productive because they are on farmers' hours

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Probably the same lazy slobs who leave frozen meat on random shelves in supermarkets because they changed their mind but are too lazy to put it back.

Trivia of the day, horseshoe crab blood is blue because it is copper based instead of iron based like our blood

How do we know your scale is right?

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I'm the guy who handles all of the 4:59 crisis because the morning people all left at 4

Make the employees shareholders then they actually have a reason to care. Either that or a bonus program.

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I've read that cats assume we are a giant, weird looking cat otherwise why are we feeding them? And they treat us as a parent causing them to stay in a juvenile state so they engage in play behavior and such. Normally the mom cat would tell her kids to move out after a few months.

The Aztecs, that would cut hearts out of people and fought with clubs edged with razor sharp rocks, worshipped a flower god (Xōchipilli) and a hummingbird god (Huītzilōpōchtli), those pansies.

That will cause some discord

America always needs a boogeyman. Maybe having all infrastructure connected to the internet and letting security sloppy contractors open access isn't a good idea either.

Meanwhile US citizens go without healthcare.

All the times I've seen people say "Try that and you'll get shot someday" finally came true.

Because, unless it is an emergency, the "come here" person expects you to drop whatever you are doing and immediately switch your attention to what they are doing. If it is only "come here" then they provide, like you say, no information as to how important it is or if you even care about it. They may not intend it but it feels like a lack of respect that their time is more important than yours.

Next they will detect if you mute the tab and go to another one to wait the ad out.

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The real question is why would you put your genome into the hands of a company without a compelling reason beyond "This sounds cool"

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I always assumed that was the case. We are still experimenting with human drivers.

"We are struggling against sanctions and need to build our own capacities up and become more independent."

"Better attack the people we need to do it then. A piece of cloth is more important than our survival."

What is with the steady criminalization and paranoia with all things sexual in the last 15 yrs or so? It feels like more than the usual paranoia.

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He's actually pretty smart. If he touched it when he was under 16 he could've been arrested for child molestation.

Reddit was great for things like "Can you recommend some Italian restaurants in the area?" Then you'd get downvoted for recommending some Italian restaurants in the area.

Well how else do you justify maintaining defense spending at 5x the next biggest military? You need a boogeyman to keep the nation spending like WW2 never ended.

Now I'm hearing there isn't enough money for Medicare or social security...

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Seeing as Sam and Greg now work for microsoft I'd say this is late

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Won't someone please think about Nintendo!?

I wonder if they send a person out to make sure he is eating gruel.

The case will go all the way to the Supreme Court!

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The guy was going into detail about what it would like to see his victims dying. I haven't seen info on what exactly triggered the shooting.

One guy pointed out his age and "Why did they need all those cops?". I don't care if you are 75, you can still pull the trigger on a semi-auto gun.

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Please do it. Let me make some popcorn first though.

Here is DisappointMINT

Bring back clippy. "I see you want a barebones, simple text editor. Let me ruin that for you."

Nah, the religious fanatics should all just move to a mountain top monastery like they did in ancient times. They'd be much happier there.

Say what you want about youtube and reddit but if you want them to censor more and more you are creating a sword that can be used against you too. I also don't like the idea of shooting the messenger no matter how much we may dislike the messages. When I hear lawsuits like this I always think it is greedy lawyers pushing people to sue because they see deep pockets.

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My impression of reddit was the opposite. Lots of people who have never set foot outside of their town saying America was the worst place on earth.

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Well they need ads to pay for streaming all of those conspiracy videos, aliens crap, repackaged copies of other videos, ai generated crap, shitty "click and subscribe!" videos, etc...

Any horse cancer drugs out there I can take?

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The balance between society and the individual has been tilted wildly to the individual. Everyone is an island now.

A couple of my coworkers will have to write their own code again and start reading documentation

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