Watching TV shows or movies that display Russia as a military superpower is almost surreal nowadays. to – 584 points –

Was just watching Jack Ryan Season 3 and seeing the display of force and their movements causes some interesting dissonance given what we know now.


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Well how else do you justify maintaining defense spending at 5x the next biggest military? You need a boogeyman to keep the nation spending like WW2 never ended.

Now I'm hearing there isn't enough money for Medicare or social security...

I was just thinking that as I was reading this post. Yeah, so they're not "right behind the US" in overall ability and preparedness, and NOW they're drained financially and their populations morale is at a low point with the drafts and the prisoner-units, who else do we have all these guns for then? Who will be the next boogeyman, and have we already laid the groundwork to say it's China?

Y'all seem to be forgetting the "axis of evil" — the justification conservatives used to double military industrial complex spending, the last time they faced cost cutting...

Only a fool would disregard the formidable economic powerhouses of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea!

TL;DR they have successfully manufactured boogeymen as needed. Realistic adversaries are unnecessary.