10 Post – 707 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes they do and to a cheryy on top. It does not grant the child the right to sign othet contracts. So they have to get permission to hire a divorce lawyer. American law, American order at it's finest

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And just off camera we have sign interpreters. We wont show them but they are there

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Bring back fairness doctrine and break up large media

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Ill get the champagne ready

hey the rest of the american grids are fine. Texas didn't want to follow certain governemnt regulation so they made their own grid.

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as a dyslexic person I had to read that 6 times to see the difference.

Oh cgp grey's favorite won

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Hey Minnesota diesnt have toes anymore

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That flag was coming right for him, he had to stand his ground it counts the time since the last openly homophobic figure was caught in a gay sex scandal

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Yeah but we cant just let massive cons like this go. Plus did anyone who really knew how cry & nft work put their money in it.

Don't be a cock tease elin just pull out already

You must have weird chickens. My lay eggs out if their cloaca.

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I can just slide my window up a bit.

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I like your Christ, you Christians are nothing like your Christ

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Holy shit trump can read

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how about working with already existing adobe alternatives and help get them better

Do it DOOOOO IT DOOO IIIIT DO IT DO IT ~read in Lucy's voice

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there was show hosted by reformed burglars. One of the things they look for was expensive things in the front yards, being in planned community with few roads going into or out of. To get past home camera they wore hats and kept looking down, and just showed up in a lawn care or pool cleaning van.

And if you look at police report and court cases, do these camera make catching thieves more likely? No they don't

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Well if i go back to school now im fucked i cant read my own hand writting.

Enshitifacation. Twitter onlyy turned a profit once, YouTube is about 20% of global bandwidth and has turned a profit. companies don't just want money they want the amount of money to always increase. So they turn to ever more exploitation to try to get it.

So his racisism is Obama's fault.

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my god that is the best meme ever

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Former real estate agent here

All you can do is talk to the hoa board. That is it. If they won't listen then you have no options. Other then pointing out this wont solve the problem and only punish members. Good luck.

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they don't want to copete with open source. Yeah that is not new.

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e^(I*pi) = -1

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Oh no, cops are trained to yell different orders so you can't cooperate.

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My first smart phone was a windows phone

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Correction, right to a safe work place, not feel safe. Feeling safe and being safe are different things. And this disconnect is actually a real problem.

your treads account is apart of your instragram account. You can't delete one and not the other. Meta said they already working away to delete just one

Recently i was hanging out with my brother. He look at some search result on my phone and asked about Neeva, that was the search engine i was using then. I explained how it worked and how it didn't push add on you.

His response was basically "so".

Yeah lots of people just don't care at all. either they think it is pointless because someone out will know about you or they don't see privacy as important

Of course the government can't do mych. In the eye of anti vaxxers the government is the problem. In fact any expert or authority will be distrusted because they are an expert or authority figure.

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Good question No, if she only advocates for amending the constitution. Yes, if she tells people to take up arns

when he turns black

so basically apple doesn't want government spyware on their phones

where are they called slotted, I have only ever heard them called flat.

what is the difference between a subscription and a never ending loan

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What they seem to want is a right to an audience.

Linux kernel + everything else you need to make a function os + a mostly free and open approach to software = Linux

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