issue uninstalling Vivaldi fixed to – 11 points –

my copy of Vivaldi seems to be terminally broken but everything i have tried to remove doesn't work. after using the scudo purge it is still in my start menu and it stills boots up in a broken state

what do i do to remove completely and try a fresh install

Ok i got it fixed I just need to remove vivaldi and clear the local cache.


Do you have synaptic in your applications?

I second this ^

Install Synaptic and remove it from there. I have used Vivaldi on KDE Neon in the past and I remove it using Synaptic, although you can also remove it from Discover.

ok i used synaptic and it removed vivaldi. then after reinstalling it the same problem happened including it loading the last session and bookmarks

From what did you install deb package, flatpak or snap.


Are you sure the deb didn't quietly install a snap package? The last time I tried, it tried to wget a .snap from

sudo apt purge vivaldi-stable Then, as yourself (not root): rm -rf ${HOME}/.cache/vivaldi ${HOME}/.config/vivaldi

That removes the package, and your personal stored config and cache of the browser. NOTE: rm -rf is permanent without a backup or snapshot to restore from. Don't delete these unless you are certain you want to.

ok how do I make I'm myself not at the root level

Open a new terminal and you should be fine. When using sudo you get root level access.