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Joined 1 years ago

a.k.a. "Not the real McCoy"

I take my coffee black, like my men. A line from the movie Airplane. My wife made me quit saying it, that servers today don't know the movie, and so it's just creepy instead of funny now. :(

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Use Signal messenger and have it set for auto deletion of messages if you must message!!!

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Good. This further hinders their ad revenue.

Are you kidding? I remove nano on purpose so I can sit there and watch them struggle!

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Thanks, you two... I needed that. :)

When it is not from you.

Fricken hate it!

Linux has saved the lives of many during the 2000's. Friends... Family... Boomers... When they ran windows, I was constantly bothered to fix their computers for them.

  • Defrag
  • Unclose-able pop-ups
  • Multiple browser search bar plugins
  • Virus

You name it. Started switching them over to Linux. They weren't running anything beyond email and a browser.

I cannot count how many lives it saved... from me. :)

The horror!

I try not to do that. I don't like them.

Ditto. Although I prefer my intolerance of the intolerant to be rather spicy. Getting moderated or banned for standing up to them REALLY use to chap my hide.

What? No "Esc. Shift+ZZ" ?

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I'm using Ubuntu on mine almost daily as a VM with UTM in hypervisor mode. Can't call 3d acceleration stable yet, it can lock up often... but with that, I only get about one lockup a week.

That could almost be a line from The Jerk.

Whadyaknow!?! The new FidoNet works!

Came here to scare you that would say this.

sudo apt purge vivaldi-stable Then, as yourself (not root): rm -rf ${HOME}/.cache/vivaldi ${HOME}/.config/vivaldi

That removes the package, and your personal stored config and cache of the browser. NOTE: rm -rf is permanent without a backup or snapshot to restore from. Don't delete these unless you are certain you want to.

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Welcome back to IRC. :)

Pretty simple, really. Buy a console for gaming, or a separate machine for gaming. I don't game, the joy of that died with the loss of lan parties and Tribes II.

Choose a system, make it your daily driver for work and home, and you will form the habits and muscle memory. Don't and it will remain a struggle to some degree or another.

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Niche, huh? Linux dang near runs the world. Not being a primary gaming platform does not make it niche.

It’s straight up vi, bro.



My experimentation with gaming using Steam had gone just fine, as well. But I hear it all the time, that Linux and gaming have issues. My response to them is pretty much that I don't care. I don't use Linux for gaming. Gaming isn't my thing. To me, gamers and their needs are completely unimportant, as the pass time is just a waste.

Oof, no. Some people are people. Have you met people? Do not recommend.

No different then a good bug report. Try something, if it doesn't work, research why. If after you've researched and tried everything you can, then present your case to others. By that point you can show what things you've tried and didn't work, and what sources/references you used.

Wish I could say that was an improvement.

That’s a very boomer like attitude. Learn or get left behind.

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the other

Not wanting to learn is just boring and lazy.

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Because learning is a good thing.

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Sounds like a feature, not a bug.

There are Youtube videos, books, magazines, forums, chats... Not knowing how to use settings once, in a pinch? Sure. But forever staying that way towards it? That's on you, not Linux or any other OS.

It's called learning. Try it sometime.

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That's a flaw with the people, not the OS.

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I see what you did there. lol