30 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fair enough, you do you.

For the record, no rm -r in the script.

The only rm command, line 394: rm "${UEBERZUG_FIFO_MAGIC_TAPE}"

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But if others take the chance and it sticks around a bit, I’ll come around ;-)

Hey, like many bash scripts, this one is just a glorifief one-liner. But I use it everyday, I am biased, of course, but it is rather convenient, and prevents me from getting lost in rabbit holes.

given the number of stories I’ve heard (and experienced) about Bash’s tricky syntax leading to Bad Things,

Been there, done that!

Thank you, I will definetely check it out.

Thanks, any feedback is appreciated.

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I totally undersand what you are saying. Initially, the original project used local text-to-speech, but was less than perfect, slower and cpu-costly.

You can check it out here

Once a FOSS solution gets better and more usable, swapping the tts conversion is not a great deal.

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Indeed piper performs very well. Thank you for the input, I will most certainly consider adding the option to select tts engine in the near future, piper sounds totally worth it.

And, as far as

send-your-text-to-Microsoft bit goes, well, if MS wants a copy of Brothers Karamazov, they can save themselves the trouble and get it here , it is free

Do you mean an option to choose between various tts methods?

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If you are referring to locally generated speech synthesis, the respecting outcome as far as I am concerned generally sounds generally poorer, and is more difficult to manage. However you can check out the original project, where the audio files are generated locally.

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Somehow things seem similar (perhaps better) in Greece:

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Of course, next time I feel like writing a script, I will make sure that I let you know first, and get your approval.

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Don't give me new ideas...

Oh, the FUN parts.

I initially tried to incorporate past attempts to generate a sudoku 9x9 matrix, even added a backtracking routine that would detect and exclude duplicate solutions. Unfortunately, the whole process of generating a new puzzle was taking about 30". What is more, the outcome, although symmetrical and all, was not what I wanted. The routines were in c. You can have a look if you like:

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Maybe. Respectfuly, feel free to move along. I fail to see the aim of your message.

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Here is the solution just for you:

  • get to the tui-mines/ directory
  • open a terminal there
  • run this command sed -i 's/k|A/w|A/;s/h|D/a|D/;s/j|B/s|B/;s/l|C/d|C/'

Run the script ./

You can now play using lower case awsd.

As a matter of fact it is one of the scripts that I cannot do without, I use it everyday, it is very convenient. But then again I wrote it myself, so I can't be objective.

Thanx for pointing out, it is now fixed in the repo and in the script, however I cannot update the preview image here on Lemmy... so this spelling error will stick out like a sore thumb.

Update: Fixed.

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  • Excellent catch! This one slipped through! I just fixed the bug, thank you very much!

I am happy you like it!

I like xed for coding. Simple, costumisable enough, great experience.

Someone should come up with a new distro with the name potatOS, just for cases like this .

Linuxmint with xfce, perfect.

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IMPORTANT UPDATE: Since many youngsters who unlike me, a senior citizen, live on the edge and hate vim keys or arrow keys, have requested an alternative navigation keys set up, I have just implemented a configuration option that satisfies just that.

By editing the config file (either within the application or just editing ~/.config/tui-mines/tui-mines.config, and changing the NAVIGATION_KEYS value from vim+arrows (default) to aswd+arrows, the user can use the aswd keys to navigate in the game grid, just as requested.

No other commands or hacks are needed.

Arrow keys remain hardcoded, because they remind me of my youth, as an archer, during the Peloponnesian War

Hey nobody's prefect.

I must admit I had to look sxmo up...


Through the script you could go to, pick the stations you fancy and headbang yourself unconscious... 🎸 🤘

01010011 01101000 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110101 01110000 00100000 01100010 01100001 01100010 01111001 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100001

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I am still using the arrow keys, I must be an idiot , too. If this script helps you with the vim movements, you can check out for the same reason two or three scripts of mine, in the same repo: tui-mines, mneme,tui-sudoku.

De gustibus et coloribus... I like bash.

It works for me.

About .local/bin/ not existing, or not being in the $PATH, that is why I also propose running the script locally, from the same directory with ./

Thanks, I am glad you like it.

Hey, I know the guy who wrote the script, he is great.

By the way: Who's "we"? Do you represent a group of people? Are you elected to speak for someone? Or is it the plural of some royal family? Please.

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This script could might as well be an one-liner. It was simple and easy.

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This is very annoying, especially in wordle.

For this I chose the word list as is contained in /usr/share/dict/words, minus words with upper-case letters, words with apostrophe and words containing letters with accent marks. One minor thing I have to do is "grep" rid of latin numerals that pop up, like xxxvi,xxiv etc.

01110010 01101111 01100110 01101100

😂 😂 😂 😂

Thanks, any feedback would be welcome!

  • As mentioned above, this script is using the word list contained in /usr/share/dict/words.

    If your distro doesn't include this installed, you can install the respective package (wordlist, words) using the respective command (apt, pacman).

  • ADDITIONALLY, if someone wishes to play the game using a different word list, they can do so, editing LINE 17of the


change to
