Rudy Giuliani: Electing Obama has 'taken us back 40 or 50 years on race relations' to politics – 412 points –
Rudy Giuliani: Electing Obama has 'taken us back 40 or 50 years on race relations'

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So his racisism is Obama's fault.

Yeah, he claimed whites only hate blacks now because Obama was their only experience with them

Well, how could it be anything else? Obama is so DIVISIVE.

Look, the country just wasn't "ready" yet for a democratically elected, centrist, fiscally conservative, ~brown~, America-first, pro troop, business friendly, candidate. There's just ~something~ about him that was too radical for many people. 🤷

I bet it was that fancy Dijon mustard.

It was that goddammed tan suit. What kind of president could rock one of those? What kind of president has any style or fashion sense? It’s just un-American

My favorite part was how they would make up New Traditions just so they could accuse Obama violating them, when none of these violated Traditions were ever historically a thing. They were legitimately making things up just to be mad about them

"Race relations" is itself a racist notion, the idea that a race is a real ontological entity and that people can be spokespersons on behalf of a race. This usually means meritocratic elitist race representatives dismissing notions of racial justice which threaten economic arrangements that sustain the system that causes racial disparities in the first place. "Race relations" is how you get things like entrepreneurial programs (half of all businesses fail in general) for racialized business owners instead of improved social services.